Types of decorative plaster for walls

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Mineral decorative plaster
Mineral decorative plaster

There are many different types of wall decorations, these are wallpapers, panels, paint, but we will take a closer look at decorative plaster. Many people consider this type of wall decoration unusual and beautiful, but they are convinced that it is expensive and time-consuming. This is completely wrong. Let us consider in more detail the types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration.

Decorative plaster is ...

View of venetian decorative plaster
View of venetian decorative plaster

Many people think that plaster is a mixture of sand and cement (see Cement-sand plaster: material features), used to level walls and repair cracks. Coloring materials are added to modern plaster, and decorative plaster on the walls is obtained.

Today, the range of plasters is so wide that it may not be easy for a beginner to deal with all the options. If you don’t want to dive into the question, you can turn to an experienced master for help. This will save a minimum of time and avoid unnecessary expenses.

This wallcovering is becoming very popular, let's take a closer look at all the differences and types of this material, as well as all the pros and cons of each of them. And of course, consider how to cover the walls with decorative plaster.

Types of basic composition of plaster

A type of texture plaster
A type of texture plaster

Types of decorative plaster in their composition are divided:

  • Mineral(cm. Mineral facade plaster: material features) - is sold in the form of cement powder, it is diluted with water before application and mixes well. It is used for mineral substrates with quartz primer. Such a coating is quite durable, it passes air well, has a long service life, it has a rather low price.

The disadvantage is that it will have to be painted additionally by itself. But there are more expensive types of decorative plaster for internal work, they differ in their textural qualities and in addition to the composition of various impurities. For example, marble chips or sequins.

  • Acrylic - it contains acrylic resin, which gives plasticity and water repellent. It is easy to install, but it is able to burn, so it is not used near mineral wool insulation.

This type of plaster is sold ready to apply, but it is necessary to check its expiration date, since it will be very difficult to work with expired or approaching expiration material. Therefore, you should not take it, even if it comes at a discount.

  • Silicone(cm. Silicone plaster: material features) - the most popular and universal. It is elastic, holds for a long time, passes air well and is suitable for any surface. This type of plaster is sold ready to apply and has a large color scheme.

Using silicone plaster, you can create your own individual masterpieces, but, of course, the cost is high. For the application of this material you will need a special silicone primer, but when you see the result, you will not regret it.

  • Silicate - it is based on potash glass and is very rarely used for interior walls. More often it is used to decorate the facades of the building, since when used it emits harmful substances.

This type is difficult to apply, since it hardens quite quickly and requires skills and dexterity in order to have time to apply the plaster, distribute it and create the desired pattern. Therefore, silicate plaster is not in great demand.

How to choose decorative plaster

Variety of decorative plaster
Variety of decorative plaster

You can choose the right plaster, given the operating conditions and method of application. Of course, the price also matters, because newer and more fashionable materials are quite expensive.

When choosing a wall covering, first of all, consider your desire and what you want to get in the end. Further we will consider in more detail the types of decorative plaster for its filling, their pros and cons, what effect we can get with their help.

Textured decorative plaster

Decorative plaster of delicate flowers.
Decorative plaster of delicate flowers.

Textured decorative plaster is considered the most unusual type of finish.

Various materials are added to its composition to create a textured drawing, for example:

  • Small pebbles.
  • Cotton fiber.
  • Sawdust.
  • Ground brick.
  • Sand.
  • To mica.

Due to this filling, not only a variety of relief patterns are obtained, but also different colors and shades.

Using it, you can create various visual effects, for example, such as:

  • Sandy wind.
  • Watercolor painting.
  • Imitation stone.
  • Tree bark.
  • Velvet.

Use textured plaster in any rooms and on the street. It is quite simply applied to any surface, can hide bumps and flaws in the walls, and also serves for a long time.

Its main advantages are:

  • Ease of application.
  • Easy to care.
  • No fear of damage.
  • Good moisture tolerance.
  • Does not lose color.
  • Heat insulating.
  • Good soundproofing.
  • Eco friendly.
  • Low combustible.

It is easy to apply textured decorative plaster on the walls, the difficulty is to create a pattern, this can help:

Advice! Before applying, it is necessary to clean the walls, dry them and primer. Only after drying the primer should the textured plaster be applied.

Structural decorative plaster

Decorative plaster may be multi-colored
Decorative plaster may be multi-colored

Structural decorative plaster is sold ready to apply, in the form of a granular mass. It can be created on various bases with the addition of water or solvent. Due to its additional content, it can be either fine-grained or coarse-grained.

Structural plaster is filled with materials such as:

  • Small pebbles.
  • Multi-colored granules.
  • Particles of quartz.
  • Fiber wood.

This type is suitable for any room and surface, but it is worth remembering that structural stucco with a solvent is not suitable for a bedroom or a children's room. Most often it is used in the bathroom or hallway.

The main advantages of structural decorative plaster are:

  • Ease of use.
  • Universality of application.
  • Resistant to damage.
  • Water resistant.
  • Ease of cleaning.
  • It tolerates temperature extremes.
  • Breathability.
  • A variety of patterns.
  • Affordable price.

Below, we will take a step-by-step look at how to apply decorative plaster to a wall:

  • We prepare the walls. We clean them from the old coating and dry them.
  • If there are no large dents or drops, the wall can not be leveled.
  • Apply a primer. This will strengthen and protect the surface.
  • Apply plaster to a dried primer.

Creating a pattern depends on your imagination and desire. Do-it-yourself decorative wall plastering video will show how you can do it yourself at home.

Venetian decorative plaster

Venetian stucco example
Venetian stucco example

Venetian decorative plaster used back in the Renaissance. She trimmed the walls of the palaces with chic decor. Since it contains marble chips, the appearance of the coating applied to the wall looks like a marble wall.

Venetian plaster is sold in the form of transparent masses, by tinting and mixing two or more colors, an unusually beautiful surface is obtained. Depth and transparency is achieved by the method of special application, in several layers, coating on top with wax or varnish for protection.

The advantages are:

  • Creating a mosaic effect.
  • Quick drying.
  • Water resistant.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Fire resistance.

How to cover decorative walls with plaster, consider in more detail:

  • On even and cleaned walls, apply a primer or acrylic paint in several layers.
  • We break the wall surface into several sections of about one meter.
  • After the walls have completely dried, we apply the plaster to the first section.
  • The first layer is applied in a continuous manner, the next in strokes.
  • The plaster is applied in small strokes, you can take several colors.
  • Flatten and smooth over the entire area of ​​the site.
  • Also with other sites.
  • We polish the entire surface of the wall after it has completely dried.
  • Apply wax or varnish for protection.

Important. It is applied on smooth walls, otherwise you will not get the desired effect.

Using several colors, we apply different shades with our own layer. One color and several of its shades looks more impressive.

When working with Venetian plaster, several factors must be taken into account:

  • When applying a smear, at the beginning and at the end, release pressure on the ironer - this will create a different thickness layer.
  • It is necessary to put layers gradually, from one site to another, polishing, to capture the edge of the next.

Tip. Since applying Venetian plaster requires skills, it is worth practicing on small surfaces.

After finishing work, you need to be patient, as the wall will completely dry out only after a week.

Bark beetle - decorative plaster

An example of decorative plaster bark beetle
An example of decorative plaster bark beetle

The bark beetle even in its name resembles the bark of a tree. This is a very original wallcovering in its appearance, it is used for both indoor and outdoor use.

The composition of this type of plaster is filled with marble chips of various sizes, which, when applied, leaves various grooves on the surface. Their depth and width are directly related to the size of the marble chips. This wall decoration creates a cosiness in the interior and does not bother, since glossy surfaces can begin to annoy over time. The bark beetle is well suited for eco-styles and in the interior of rustic styles.

It is sold both in powder form and in the form of a paste. Of course, the finished mass is more convenient, but it costs several times more than dry plaster. Most often, the mixture is white, occasionally you can find other colors.

We ourselves can make the desired color or shade by adding paint to the plaster or pre-painting the walls. Also, the method of application can be varied, from this a different pattern. For example, you can apply plaster horizontally and vertically, crosswise and randomly, in waves and circles.

The advantages of decorative bark beetle plaster are:

  • Wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Durability.
  • Ease of cleaning.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Hides irregularities.

If you have purchased a dry mixture of plaster, then the package contains instructions for its dilution.

Consider the correct detailed method for its preparation:

  • The dry mixture is poured into water, and not vice versa.
  • We take warm water, about twenty degrees.
  • We mix everything with a drill with a nozzle, at low speeds.
  • Let the solution stand for five minutes and beat well again.
  • The proportions of the mixture and water are taken into account from the brand of material and are indicated on the packaging.

Important. Be sure to read the instructions, as a mixture of one brand of the manufacturer can stand for several hours, and the other only a few minutes.

Decorative wall plaster how to apply, consider in more detail:

  • We put a little plaster on the wall and spread it with a thin, even layer.
  • About half an hour after its thickening, we easily carry out a grater over the entire surface.
  • The movements depend on getting the desired pattern.
  • Do not put pressure on the grater, as it depends on how clear the pattern will be.

Tip. If you apply this type of plaster on a large surface, you should call an assistant. One puts a solution, the second overwrites the surface.

Graphite - decorative plaster

An example of decorative graphite plaster
An example of decorative graphite plaster

Decorative graphite plaster is a very unusual material, as it can be used to create an imitation of masonry. It will be cheaper than even artificial stone. At the same time, it is suitable for finishing any surface both inside and outside the building.

This type is used not only for walls, floors or ceilings, with its help you can arrange a fireplace, fence or paths in the yard. With its help, you can also create a variety of and color drawings, it all depends on the design idea or your imagination.

The advantages of decorative graphite plaster are:

  • Uniqueness of appearance.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Universality of application.
  • Good wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Long service life.

It is easy to apply graphite plaster using an automated gun. This does not require special skills, you can easily create a masonry with your own hands, no worse than real. After the solution has completely dried, if desired, it can be painted in the desired color.

Methods for applying plaster

Types of decorative plasters and coatings are divided by the method of application. The technology of applying such material was discovered in the ancient world. During this time, many different methods have been created, how to apply decorative plaster.

Attention: Relief and textured surfaces look the most attractive and interesting. Let's try to consider possible ways to get some of them.

But before you get down to work on obtaining such surfaces, you need to stock up the necessary tool and prepare the basis for applying plaster.

Used tool

If it is decided that decorative plaster will be applied to the walls, the technology for applying such a coating requires the use of the following tools, and this list is not exhaustive:

Stamps for applying decorative plaster
Stamps for applying decorative plaster

Caution: The tool is best used forged stainless steel. The fact is that a tool made of ordinary steel can leave invisible rust spots on the surface, which then cannot be removed.

Surface preparation

Regardless of which methods of applying decorative plaster will be used, work begins with surface preparation. It should be even, clean and dry, all traces of the old coating should be removed, cracks, bumps should be repaired.


  • First of all, we determine the application layer. After all, you will not make a layer of 5 cm, it simply will not last long. So we pull the line diagonally and look. If the thickness is more than 3 cm, then you need to align the plane. This can be done with drywall.
  • After this, a primer should be applied to the surface.It will provide good adhesion and durability to the decorative coating. It is possible that some additional preparatory measures will be required, they should be set out in the instructions for the use of plaster and must be carried out.
  • But after the surface is ready, you can consider the various types of application of decorative plaster.

Spray method

Plaster is most often applied in this particular version. This is the easiest way to create a relief on a plastered surface, although it may be called in some other way, or the result of its application will have its own name, for example, decorative plaster “snowball”.


The spray method is as follows:

  • After applying and drying the first layer, a new one is applied on top of it. Various tools can be used to obtain the invoice, including the use of a broom.
  • It will look like this - they take a broom in one hand, a stick in the other, a broom is dipped into the solution and hit the stick so that the spray of solution flew onto the wall. On the surface will be flakes, spray, the size of which depends on the broom and the density of the solution. The surface on which the plaster is sprayed can be pre-painted, for example, in blue, and the applied spots can be white.
  • Similar to the described method is the Italian finish. Here, all operations almost coincide with those described above. After applying the coating layer and leveling it, without waiting for drying, a second layer of a different color is applied. So, if the first layer was green, then the second may be yellow. When applying the second layer, it should cover most of the previous layer. Until the material has hardened, it is smoothed.

The most common application options

Embossed surface with trowelTo create an original surface, you can use not only familiar tools. After the covering layer is made, a little plaster is applied to the trowel, and it is transferred to the base with light movements along the surface, creating an original pattern.
Textured methodThis method of application allows you to design the walls in antique style. To do this, you need to create several layers of plaster and paint them.
HatchingThis coating option is carried out on fresh plaster. It is treated with a metal brush. After this, the surface is dried for a day, then with a sponge, spatula or rags, particles of stucco that do not adhere to the surface are removed.
Roller stampingAnother way to obtain a relief image is by roller application. To do this, you can use a roller with a special pattern. If this is not the case, you can cut some pattern on the surface of a regular one or simply wrap its surface with a rope. The result is a pattern resembling grass stems.
Decorative sgraffito plasterThis application technique is more difficult to perform than previously described, but you can do it yourself.
  • To do this, apply several layers of plaster, and each of them must have its own color. The color of each layer is chosen at its discretion.
  • To create a pattern, separate sections are cut out in the upper of the applied layers according to a special stencil, pieces are removed by scrapers or cutters.
  • If a sufficiently large amount has been removed from the upper layer, then the remaining stucco looks like an application on the background of the lower layer.
  • If a little is removed, then a tinted picture is obtained. You can apply a similar coating both over the entire wall, and in the form of a separate panel.



Antique decorative stucco example
Antique decorative stucco example

Of course, we did not consider all types of decorative plaster, there are quite a lot of them: antique - an imitation of a cracked surface; flock-like flake coating; applying under a fur coat using a broom spray; sgraffito - stucco with a pattern or pattern; terrazitic - imitating rocks. Only you can choose.

In the video above in this article, you can see the application of decorative plaster on the wall.

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