Structural plaster: application technology

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Structural plasters
Structural plasters

Structural plasters appeared on the sales market for quite some time. It is quite practical and the price is not high, it only needs to be applied correctly. Indeed, in this coating this is perhaps the most important thing.

How structural decorative plaster is applied, we will consider today. Also in the video in this article you can see everything clearly.

Variety of plaster coatings

Structural decorative plaster is divided into three main types:

  • Smooth surfacehaving various color shades.
  • Plaster having a specific textureobtained using ready-made stencils.
  • Textured plasteras a result of using arbitrary drawing techniques.

Features and advantages of the material

The basis of structural plaster is polymer or mineral binders, in combination with various fillers in the form of sand, granules, crumbs, synthetic and natural fibers, etc.

Structural facade plaster is different in relief, for example, 0.3 mm in size, create an imitation of sandstone, using grains with a size of 1.5 mm, you can get a look of rough stone. Widely known decorative bark beetle plaster It has a filler with grain sizes from 2 mm, and in order to achieve the effect of a real wood bark, you need decorative plaster with grains about 3 mm in size.

Structural plaster application technology can have both smooth and rough surfaces. If you plan a smooth, structural surface, you should carefully prepare the base, since this type of plaster will not be able to hide surface defects.

If we compare ordinary plaster with structural, the latter has several advantages:

  1. It can be applied to all types of surfaces: concrete, brick, wood (see How to plaster a wooden wall), stone, drywall and metal.
  2. It is able to hide all surface defects.
  3. It has high resistance to mechanical damage.
  4. It is characterized by excellent water-repellent properties. It can be washed using any detergent chemicals.
  5. It can be operated at temperatures from -50 ° C to -75 ° Cthat expands its application environment.
  6. Specifications indicate its high ductility, which allows you to create the surface of any texture.
  7. She is able to "breathe", and this makes it possible to create the necessary microclimate inside housing and office buildings.
  8. Surfaces coated with structural plaster have a long service life.
  9. During operation, it can be repainted in any color you like.
  10. The composition of the structural plaster allows you to make, in principle, any ornament on the plane.

Material application

Structural decorative plaster is perfectly applied with your own hands. Only everything needs to be done in order and according to technology. To determine the pattern of the structural surface, you should contact the designer, who has the entire range of such surfaces that are stored in the photo, or choose one yourself. Then you will save on this.

After looking at such photos, you can decide which picture is more suitable or more like it.

Caution: When choosing structural surfaces, please note that they are able to collect and retain dust or excess moisture.Therefore, it is very important that they are not used in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Preparatory work

Decorative structural plaster is applied to a properly prepared surface.

It is desirable that the plane is flat and strong:

  • If the surface is not even and not strong, then everything must be done so that it becomes such. As a rule, such surfaces plastered with cement-sand mortar, possibly with the use of mesh - netting.

Attention: If you already have a coating and at first glance it holds well, it is worth taking the ground one and tapping it. All that does not hold must be removed. And if there are cracks, then we simply grind them with a chisel.

  • After this, the plaster needs to be given time to dry completely, only then can further work be continued.
  • The next mandatory step is the priming of the surface with a deeply penetrating primer. As a rule, structural plasters are able to hide small irregularities, so very careful preparation is not required.

To carry out such work, such tools will be needed:

  • Ironing machine, plastering trowel.
  • Putty knife of several sizes.
  • Stucco grater.
  • Corner spatula.
  • Construction level, plumb, rule.

Application process

Applying the structural plaster of the video will show you the order of applying the material, everything is done as follows:

  • First you need to put the plaster on the surface, and distribute it with an even layer over the entire plane, using a smoothing machine for this. In this case, one should not adhere to the ideal uniformity of the layer. The layer thickness depends on the picture, as well as on the size of the filler grains, plus a millimeter and a half of the required supply.
  • To understand the meaning of applying this type of plaster, especially to those who decide to master this technology on their own, you need to practice on a small piece of drywall. As a rule, development takes place very quickly, since there is nothing complicated in that technology.
  • Ready mixes have the ability to slowly harden, which gives the master time to correct the picture. If you use homemade solutions, it is better to determine in advance the surface texture and apply the plaster in small areas.


In order to get one or another drawing, various tools can be used, such as:


Apply with a roller
Apply with a roller
To do this, you can use a regular hair roller.
  • As a result of passing the roller, on the newly applied plaster, you can get a kind of pattern.
  • It is also possible to use rollers with ready-made drawings (see Rollers for decorative plastering and creating a relief surface) Such rollers are carried out on the plaster either from bottom to top, or from left to right, as a result of which a finished drawing will appear on the wall.
  • Methods of using rollers can be very diverse. So it also depends on your imagination.


Ready stamps

We apply plaster using a stamp
We apply plaster using a stamp
This is a tool on the working surface of which there is a finished drawing, in appearance resembling a large stamp. When applying, and then when they are pressed on the surface of the plaster, a certain pattern appears.
  • The disadvantage of working with a stamp is that it must be constantly cleaned of plaster, which remains in the recesses of the drawing.
  • Such stamps can be equipped with a rubber version of the same pattern, for access to places in which a large stamp does not fit.


Spatula, trowel, brush

Application with a spatula
Application with a spatula
Many craftsmen, using these simple tools, can turn the surface of a wall into a work of art.
  • Using such a tool it is very easy to turn the surface into the texture of wild stone.
  • This effect is achieved using arbitrary movements of the spatula.
  • Using arbitrary movements allows you to get a non-standard surface texture, sometimes unique, which pleases the master and customer.


The final stage and decoration

After completing the stage of forming the texture of the plastered surface, you should begin the process of designing and protecting the textured surface. As a rule, one layer is not enough.

  • If desired, you can highlight the relief of the picture with the help of paints. To do this, the first layer of paint is applied with a roller having a long pile. To apply the next layer, a short-nap roller is used. At the same time, a lighter paint is selected for the second layer.
  • If you are not planning to paint or use another type of plaster, then you can protect this surface with several layers of colorless varnish.

Also in the work, you can apply various compositions:

  • To create unique patterns, it is possible to use various fillers, which are introduced into the main composition of the plaster. As an example, you can take the bark beetle plaster, which includes polymer granules or natural stone chips.
  • The technology of its application is that such plaster is applied to the entire surface of the wall, evened out with an even layer and allowed to grab a little.
  • After that, grater is taken in hands and carried out on the surface of the plaster, using various movements for this. At the same time, the granules that make up the plaster stretch behind the grater, leaving behind specific grooves.
  • Depending on the direction of movement, they can be arranged vertically, horizontally or have a variety of directions, making the pattern unique.

At the same time, the use of structural plasters is not limited to these technologies described above. There are many interesting techniques that allow you to get truly unique drawings.

  • Take, for example, the use of multi-colored balls in structural plasters. These granules are made of such material that when pressed on them, they are crushed, leaving colorful traces behind. At the same time, the technique of applying such plaster is no different, for example, from the technique of applying “bark beetle”.
  • If you use more liquid solutions, you can get a surface with the effect of smudges. To obtain patterns that have a pronounced structure with deep grooves, thicker solutions should be used. In this case, you should always remember that the deeper the grooves, the more dust will be collected in them.
  • As a rule, ready-made stucco mixtures are sold in pure white color, which makes it possible to use plasters using various technologies: they can be painted in any color after application or dyes can be added directly to the prepared stucco mortars. To get the desired shade, it is better to contact specialized stores, where they can accurately select the necessary shade, taking into account the drying of the paint.
  • If at this stage it is very difficult to choose a color, then it is better to use painting. In this case, the shade is selected experimentally by adding one or another dye directly to the paint. After that, not large marks are made on the plastered wall with freshly prepared paint, and after drying, the color saturation is determined and compared with the intended one. After the colors begin to match, you can start painting.

How to make structural plaster video will help you choose the right tool for applying textures. After all, decorative structural plaster is not difficult to apply, it is important to know how to apply the desired relief.

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