How to paint plastic windows: do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

PVC window painting

Can I paint plastic windows myself? This question is asked by many. And although many now use ordinary white plastic windows, they do not always fit the interior. In some cases, colored products are required, for example, brown is now popular, and in order to get it, it is necessary to make coloring.

How to paint plastic windows and how to do it right, we will consider today.

Alternative painting options

If you do not know how to paint the PVC windows, first we will consider the options for painting.

There are several technologies by which it is possible to industrially produce colored PVC. Manufacturers can use either one method of painting, or a combination of several methods. Let's consider how and how to paint plastic windows:

  1. Profile with painted mass. By production color polyvinyl chloride is used. Profiles are presented only in white, as well as in brown. At the same time, the structure of brown PVC has slight differences from the standard. In order to prevent the profile from fading over time, it is covered with a special acrylic film. It is also a reliable protection against window deformation with regular exposure to the sun. At the same time, neither the protective film, nor the shade of the profile in any way reduce the durability of the window.
  2. Coextrusion method. In the forms that are necessary for the final version of the profile, plastic of the desired shade is added. This method is suitable for those PVCs that will be used in areas with sharp temperature changes. During the use of this method, a structure with high strength is obtained.
  3. Varnishing. An easy way to make colored PVC. The profile is simply covered with a special tool with a chemical composition in several layers. Then it is placed in an oven to dry under a little heat. It turns out varnishing on the profile, which not only gives the desired shade, but also makes the texture unusual to the touch.
  4. Acrylic Lamination. This method of painting the profile is the most reliable and durable. For lamination use special equipment. Do everything by knurling method. It is worth noting that the choice of shades of lamination is very diverse. Among the advantages - a rich color palette, extended life and the presence of additional protection.
  5. Paint spraying. In this process, polyurethane enamel is used. Instead, acrylic paint from several components can be used. The main advantage of the method is its simple application. It is best to use it when updating an already installed window.

Rules for painting PVC windows

All work mainly depends on the quality of the prepared plane, because in this case the dye will lie evenly and will last a long time. All work is done in several stages, let's get to know them better.

Preparation for painting

Coloring of plastic windows begins with preparation, because the surface is glossy, and the dye simply does not stick to it. Therefore, the surface must be made matte.

The durability of the coating will depend on the quality of the preparation. If you do it wrong, then the dye will flake, and the price will not increase.

preparation of a plastic window for painting

The instruction is as follows:

  • The surface must be completely clean. There should be no trace of dirt.The same applies to dusty, adhesive or silicone particles. Before the start of the process, the profile surface is cleaned with compressed air. This allows you to get rid of dusty residues, shavings from plastic. The protective film is also removed. The rest of the window, which cannot be painted, must be protected with masking tape.
  • It is necessary to soak a rag with a special solution for cleaning. Next, they treat the surface of the profile in order to degrease it and clean it of adhesive residues and remove static stress. Then the profile is left for several minutes and the cleaner is allowed to evaporate from the surface. Only then can paint be applied.
  • Also, at least one hour before the start of painting tint the paint in the necessary shade. A viscosity control is carried out, and if necessary, it is regulated by adding purified water to the paint. Before use, the paint is filtered.

The process of painting plastic windows

The profile surface of polyvinyl chloride is carefully studied. It should not only be perfectly clean, but also absolutely dry.

applying paint to a plastic window

Caution: Make sure that there are no residues or traces of silicone or glue.

  • Before starting work, it is important to protect the remaining parts of the profile that will not be painted with a masking tape.
  • Statistical stress and grease on the surface can spoil the paint application process. You should take a piece of fabric, soak it with a special cleaner, and then carefully and gently wipe it with the surface of the profile. After the window, they remain at rest for several minutes until the cleaner evaporates. Only after this can you start painting PVC plastic.
  • Paint needs to be prepared. When choosing paint, you should first look at its markings. The packaging should indicate that the paint is suitable for covering it with a PVC surface.
  • The paint must be loaded into the gun. First make sure that the tool is not only clean, but also completely dry. Please note that room conditions must also be suitable. The temperature in the room should be 18 degrees, and humidity about 80%.
  • Only one coat of paint should be applied to the plastic profile. And the thickness should be 80 microns, while deviating from this indicator is not recommended.
  • If the paint layer is thicker, so that the profile is completely dry, it will take much more time, which, in turn, can provoke damage to the decorative look of the profile.
  • Especially popular in recent years is the metallic shade. She can also cover plastic profiles. However, in this case, it is recommended to make two layers, and not one. The first layer is applied with a thickness of not more than 100 microns and not less than 80 and left to dry. On average, it takes about 10 hours. After drying, the profile is covered with a second layer. But this should already be not paint, but colorless varnish. The layer should have a thickness of not more than 80 microns.

The nuances of staining

The coextrusion method is very popular and is considered one of the most reliable. With its help, it is possible to create an acrylic coating on the front side of PVC, while you can choose a variety of shades.

Attention: if you are thinking about what exactly it is worth painting a profile, we advise you to choose acrylic varnish. Such coloring will create the appearance of a velvety surface, as well as give it a dull finish.

Window frames painted in any color are easy to care for and wash. Moreover, their wear resistance is quite high. They do not cause any harm to health.

Before you start painting PVC windows with your own hands, it is important to learn about some features:

  1. when the window has a dark shade surface, it is recommended to cover it with an acrylic film, because color dyes are destroyed by external factors, and the film will serve as protection;
  2. Dark shades of paint absorb a lot of heat.

In the process of painting a profile, there is nothing complicated, it is only important to follow the recommendations of specialists. Color profiles painted in bright saturated shades will become the property of any room and will become the object of attention of all guests.

Drying windows after staining


  • If there is a wet film with a thickness of 80 to 120 microns, a room temperature of about 23 degrees and a humidity of 65%, the coating will dry in an hour. The coating will completely dry in at least a week.
  • In order for the metallic to dry, you need to wait 10 hours. If the wet layer is thicker, the room temperature will be lower, and the humidity will be very high, then the time required for the profile to completely dry out will increase several times.
  • There is a special technology for faster drying, applied at a temperature of 50 degrees. In the first couple of minutes, the temperature keeps about 25 degrees, then it increases. Humidity in this case should be from 50 to 70%.

Thus, we have given many ways to paint plastic windows at home. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. A plastic window in color will certainly become one of the main objects of attention in your home. Caring for it will not be different from washing a standard window.

Attention: a similar procedure for painting PVC windows does not reduce the quality characteristics and durability of the product.

The paints used are environmentally friendly, non-toxic and will not cause any harm to the health of those living in the house.

How to paint plastic windows with your own hands you now know: for a start, paint for plastic windows is chosen in the right way, and then the base plane is prepared. Everything must be done carefully and accurately, only in this case the dye will lie evenly and will last a long time.

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