Decorative plaster for walls: make a choice
Decorative plaster is a very interesting type of decorative material for walls. Moreover, nowadays you can choose or easily make any color or shade. It also conquers a wide variety of textures, textures and effects created using different types of plaster. What is decorative wall plaster video will show a few examples.
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Classification of decorative plaster
Decorative plaster has several advantages, for example:
- The resulting pattern is unique.
- This finish is difficult to damage.
- When contaminated, it is easy to clean.
- A large selection allows you to choose plaster for any style of interior.
- A good assortment of colors will allow you to choose the right color.
- Not finding a rare shade, it is easy to do it yourself.
- Fairly affordable price.
- Easy to apply. Do-it-yourself wall plastering decorative, can be applied even without work experience. Just read a few articles or watch a video.
- Keeps soundproof well.
- Not afraid of humidity and temperature changes.
Decorative plaster has many more advantages and each type has additional advantages. Below, we consider the criteria by which decorative plaster is classified.
Decorative plaster for walls is divided into four main types according to their basic composition, in each of which various additives and color pigments are added.
Plaster happens:
- Acrylic based. Its basis is acrylic resin, due to which the paint acquires water-repellent functions and plasticity. The disadvantage of this plaster is low fire resistance, so you should not use it near mineral insulation.
- On a mineral basis. It is used for surfaces with a mineral base and quartz primer. This type of plaster is sold as a finished mass of white, so you need to add the paint yourself.
- Silicone based (cm.Silicone plaster: material features) The most expensive type used with a special primer. It is suitable for any surface, flexible and has good breathability. Decorative plaster for walls decorative, sold ready-made.
- Silicate based. It consists of potash glass and is often used to design external facades. In addition, it hardens very quickly, therefore, special skills are needed in order to be in time and apply plaster and create a pattern.
Advice! Carefully read the expiration date, since it is very difficult to work with expired material or approaching expiration.
By filling
The appearance of the surface on which it will be applied depends on the filler that is added to the composition of the plaster.
By type of filler types of decorative plaster for walls there are:
- Textured (cm.Textured plaster: features of wall decoration) - can be filled with wood fibers, mica or small pebbles. Due to this, the surface becomes voluminous. In addition to this, you can use a roller, brush or stencil to give any pattern or pattern.
- Structural (cm.Structural plaster: application technology) - can be filled with grains of various minerals, for example, quartz. A surface with such plaster is more uniform than textured, with recesses of different depths and widths. A different pattern is obtained by smearing the plaster with different movements.
- Venetian - It is filled with marble chips and, if desired, colored pigments. Due to this, the surface becomes pearly, smooth and shiny. I usually use two colors for the most beautiful effect, but there may be more if desired.
- Flock - or silk, filled with silk fibers. Due to this, the surface resembles a woven, soft to the touch. This is a newer type of plaster and quite expensive. Such plaster is applied in several stages: adhesive base, flocks, varnish.
By effect
There are a lot of effects created using different types of decorative plaster, we will consider the most popular.
- Bark beetle (cm.Stucco bark beetle: application technology) Is a structural plaster filled with marble chips. When applying, grains of marble, of various sizes, make different grooves, the width and depth of which depends on the size of the chips. The result is an imitation of the bark of a tree, but you can apply this plaster in different movements, getting a different effect.
- Grafito - This is a textured plaster imitating masonry. This type of decorative plaster is applied using an automated gun. It is quite simple and does not require special skills, and the result is no worse than stone finish.
- "Antiqued" - latex, which makes friction places brighter, are part of this type of plaster. It imitates a surface cracked from time, with a special application technique. You can add one color to the plaster, or two, and then the cracks will be a different color.
- "Sgraffito" - this is plaster, with the help of which create relief patterns and drawings on the wall. It is applied in several stages in different colors and with the help of stencils that help to create unique drawings and patterns.
- Terrazitovaya - imitates rocks. It is often used to design external facades, since it turns out to be quite heavy. Decorating your walls with decorative stucco in the form of rocks requires special skills.
- "Fur coat" (cm.Fur coat plaster: rules for applying) - this coating is rough and, depending on the method of application, with a diverse pattern. Most often, this type of decorative plaster is applied by spraying, for example, using a broom.
Wall decoration
The choice of type of plaster depends on your desire and tastes, of course, do not forget about the entire interior and design of the room in which you will use plaster. Also, the color scheme is selected, taking into account the colors of the entire room and furniture.
The effect obtained from any type of plaster does not always fit any style of room interior. For example, decorative "antique" stucco will not fit in a room decorated in a classic luxurious style, it is more suitable for a variety of Venetian stucco.
Wall preparation
First of all, it is necessary to clean the wall of the old coating, if it was. Then close up large and deep cracks or chips. After the wall must be primed with a latex compound that penetrates deeply.
The next step, after drying the primer (seeWhy do we need a primer: technological nuances of finishing work), we protect the adjacent wall joints, finished with other materials, using masking tape. When applying the composition to the wall, remember, do not leave it unfinished, putting off work the next day.
Required Tools
For work, we need some tools that should be prepared in advance:
- Set of spatulas.
- Plumb or level.
- Ironing.
- Grater.
- Master OK.
- Vessel for kneading.
- Construction mixer.
- Package for the pattern.
- Or a rag.
Advice! For drawing drawings, you can use not only stencils, but also any improvised means, for example: a roller, a broom, a bag, a rag, a grater and much more.
Application Technique
If your plaster is dry, then how to dilute it can be read on the packaging. You need to breed the amount of the mixture that you plan to apply, since it will quickly seize and you will have to throw out the excess.
Apply the mass with a spatula, wait until it begins to thicken and create a pattern using a stencil or improvised means. Do not press hard, otherwise it will turn out not a picture or pattern, but just a smeared mass.
Advice! It is worth practicing in advance in drawing a pattern on a small surface.
Patterns can be done by moving vertically and horizontally, crosswise and in a circle, with wavy lines and randomly. This is also taken into account, based on the style of the room, sometimes copying a pattern or drawing on furniture or textiles.
Some types of plaster quickly set, so you need to work with them at a fairly fast pace. Paying attention to the joints of sites, so as not to get ugly influxes. As soon as the surface is set, after about 20 minutes, the relief is smoothed with a wet smoothing tool.
After the surface has completely dried, it is cleaned with fine sandpaper in order to remove excesses and flaws. Now the wall can be painted if you had non-colored decorative plaster, without the addition of colored pigments.
Advice! If you protected the adjacent surfaces with construction tape, then you need to remove it before the plaster is still frozen.
Decorating the walls with decorative stucco video will show step-by-step steps.
Application of home-made decorative plaster
Craftsmen advise how to apply decorative plaster on the walls, created from putty yourself:
- “Rock” - a layer of 3 millimeters begins to be applied from the upper corner. Then, using the trowel, straight lines are drawn at one corner of it.
- “Scales” - a layer of 5 millimeters is applied, with a spatula 10 centimeters wide, vertical strokes are made.
- “Cave” - level the putty layer, and use the bag to make patterns, pressing it against the wall. You can use a large film, which is removed after complete drying.
- “Venetian” - putty is applied with uneven strokes, and after drying it is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. Then prime and after drying paint over with the main color. Immediately need to wipe the paint from the convex parts. Then you can cover with gilding, wax or varnish.
For various types of decorative plaster and their effects, you can use: fabric, foam rubber, flowers and everything that is around.
Decorative plasters for walls are so diverse that it allows you to choose the right finish for any room and for any style of interior. We also learned that decorative stucco with our own hands can be easily replaced with ordinary putty.
Of course, if you do not have any building experience at all, then you should turn to specialists, but it’s easy for a beginner to work with ready-made mixtures of decorative plaster. The video in this article shows detailed instructions on how to apply decorative plaster yourself.