Putty for exterior work - affordable material for the decoration of facades
Choosing the painting of walls as a facade finish, they must be qualitatively prepared for applying a decorative coating. What material to choose for this?
Best of all is cement cerisite putty for outdoor work in the form of a dry mixture or a finished composition on a polymer basis. What are their advantages?
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Types and properties of facade putties
The first rule when choosing the right composition: it must have a mark on its packaging that indicates the area of application. In our case, putty is necessary for the facade (see.Facade putty - features of choice and use) Not just moisture- or frost-resistant, but specifically designed for external use.
No gypsum-based mixture is uniquely suited, since gypsum absorbs moisture very well, and the coating from it will not last long.
Composition and purpose
But also the outside putty for walls It is different, both in composition and in purpose. As for the composition, the choice is limited to mixtures based on cement or polymer resins, i.e. those substances that have high strength after drying and perfectly resist the most adverse weather conditions.
The difference between the two is as follows:
- Polymer putties are available in finished form, their price is higher, but it is easier to work with them.
- And cement should be prepared immediately before application, stirring with water and independently determining the optimal consistency.
Which one to choose is up to you. It depends on financial capabilities and on the availability of experience in puttying. The finished mixture, of course, is more convenient.
Also, facade putty, regardless of composition, can be starting and finishing:
- The starter has a coarser, coarse-grained structure and is used for the initial, rough leveling of surfaces. It has high adhesion to concrete, lime, brick and other mineral substrates.
It fills joints in masonry, deep cracks, chips and other irregularities. The layer thickness can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
Note. It is better to apply several thin layers than one thick one - the quality will be higher. In addition, not being a specialist and doing this work for the first time with your own hands, it is quite difficult the first time to maintain the same coating thickness over the entire area.
- Putty finishing for outdoor use it has a fine-grained structure and is intended for the final leveling of the surface, giving it smoothness. Although there are special decorative mixtures with additives from coarse quartz sand or marble chips to give the facades a textured texture.
What properties should a material have?
Putty of the house from the outside is intended not only to give it a neat and aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the walls from all those influences to which they will be exposed during the entire period of operation.
These are primarily natural phenomena: rain, snow, high humidity, sun rays, frost, sudden changes in temperature, etc. In addition, the facade experiences greater mechanical stress than internal walls.
Do not forget about maintaining a healthy microclimate in the house, which largely depends on the exterior walls.
Based on this, we can conclude that the facade putty should have the following properties:
- Water resistant;
- Frost resistance;
- Vapor permeability;
- Strength;
- Elasticity and low degree of shrinkage so that cracks do not form;
- Environmental friendliness.
It is especially important that the finishing putty of the external walls has these properties, since the main load falls on it.
Application features
It is hardly necessary to describe in detail the process of puttying facades - the technology is no different from the similar decoration of internal walls.
Just recall the main points and recommendations that any instruction on using these materials contains:
- The base before putty should be cleaned of unsteady old coating, influx of masonry mortar, dirt, traces of oil;
- Under each layer of the solution it is necessary to apply a deep penetration primer to increase adhesion;
- You can work only at air temperature not lower than + 5-10 degrees and humidity not higher than 75-80%;
It is important! Strong heat above 25 degrees is also not the best time for finishing: putty dries too quickly, which can lead to cracking. With a high degree of probability this will happen if it is applied to walls heated by the sun.
- It is necessary to adhere to the layer thickness recommended by the manufacturer, not to exceed it;
- Do not mix putty with other building mixtures;
- Until the finished surface gains strength and freezes, it must be protected from exposure to sunlight and rain by covering with a film.
Facade putty is used for finishing walls, window and door slopes. Often it is used to level the bases in rooms with high humidity.
The most common method of decorative putty finishing is painting with facade paints. It is often combined with the cladding of individual elements and corners of buildings with natural or artificial stone.
The video in this article will tell more about this material and its application.