Wall plaster technology: how to do it right
The technology of wall decoration with decorative plaster or any other is a sequence of work. Plastering is necessary to obtain a fairly even surface of the walls or ceiling, to protect any building from the damaging effects of precipitation and gusts of wind. In addition, the plastered surface improves the thermal insulation of the building. How wall plastering is performed, the technology for performing the work is described in the article.
The content of the article
Types and features of plaster
Before you understand the technology of plastering walls, you need to find out what exist types of plasterswhat are their features.
According to the functional purpose, the material can be:
- Heat shield. Serves for thermal insulation of the house. To improve the insulating properties, various fillers are placed in the composition, which can be:
- foam glass;
- granular polystyrene foam;
- expanded perlite;
- vermiculite.
This is a warm plaster.. Thanks to the low-weight filler and considerable volume, this mixture allows creating an optimally comfortable microclimate indoors. After its application, you can refuse from additional insulation of the building with polystyrene foam or mineral wool.
- Acoustic. This is a special plaster to reduce the level of penetration of extraneous sounds into the room.
Sound absorbing additives in the composition can be used:
- pumice;
- expanded clay;
- slag;
- vermiculitis;
- perlite.
The density of the material ranges from 500-1300 kg / m.
Tip: Painting or whitewashing acoustic plaster reduces its level of protection against excessive noise. Doing them is not worth it.
- Waterproofing. In its composition, most often, waterproof polymers are included, which act as insulating layers in buildings or rooms with rather high humidity:
- bathrooms (see Stucco for the bathroom: which one to choose);
- basement facilities;
- loggias and balconies;
- sheds;
- garages;
- pools.
Resins are used as a closing composition:
- acrylic;
- epoxy;
- polyurethane.
Strengthening water-repellent properties is carried out according to a special technology, which consists in applying the solution with a thincrete machine or cement gun.
- Special. The application technology is standard. And to create the specified properties, special fillers are used.
Such plasters can be:
- X-ray protective, which may be an alternative for lead shields, for example, barite (see Barite plaster: application technology);
- acid-resistant, the basis of which is liquid potassium glass, stone flour and quartzite can be additional components.
- Decorative (cm.Decorative plaster for walls: make a choice) This type of plaster is the simplest structural material.
It is used often enough to decorate building facades.
There are quite exotic types of material, such as:
- silk or flock plaster;
- textured (seeDIY textured plaster for those who are not afraid of dirty work);
- using marble chips.
Venetian stucco looks especially beautiful in the interior of the room, in its artistic appearance it is an analogue of marble and when applying this technology of decorative wall plastering, it requires the use of special materials and highly skilled craftsmen.
Preparation of walls for applying decorative plaster
The technology of wall decoration with decorative plasters begins with the preparation of the wall surface. This stage is necessary for any kind of decorative coating. First of all, the surface of the wall must be clean and completely dry.
Tip: Do not allow the presence of fungus on the wall. It is necessary to remove traces of paint and old wallpaper, remove grease stains, get rid of dirt and dust.
Cracks and small defects can not be repaired, most often the decorative coating is embossed, which perfectly masks small cracks on the surface. Very good surface preparation of the walls is only necessary when applying smooth decorative plaster, especially the Venetian. It is even better to reinforce the wall with a grid with large or small cells, and then putty. The surface must be perfectly leveled, otherwise the “Venetian” will simply fall off in pieces or cracks will form.
The walls are primed, which is an additional surface preparation for applying any type of decorative plaster. In this case, the composition is absorbed deep into the surface, which increases the reliability of the "adhesion" of the plaster with the base.
What decorative plaster tools are needed
To do the coating yourself, you will need to purchase:
- Spatulas, preferably of different widths or a plastic trowel, as indicated by the manufacturer's instructions.
- Tray for paint.
- Moklovitsu - a brush, for beautifully applying paint or varnish to the textured surface of the material.
- Thread roller.
- Coral sponge.
- Clean rags.
In addition, to obtain a decorative coating on the wall with stucco, a special tool and a special application technique are used.
There are several ways to apply a decorative layer.
He can be:
- Plain roughened. In this case, the coating is formed by small pebbles, and the application is made with a spatula in small circular motions.
- Bark beetle (seeStucco bark beetle: application technology) With the help of the tool, vertical, horizontal and chaotic stripes are made.
- The wave. To do this, after mashing the plaster, notches are made, the wall is wetted with water and then the composition is applied in strips, then the solution is smoothed with a spatula, forming waves.
- Under the stone. In this case, you can:
- apply a colored composition having high ductility to the primer;
- align the plaster with a trowel;
- with a brush located at a right angle to the surface, draw the ends of the wall.
- Travertine. To create it, the colored solution should be applied to the wall with casts and smooth out with a trowel.
- Fissures. In this case, a malka is used with semicircular, well-sharpened cloves three centimeters high and with a step equal to 1.5 centimeters. Wherein:
- plaster is applied to the ground;
- gently smoothed with a trowel;
- a rule is applied to the surface and it is small, which must be kept at an angle equal to about 45 degrees;
- furrows are performed.
- Fur coat. To form a layer:
- spray directly or through the net by shaking the solution from the brush;
- a flocculent pattern will appear on the wall when using a spray of plastic liquid mass.
- Patterns made with a sponge, leaning it sequentially to areas of the plastered surface.
- Shaded with terrazite, after the formation of notches on the plaster with a comb, the solution should be fine-grained.
- A pattern similar to chipped stones. To do this, the tongue is hammered into the surface dried after plastering.
- Venetian stucco. Uniform short strokes are made with a special trowel.
In detail, what happens to wall decoration with decorative plaster, the technology of its application shows the video in this article.
The procedure for applying decorative plaster
Before starting work, a solution is prepared.
Mixtures for plaster are:
- Dry. Such compositions should be mixed strictly according to the attached instructions, where the proportions are indicated, in order to obtain a solution of the desired consistency.
- Ready to usewhich need only be mixed well and applied to the wall.
Tip: Different types of plaster have their own requirements for the technology of their application, which, to the finer details, is usually described in the instructions, which should be carefully studied.
For high-quality laying of the decorative coating in the room, it is necessary to observe a temperature in the range from 5 ° C to 30 ° C, and the humidity should be minimal. The application of the material should be from one corner to another, as shown in the photo, without interruptions in the work in the middle of the wall, so as not to leave noticeable differences on it.
The coating procedure is as follows:
- With a spatula, the plaster is applied to the trowel.
- Starting from any angle, the solution is evenly laid on the entire surface of the wall with a layer from two to three millimeters thick; a very thin layer will leave gaps on the wall.
- Prepared polyethylene, the dimensions of which are larger than the applied plaster, to create a textured surface.
- The film adheres to the plaster from the corner. The material must first be crushed so that it has more folds. With such twisted folds, a textured pattern is applied to the wall. This can be done with a coral sponge.
Tip: If too much work is done in one day, then finish on two different walls so that the fresh corners do not have time to dry. The corners adjacent to these walls can only be touched after they have dried.
- After about 16 hours, the film is removed from the plastered surface. The solution on the wall should dry only in natural conditions:
- there should not be drafts:
- cannot be dried artificially.
- Using a trowel, fragments of the image that are weakly held and easily cracked are removed.
- The dust is carefully removed with a mulberry before the start of painting.
- The same malley produces a color that penetrates into all the recesses of the plaster.
This is an exemplary technology for covering walls of decorative plaster on a wall. During the work, each owner chooses a convenient process for himself, so that his price is minimal and the quality is excellent.