Decorative plaster bark beetle: material features

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Stucco decorative bark beetle
Stucco decorative bark beetle

Decorative bark beetle stucco appeared on the sales market not so long ago. But already has its admirers. Today we will consider what decorative bark beetle plasters are, where they are used and how to prepare them correctly. Also, you will see the stucco decorative bark beetle video tutorials that will help make the preparation and application correct.

What is a bark beetle?

From the video decorative plaster bark beetle you can find out that this material can be of two types, it is acrylic and gypsum.

  • Gypsum plaster sold in the form of dry mixes and packaged in bags.
  • Acrylic plaster is sold in buckets and ready for use, while gypsum still needs to be mixed.
  • Each manufacturer has his own recipe for the preparation of building mixtures, but they all have almost the same additive, in the form of small mineral or marble granules.

Attention: Decorative stucco bark beetle video tutorials will show the difference in material by fraction. In the market of putty and plaster mixes, you can find materials having granules in sizes from 0.1 to 3.5 mm. The granularity of such a plaster determines the scope of its application.

Advantages and characteristics of the material

Bark beetle decorative plaster video will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the material and will raise the issue of its characteristics for use.

Main parameters:

  • The possibility of using polymer and mineral additives, which makes the material lighter, which reduces the load on the main structure.
  • Its composition does not contain toxic substances, which makes this decorative plaster environmentally friendly.
  • The temperature conditions of such putty are in the range from -55 ° C to + 60 ° C. Moreover, it is fire resistant and does not fade in the sun, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful substances.
  • Applied to the surface without breaking technology can serve for a long time without being exposed to atmospheric precipitation and the appearance of mold and fungi.
  • It is resistant to mechanical stress: can be cleaned with a sponge and vacuum cleaned. At the same time, it can withstand not strong blows.
  • The base color of this plaster is white, but you can get any color of bark beetle by adding dye to the finished mixture, while it is very well painted (see. Painting bark beetle plaster - all ways).
  • Prices for such plaster are not high, which makes it affordable for all segments of the population.


Plaster decorative bark beetle consumption depends on the area and surface differences of the coating. Based on its main characteristics, the scope of such putty is very large.

You can decorate the building with bark beetle plaster both outside and inside. In the course of the article, some options for using such a finish will be considered.


  • You can get a different surface texture due to the direction of movement. The drawing is obtained depending on the direction of movement: if the movement is carried out along, then one drawing, and if across - then another. Real masters of the “bark beetle” are capable of depicting unique ornaments on the walls of buildings.
  • Decorative bark beetle plaster makes it possible to show real skill and imagination, and therefore, its use is not limited to the examples below.

Material selection

Before proceeding with home decoration, you need to choose the right material. There are a lot of manufacturers, but attention should be paid to graininess, since the texture of the bark beetle will depend on it.

Attention: It is necessary to know that the greater the granularity, the more material will be spent on decorating the housing.

  • Next, you need to determine the type of plaster: it can be a finished mixture or dry plaster, which will have to be prepared independently.
  • Ready mixes are more convenient and better, as they are mixed in the factory and have the same consistency. But, such mixtures are much more expensive, and if dry plaster is prepared correctly, then it will yield little more than finished.
  • In this case, it all depends on the financial capabilities, which determine that factor, and whether it is worth it to mix the putty at home: I bought and cover the surface.

Attention: Packed material will always be more expensive. Therefore, the price of decoration is increasing. With a large amount of work, it is much more profitable to do it yourself.

Completing of the work

Such plaster is intended for application to building structures that have good adhesion to the bark beetle.

  • As a rule, this is drywall, brick, concrete, stone, etc. Plaster has a decorative purpose, and therefore it is not recommended to use it for sealing shells and cracks. At the same time, it can also be applied to ceilings (see Decorative stucco on the ceiling: application technology), which can be seen in the provided photo.
  • The technology for applying the “bark beetle” is simple, and anyone can master it. The main thing is to follow the technology and not deviate from the instructions that are on each package of bark beetle plaster.

To decorate housing with such stucco, you need to stock up:

  • Spatulas;
  • Plastic grater;
  • A bucket;
  • Electric drill with nozzle;
  • Stucco "bark beetle".

To begin with, the plaster must be mixed (if it is a dry mixture) and only then can you start applying it to the prepared surface:

  • To do this, prepare the surface: clean from dust, grease stains or dirt. If the surface is not even, then it must be leveled with a sand-cement mixture or putties for outdoor use. At the same time, surface irregularities should not exceed the size of the grains of the stucco mixture.
  • Before applying to the surface, the latter must be primed or a layer of paint-soil of the same shade as the plaster should be applied to it. After the primer layer has completely dried, you can start applying the “bark beetle”.
  • It should be noted that the result will be excellent if materials from one company are used. Instructions for the use of bark beetle plaster indicate which brand these or other materials must be used in intermediate operations. So, for example, the “bark beetle” of the brand “Ceresit” involves the use of a CT16 primer.

Mixture preparation

Now let's look at how to make decorative bark beetle plaster. As a rule, dry mixes are used, which are much cheaper than ready-made ones. In order to use the mixture, you need to add a certain amount of water to it and stir.

Preparing a solution
Preparing a solution

It might look like this:

  • In a bucket you need to pour water and add plaster;
  • The water temperature should be room temperature (15 ° С-20 ° С);
  • Stir the composition using a mixer;
  • After obtaining the desired density, the mixture is left for several minutes and mixed again.

Decorative bark beetle plaster after preparation should have a thick sour cream structure. It should not run off the surface and spoil the picture.

Attention: If the mixture began to thicken during operation, it means that it was prepared more than necessary. It is not recommended to bring it to the desired consistency by adding water.It is necessary to breed it as long as it can be worked out before it begins to set. It is better to knead it less, then there will be a guarantee that the surface of the "bark beetle" will be reliable.

Application Technique

Plaster decorative bark beetle video will show the correct application of the material. Moreover, decorative plaster for the walls of the bark beetle is the same for application to external and external surfaces. The material is applied to the surface with a spatula or grater.

Photo of applying bark beetle to the surface
Photo of applying bark beetle to the surface
  • The tool is located at an angle of 60 degrees to the applied surface and the plaster spreads along the wall with a wide movement. From what granularity the bark beetle has, the thickness of the applied layer will be formed. After the plaster ceases to take on the tool, you can begin to form a picture.
  • The drawing is developed depending on the selected pattern and is obtained as a result of horizontal, vertical, cross, circular movements of the working tool. The photos provided show how the drawing of the “bark beetle” is produced depending on the direction of movement of the plasterer's hand.
  • You can learn more about the method of applying this decorative plaster by watching the corresponding video in this article.
  • The method of applying the bark beetle requires continuity of the process, so it is advisable to cover the selected surface in one go without any breaks and dinners. After that, the plaster is allowed to dry. This can take from 1 to 3 days, depending on the ambient temperature. With high-quality application of plaster, the surface should not have joints and visible transitions, but have a smooth and uniform surface.

In conclusion, it should be noted the shortcomings of such a surface, since without them the conversation about the “bark beetle” would not be complete.

Attention: The main drawback of textured surfaces is that they actively collect dust. Then, under the influence of wind force, it actively begins to spread in the air in the vicinity of housing.

This is such a dust sponge, but unlike a sponge, the bark beetle not only collects, but gradually spreads this dust around itself. Of course, not only the bark beetle collects dust, but also other surfaces, but if you consider that the price of plaster is not cheap, you can think about whether to decorate your home with such plaster, although the choice is always up to those who decide make your home more modern and attractive.

Do-it-yourself decorative plastering of bark beetle is applied quite simply. Therefore, look at its characteristics and the possibility of application, and with a positive decision, you can get to work. With the right job, decorative plaster ‘bark beetle will last you quite a while.

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