Art plaster: application methods
Applying art plaster is a fairly creative process. Although it is quite similar to a simple plastering of a plane, but this is only at the first stage. Alignment is essentially the same. But the plane is more like a modeling trip.
Today we will consider how to apply artistic stucco with our own hands and what needs to be done for this. Also on the video in this article, you can see the application of the invoice to choose the best option.
The content of the article
What mixes are used
To plaster the walls with your own efforts does not cause special difficulties, it is better to use ready-made mixtures. Their price is not so high and anyone can buy it.
- On sale there are various options for a variety of conditions, there are no huge difficulties in working with such. If this is a dry mixture, then it is pre-kneaded with water, mixed well and the proportions of the components that the manufacturer indicated on the package are observed.
- To obtain a ready-made solution, the mixture is placed in a container in which liquid has already been poured, and stirred (see How to make a mortar for plaster correctly) For these purposes, it is better to use a drill with a special nozzle, this will greatly speed up and facilitate all the cooking procedures.
The application of this material does not differ at the first stage from other types of plaster. Here you also need to level the surface and after that already create the desired relief.
To achieve your goals, you have to stock up on the following tools:
- Plumb and level;
- Grater;
- Spatulas;
- Rule as well as trowel;
- You will also need a relief tool. About it will be written in more detail below.
Attention: You will need to prepare a high-quality and plastic composition. Otherwise, you will fail. To do this, it is better to knead using a mixer or drill with a nozzle.
Align the walls
At this stage, you need to give the surface a look that will be suitable for work. The ultimate goal, as mentioned above, will be DIY decorative plastering. We understand that the wall needs repair only on a separate piece, and we will perform visual alignment.
It is carried out as follows:
- First, the wall is moistened with water, after which we place a small amount of the mixture on the grater and with the help of a spatula, we carefully pour it onto the wall.
- As soon as the area to be plastered is covered with mortar, it is leveled with a grater in a circular motion. In areas where the solution is not enough, add small portions.
- Immediately after the solution has set, we grout. We check with a level whether the plaster was applied correctly.
Stucco on the walls of wood
There is another important point that has not been considered - the plastering of the wooden base (see How to plaster a wooden wall) This procedure has its own specifics, but it can be done independently. And the situation when you have to plaster the wall is quite real, for example, you have to finish the partition from wood.
This is done as follows:
- The plastered surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, cuts are cut out on it to make the mixture better adhere to the surface.After that, a shingle is put on the wall, which creates a crate.
- The final cell size will be 4x4, the slats are placed at an angle relative to the floor at forty-five degrees and overlap with respect to each other. Attach the trims at the third intersection, every two. The edges of the slats are also nailed, otherwise the crate will begin to deform, which will destroy the plaster. Before nailing the slats, they are moistened with water (this is necessary so that they do not crack when hammering).
- Between the ends of the strips leave a gap of several millimeters. This distance will compensate for expansion when the temperature regime changes.
Above described the classic technique of plastering wooden surfaces, which was used before for a long time. Such information may be used as reference. But at the present time, experts advise turning to the option when replacing shingles with a stack. For this, a metal mesh of various types (twisted, all-metal or woven) or polymer (synthetic) is suitable.
- Any mesh is fixed to the wall (see How to fix a stucco mesh to a wall) and then carry out surface plastering, observing the usual technology. It is best to carry out wood wall decoration with the use of lime-gypsum or cement-lime mortar.
- To slow down the setting, you can add PVA glue to the plaster composition, about two hundred grams are spent on one bucket. The procedure itself is performed as before. It is desirable that the plaster layer is not more than two centimeters thick.
Using decorative plaster
Before proceeding to the final surface coating, you need to determine its type. For various types of finishes, an appropriate quality of foundation preparation is required.
- If you decide to perform the Venetian, then the final plastering with your own skills must be done before you reach a smooth surface. To do this, you need to putty the base so that the plane is perfectly smooth and even.
- If the final coating is relief, textured or other decorative plaster of this kind, then such preparation will not be needed. Such types of finishes are not so much demanding on the quality of the surface, but this does not mean that there should be pits or knolls on it.
- Here, a person may experience slight difficulties, which are caused by a large number of different options. It is always worth keeping in mind the fact that wall plastering on one's own is not only a laborious task, but also quite expensive, as some types of plaster are expensive. For example, creating Venetian stucco will hit your pocket and take a lot of effort.
In addition, there are other options that, at lower costs, allow you to get a fairly original and effective design. Based on the fact that all work is carried out independently, and no one wants to increase the cost, it is worthwhile to make out a few simple and more affordable options.
How to get a textured coating
To begin with, it is worth considering simple ways to get a picture on the surface using special tools:
Roller | The option when using a roller to create a textured plaster is considered the cheapest and easiest.
As a result, you can achieve different patterns, and if for everything else use coloring, this will emphasize not only the depth, but also the features of the selected relief.
Using a stencil | Obtaining a relief using a stamp practically does not differ from the previous version, only in this situation they take a special tool for work. |
We work with a comb | The difference between this method and those described above is almost absent. With this option, a comb, trowel with teeth or a spatula helps in the work.
We use special grades of plaster
But do not forget that the use of special tools is not the only option for creating a decorative coating on the surface during the final finish. On sale there is a special plaster, with which you can create a unique pattern during the plastering of the walls.
Stucco bark beetle
This name came about because of the drawing, which in its appearance is similar to the trace from the beetle that it leaves in the wood. It is perfect for decorating indoors and out.
Its positive aspects include sustainability:
- To temperature changes;
- Direct rainfall and high humidity;
- Significant mechanical impact.
The secret to the characteristics of the mixture lies in the materials that are used, and the pattern appears thanks to a special application technique, which, by the way, is accessible to everyone. The plaster is based on synthetic polymers, these are mineral fillers and binders such as quartz, granite or marble. It is the parts of the mineral filler, rolling under the tool, that create the ornament based on.
Marble plaster
Another fairly attractive way to design a wall will be their marble finish. Such work can be done without the involvement of professionals, it is important to be concentrated and follow the instructions, carefully and accurately perform operations.
Such a coating, in addition to its attractive appearance, has the following features:
- Durability and strength;
- Incombustibility;
- Resistant to environmental influences.
Marble plaster can be used for finishing external as well as internal surfaces of a structure.
Fur coat finish
DIY artistic plaster under a fur coat is most common. After all, it is not difficult to apply. For this, different methods are distinguished, and for their implementation no special varieties of the mixture or special tools are required.
- The relief base can be created thanks to the application technique. Usually for such coatings a mortar of lime and cement is taken. A cement-sand mixture is also suitable (see Cement-sand plaster: material features), there is no fundamental difference.
- Do not forget that before applying the solution, the surface must be prepared. Work is carried out continuously until the end, breaks can not be done. We plaster not the entire area, but its individual parts. That is, having finished work with one piece, you can proceed to the next. All this can be done using a special machine or manually.
- So, a spray with a broom or brush is carried out as follows: the solution is placed on the instrument, a stick is taken in one hand, and a broom in the other.Near the surface of the wall we strike with a brush on the stick, as a result of such actions, the plaster will begin to fly to the base.
- If a brush is used, then the texture will be fine, and if the broom is medium. You can also take a grid to jump into the solution. This is done in the following way - the mixture is thrown through a pre-installed grid, as a result a beautiful pattern is obtained on the wall.
As you can understand, there is nothing complicated in such work. The main thing is to follow certain rules, adhere to the instructions when preparing the solution, be careful and carefully consider your actions.
Observing all this, you will be pleasantly surprised by the end result and artistic stucco with your own hands will please you for a long time and the instruction will help to avoid mistakes.