Decorative panels for walls: how to use in the interior

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Decorative panels for walls and ceilings
Decorative panels for walls and ceilings

Decorative panels for walls and ceilings in the modern world are used quite often. They are different in their characteristics and composition. But they have an undeniable advantage, they allow you to do the job quickly and you can get a completely non-repeatable finish.

Today we will consider decorative panels for walls, you will learn about their types and finishes. And after watching the video in this article and photo you can make your right choice.

The main advantages of wall panels

Decorative wall panels have many advantages over other materials.

Let's get to know them better:

  • Decorative sheet panels for walls quickly cover all the flaws of the walls. And it turns out a flat and attractive plane.
  • Insulation or water-repellent material can be placed in the voids between the wall and the panels.while solving the problem of warming.
  • Proper installation of the structure ensures a smooth surface of the walls.
  • Easy to handlethat allows you to cut perfectly flat parts or curly elements.
  • Manual recreation possible decorative elements such as columns, arches (see Arch in the apartment: transformation into a decorative design), bas-reliefs, cornices, etc.

Panel materials have a different price segment, which makes it possible to choose both a budget option and the most sophisticated types of decor.

Plywood panels are often used to finish wall and ceiling surfaces (see Panel Ceiling: Material and Finish) Thanks to this material, the room takes on ideal forms in a short time. The use of panels eliminates the need for wallpapering and the use of expensive ceiling coverings.

Attention: If wall decoration is supposed, the thickness of the sheets should be 5-7 mm.

  • When choosing panels for rooms with high humidity (kitchen (see Paneling the kitchen: interesting ideas), bathroom, toilet) it is necessary to pay attention to the marking, the best option is FCF.
  • If you plan to finish standard living quarters, suitable material brand FC.
  • Before installing plywood panels, it is necessary to prepare a frame of racksthat drive into the wall and are located at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Plywood sheets are mounted using nails with an interval of 30 cm.

Hardboard panels

Fibreboard decorative panels for interior wall decoration (see Lining the walls of fiberboard panels - how to do it) are sheets of wood chips. They are made by pressing sawdust in combination with adhesives. Often used for residential premises.

Using fiberboard panels
Using fiberboard panels


  • Very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, therefore, for summer cottages and kitchens this is not the most suitable option. It can be mounted both on a wooden frame with nails and on the wall with adhesives.
  • The most durable adhesive is bustilate., which is enough to apply on the surface with a thin layer (2-5 mm.). The panels are selected depending on the flexibility and flexibility of the material, their thickness can vary from 3 to 7 mm.
  • Modern fiberboard panels have various classifications and design markings. Depending on the density of the product, the sheets can be soft, semi-solid and super-hard.Modern technologies allow you to perform the material in various shades, which allows you to apply many design solutions.
  • The most popular among designers are panels "under the tree"however, this type of product is the most expensive. If you plan to finish the kitchen or bathroom, for these purposes it is better to use a material with high resistance to moisture - laminated panels made of fiberboard.
    Chipboard panels
  • Decorative relief panels for walls can be made.and they are pretty popular right now

In the manufacture of chipboard sheets, wood fibers are used that are pressed and treated with moisture-resistant substances. Isoplaat is recognized as the most environmentally friendly type of slabs, since harmful impurities and carcinogens (formaldehydes, silicates) are not involved in the production.

MDF panels

These decorative panels for interior walls are wood fiber sheets (see Facing MDF panels of walls and ceilings), which include fractions of wood and synthetic materials for ligaments.

The use of MDF panels for walls
The use of MDF panels for walls


  • Due to the impurity of lignin, this decorative panel for walls is characterized by high density and strength, and also have the properties of sound insulation and heat saving.
  • In addition, the surface of the product has an attractive appearance in terms of aesthetics. The arsenal has many sheets with different types of finishes: varnishing, decoration with wood figures in the form of ornaments, painting in various colors.
  • Wall decoration with MDF panels allows you to quickly give a flat look to the surfaces of the walls, minimizing costs.

Wood panels for wall decoration are solid sheets of a homogeneous material without the use of adhesives, which makes this type of panels the most environmentally friendly decor option.

Panels have many varieties and shapes:

  • Eurolining.
  • Block house
  • Lining
  • Wooden panels.
  • Imitation of a bar.

Decorating a room with wood panels today is more than ever very popular.

Attention: Modern technologies make it possible to make fancy design variants of panels from valuable species of wood. To give moisture resistance, wooden boards are treated with wax, which significantly extends the service life and makes the material more practical.

In addition to homogeneous plates, there are also composite panels, the inner part of which is made of pine wood, and the outer surface is covered with expensive types of wood: cherry, oak, Karelian birch, etc. This production technology significantly reduces the cost of panels with a solid look from expensive wood.

The use of precious wood panels as a decoration material gives the room a rich finish and significantly emphasizes the status of the owner of the apartment. There is a huge selection of ornamentation for every taste.

PVC panels

In addition to wood panels, plastic decorative panels are no less popular. The main advantages of this element of decor:

Using PVC panels
Using PVC panels
  • Ideal for walls of rooms with high humidity.
  • A variety of color shades and textures allows you to create interiors in the most extraordinary color combinations.
  • The production of such panels does not allow the use of toxic and carcinogenic materials, which facilitates the further operation of the products.
  • Especially for the decoration of the kitchen, panels with transfer printing are produced, which are distinguished by their unique style and durability.

Modern panels have strength and soundproofing properties, which allows them to be used as partitions indoors. Such structures are easily and quickly erected and are a great alternative to traditional brick or plasterboard partitions.

Panel Installation

Everyone can install decorative panels for interior wall decoration with their own hands. Moreover, in principle, the installation system is no different. Subsequent wall panel decor can also be done. Let's look at what needs to be done for a full cladding.

Preparation for installation - an important decoration process

The more accurately the installation is planned, the faster the work process will proceed.

The main stages of planning:

  • For the right choice of decor elements, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the commercial costs of materials.
  • Having a living plan with an indication of scale will help you calculate the required number of sheets for work.
  • A very productive activity is monitoring companies and comparing prices. Sometimes companies make substantial discounts on some models.
  • To accurately calculate the amount of required materials, mathematical operations should be performed: multiply the values ​​of height and length, then subtract the area indicator of the door and window openings. 10% of the area is added to the result (to take into account the fit).
  • Significantly cheaper materials will be in bulk purchase. In this case, significant discounts are provided for transportation.
  • It is necessary to take care in advance of the availability of tools for work.
  • If an order for finishing the premises with wood panels is provided, the amount of material is supplied strictly in accordance with the area of ​​the working surface, which avoids construction waste.

Wood paneling

There are two ways to decorate the walls with wood panels.

The first involves the installation of a frame made of wood or metal:

  1. First, the processing of the elements of the wooden frame with antifungal soil
  2. At equal distance from each other, bars in the form of a lattice are driven into the wall - to create a frame. The most popular option is a beam 30x50 mm thick. If the use of insulation is provided, the use of a bar of 40x60 mm will be rational. (these dimensions will be quite enough for laying insulating material).
  3. Decorative types of panels should be mounted on vertical or horizontal elements of the crate. The main condition is the maintained distance between the bars, not exceeding 60 cm.
  4. For faster and more reliable installation of PVC panels, it is recommended to use a construction stapler and staples that provide a strong grip.
  5. For the fastening of wood panels, special locks are used, which are inserted into the timber using self-tapping screws. After installation, fasteners are closed with decorative details of furniture decoration.
  6. The use of corner elements greatly facilitates the installation process and creates the effect of completeness of the interior.
  7. If you decide to install a lining or blockhouse, you should take care of insect protection and treat wood sheets with stain.
  8. Installation of panels in rooms with high humidity requires additional varnishing.

The second installation method involves the use of glue. This type of fastening significantly saves time and energy costs, saves space, but not every surface is suitable for adhesive mounting.

The necessary conditions:

  • Perfectly smooth wall structure. The slightest differences and deviations from the norm can exert significant pressure on the sheets in the places of the recesses.
  • No contamination on the adhesive surface. On the wall there should be no pollution in the form of dust, lime, oil stains, otherwise, the glue may not seize.
  • Reliable glue selection. There are many options for adhesives: liquid nails, polyurethane foam, PVA glue, hot melt adhesive. When choosing you can be guided by the recommendations of other users and financial capabilities.

Attention: The adhesive composition is distributed pointwise on the back side of the panels in large portions, after its sheet is pressed against the wall and carefully tapped.


You can apply decorative embossed for walls and flat panels for decoration. On their installation, experts give their recommendations.

  • The use of panels in combination with other types of decor will bring a pleasant variety to the appearance of the room.
  • The fastening of the structure is best done in the castle way - to provide a beautiful decor.
  • The use of a plastic film as a lining for a panel frame will protect the walls from condensation and dampness.
  • It is better to buy a batch of sheets from one manufacturer, since different plants use individual technology in the manufacture. Products of the same brand, manufactured in different places, can significantly differ in quality and have poor compatibility.
  • Before installation, frame elements must be saturated with soil. This will extend the life of the structure.
  • Joints between sheets should be closed with special trim elements, which can be purchased with fasteners.

You have now studied the decorative panels for walls and you can make your choice. All decoration can be done with your own hands and then its price will not be significant. The instruction will help you make your choice without errors. And on the pages of the site you can find detailed articles on any of the building decoration materials.

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