How to sheathe walls with drywall: do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

With gypsum board, you can sheathe almost any wall, regardless of the material from which it is made, the only thing that will differ in the methods of installation of drywall sheets
With gypsum board, you can sheathe almost any wall, regardless of the material from which it is made, the only thing that will differ in the methods of installation of drywall sheets

It is difficult to argue with the popularity of drywall. Today, even a child knows how to assemble a drywall construction, and moreover, not in one but in several ways. But often, there is a difficulty with fastening, because the walls can be built of different materials, which means that an individual approach is required in each case.

In this article, we will tell you how to drywall walls of different materials with plasterboard and explain why some methods are preferable to others in a particular case.

Mounting Methods

Various methods of installing drywall sheets depend not only on the material of the wall on which they are attached, but also on what you want to see in the end, as well as on the room where you use them
Various methods of installing drywall sheets depend not only on the material of the wall on which they are attached, but also on what you want to see in the end, as well as on the room where you use them

So, there are three ways to install drywall sheets:

  1. On special glue. The easiest way that does not require special knowledge and an ingenious set of tools. This mounting option has both advantages and disadvantages, but its main advantages are the low price and speed with which the installation is carried out (see.How to stick drywall to the wall yourself) Unfortunately, this method is not suitable everywhere, and if, for example, you are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to sheathe walls in a bath with drywall, then it is better to consider another, more reliable option.
By gluing drywall sheets directly to the wall, you save time and money, but this method is not suitable for all surfaces and places of application
By gluing drywall sheets directly to the wall, you save time and money, but this method is not suitable for all surfaces and places of application
  1. On the dowel. This method is similar to the first option, since the installation is carried out directly to the wall, but in this case, plastic dowels are used instead of glue, which are hammered into pre-drilled holes and press the sheet to the base. The advantage of this method is that you can independently adjust the pressure of the sheet, and if in some places the drywall is not loose, then you just need to hammer another dowel into this place.
This method of installing drywall sheets is suitable for brick or stone walls, where glue does not help.
This method of installing drywall sheets is suitable for brick or stone walls, where glue does not help.
  1. To the frame (cm.Gypsum plasterboard cladding: finishes) The most common and universal method that is suitable for any rooms and materials of which the walls are built. Here, drywall does not have direct contact with the base, which means that there is less chance that condensate will appear on the surface of the finish. The main disadvantage of this method is that it will take a lot of effort to install the frame, and besides, it will steal a few treasured centimeters from the total area of ​​the room being repaired.
Creating a frame for plasterboard cladding is considered the best installation method for any walls and materials from which they are made
Creating a frame for plasterboard cladding is considered the best installation method for any walls and materials from which they are made

It is difficult to give any recommendations on how to properly sheathe walls with drywall and which of the following options to choose. A lot depends on the characteristic features of the room, but for example mounting on a frame does not have any restrictions, well, besides the fact that it conceals the area, and often it’s simply unacceptable luxury.

Important! If you are going to plaster the walls with your own hands and choose the third option from the list, we strongly recommend that you even watch the video in this article, which shows detailed instructions for making the crate frame, before starting work.

The lath for wall sheathing with drywall allows not only to level them, but also to additionally insulate
The lath for wall sheathing with drywall allows not only to level them, but also to additionally insulate

As a recommendation, it is worth noting that, when choosing a mounting method, one should not proceed from personal preferences or considerations of economy.Often, the wrong choice is fraught with the fact that the entire finish will become completely worthless in a few years, and the repair will have to be completely redone, and this, you see, is no longer a cost-saving, and even vice versa, additional and quite substantial costs.

Different walls, different installation

Frame structures for drywall, suitable for walls with any surface, leveling them and hiding all the problem areas
Frame structures for drywall, suitable for walls with any surface, leveling them and hiding all the problem areas

As you know, within the framework of one article it is difficult to talk about all the materials from which the walls of a house can be built. Therefore, we will focus on only the three most common: brick, foam concrete and wood, but how to sheathe walls and ceiling with drywall You can count in the appropriate sections of our site.

We, however, will try to point out the subtleties of the process that you need to remember about when starting work, especially if you decide to do the repair yourself, and you do not have many years of experience in finishing or building work.

Foam concrete

In the photo you see an example of building a metal frame on the walls of the foam block, for further sheathing with plasterboard sheets
In the photo you see an example of building a metal frame on the walls of the foam block, for further sheathing with plasterboard sheets

In order to fully reveal this topic, it is necessary to answer two questions:

  • Is it possible to sheathe the walls of the foam block with drywall.
  • How to sheathe plasterboard walls of foam blocks.

As for the first question, then the question is unequivocal - not only possible, but necessary. Foam concrete itself is a very warm material, on which you can use any type of finish, without fearing that it can get wet and deteriorate.

In the photo you see the wall cladding of foam blocks with drywall, in several ways at once, which does not reduce its strength
In the photo you see the wall cladding of foam blocks with drywall, in several ways at once, which does not reduce its strength

The answer to the second question is not so straightforward, since any of the three methods listed above can be used to decorate the walls of foam concrete, but it is important to take into account some characteristic features of this material:

  • When mounting drywall on a wall plug, use a drill, not a hammer. The foam block is a very soft material, and a powerful punch will simply break the hole, as a result of which, the dowel will pop out of it.
  • Both drywall and foam concrete have a high vapor permeability, so if you are installing drywall on a frame and use the free space for additional insulation, then try to choose materials with the same parameters, for example mineral wool, which, unlike foam, passes vapor much better.
The choice of material for wall insulation is very important, many nuances must be taken into account, including the material from which the walls of the room are made
The choice of material for wall insulation is very important, many nuances must be taken into account, including the material from which the walls of the room are made
  • Before sheathing the walls of the foam block with drywall, they must be treated with primers of deep penetration. They contain special antiseptics that prevent the occurrence and spread of mold, which is very important for a material with such a throughput as foam concrete.

Advice! Before plasterboard walls are sheathed with drywall, carefully select the diameter of the drill and dowel. Remember, the dowel should be slightly thicker than the hole in the wall, only in this case it will hold firmly in the base and will not fly out of there.


It is recommended to make a special crate for wooden walls for lining them with drywall sheets, for better fastening of drywall
It is recommended to make a special crate for wooden walls for lining them with drywall sheets, for better fastening of drywall

One of the most frequently asked questions at construction forums is how to sheathe plasterboard walls from timber. Owners of wooden houses know that not all materials are suitable for their walls, and during the installation process you can encounter a number of difficulties.

The most preferred method in this situation is to mount on a frame. Thus, you can not only protect drywall from moisture, but also get the opportunity to produce additional wall insulation.

Frame constructions on wooden walls with plasterboard lining make our wooden house much warmer
Frame constructions on wooden walls with plasterboard lining make our wooden house much warmer

Note that, despite the fact that mounting on a frame is considered the most expensive, it is much cheaper than performing external insulation. Another argument that speaks in favor of frame mounting is the fact that wooden walls are often deformed, and if drywall is firmly glued to them, it will begin to deform along with the base, but without plasticity like wood, it will simply begin to crack and collapse .

Wooden walls can be made of different types of wood or its substitutes, and not all of them are very strong, so the frame made for plasterboard sheathing will help to avoid their destruction.
Wooden walls can be made of different types of wood or its substitutes, and not all of them are very strong, so the frame made for plasterboard sheathing will help to avoid their destruction.

So, you can sheathe log walls with drywall, but you need to approach this process more thoroughly. On the other hand, if we are talking, for example, about a frame house built according to modern technology, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region, then you don’t have to worry about finishing. Mount drywall in any way convenient for you.

Important! Glue for drywall, as a rule, is intended for use on mineral surfaces, and it may have poor adhesion with wood, so when choosing it in a store, check this nuance with a sales assistant.


In the photo you see an example of the lathing on a brick wall for mounting plasterboard sheets on it, as well as for additional wall insulation
In the photo you see an example of the lathing on a brick wall for mounting plasterboard sheets on it, as well as for additional wall insulation

Ceramic brick is the hardest and most durable building material of all the above. Here you can choose any method, the main thing is to be guided by the warmth and evenness of the surface. If the walls are warm, then you can simply glue the sheets of drywall, and at the same time save money and room space.

If the walls need additional insulation, then we choose the method of frame installation, and you can use any insulation, whether it be mineral wool or dense foam. Of course, brick walls can sweat and form condensation, but primers and impregnations will perfectly cope with this problem.

In order to avoid future infection of drywall with mold or fungus, brick walls, before the construction of the crate, must be treated with protective compounds
In order to avoid future infection of drywall with mold or fungus, brick walls, before the construction of the crate, must be treated with protective compounds

Another advantage of frame mounting is that before you sheathe the ceiling and walls with drywall, they do not need to be aligned. Metal plumbing will perfectly cope with this task.

The only advice we would like to give is not to use wooden blocks for the manufacture of the frame. As you know, a tree is able to accumulate moisture, and at the same time deform, and such changes in the structure can negatively affect the quality and appearance of the entire finish over time.

And in conclusion

Plastering the walls with plasterboard will not cost you much and will not take much time, and the result will please
Plastering the walls with plasterboard will not cost you much and will not take much time, and the result will please

Well, that’s all we wanted to tell you as part of this article, but you probably have a lot of questions left, the answers to which you will certainly find on our website.

It is not difficult to plaster the walls correctly, it is much more difficult to choose the installation method and take into account all the nuances and subtleties. And remember, you should not save on the quality of drywall. Moisture-resistant material has a greater margin of safety, and will last much longer, so the savings in this case are simply unreasonable.

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