Decorative plaster: do-it-yourself master class from a professional

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Decorative plaster video master class
Decorative plaster video master class

Masters in decorative plaster can always be found, but then the price of the work will not be small. Although, if not too lazy, everything can be done with your own hands. Nothing complicated here. You just need to know how and how to apply the desired pattern.

Today we will tell you how to make decorative plaster master class with your own hands. Also in the video in this article you can watch individual moments that will help you do everything quickly and efficiently.

Work Options

Application Masters decorative plaster do their work in stages. After all, sequence is important here.

All work is as follows:

Material purchaseHere you need to determine the pattern, the application layer and select the right material for the job. After all, it is of several types and it is necessary to choose the most acceptable option.
Plane preparationFinishing will hold for a long time and have an attractive appearance only when laying is done on a prepared plane. This work is as follows:
  • First, we determine the application layer. To do this, just pull the line diagonally on the plane and look. The size of the layer will be immediately visible.
  • If the layer is more than two cm, then it is worth making the alignment of the plane using drywall.
  • After this, it is necessary to apply a layer of soil, it will make the adhesion of materials more durable.


PlasteringHere you just need to choose the right tool and do the job. On this topic, full instructions will be described below.

Plaster selection

The master of decorative plaster first of all carefully selects the mixture. Since the choice of methods and technologies is quite diverse, and there are more types of materials, people wonder - what to choose?

Surely it will not work. The correctness of the choice should be judged based on the conditions that will be in the place of operation, and the method must be chosen appropriate.


  • An important point is the cost of materials and work. Modern trends did not pass building materials and led to the fact that new materials significantly outperform analogues that are no different from expensive ones.
  • In any design work, the question always arises of how well different stylistic combinations and materials fit together. No one will argue that the Venetian patterns, which can often be seen in the palace interiors, will look in an ordinary apartment. If it comes to expensive living rooms, buildings under the ancient era and museums, then they can not do without skillfully decorated walls.
  • Simply put, to choose your cover, you need to clearly understand what kind of interior you want to achieve and what effect it should produce on you and your guests.

Cladding cladding

Video master class decorative plaster
Video master class decorative plaster

"Rock" is considered one of the easiest in its complexity. It’s hard to find something easier. This method is unpretentious in choosing the final putty, so be free to choose.

The only “but”: painting will not be the easiest, it will have to be done in more than one step, but we will deal with this. Putty is best applied from the Sheetrock brand. It is ready to use right out of the box, which is convenient.


  • Before applying our “rock”, surfaces should be carefully primed. We also strongly recommend that you putty walls - it is possible in one layer.This will allow to avoid untreated spaces and the quality of work will be higher.
  • It is necessary to mark in the mind the surface to be treated into sections. Suppose half a square meter - to whom it is more convenient. Application is best done on such a site. This greatly organizes the work and avoids the incidents that are sure to arise during continuous application. Take a small amount of putty and apply to our sector highlighted in the mind. It is necessary to cover thinly - 2-3 mm. The thicker, the more accurate the appearance; To avoid this, smooth the putty as evenly as possible.
  • Finished puttying - start making up the structure. To do this, you need to clean your ironer and, simply applying it to the still not putty, and then making a slight movement over a short distance. The direction of movement can be any, but a slight lift of the handle of the ironer on itself is allowed. The distance may be different for your taste, but we will move 15-20 centimeters.
  • The smoothing machine, touching the mixture on the wall, creates small cavities filled with air. They wedge into the coating, thereby creating a texture, and we, with our light movements, “smear” it across the entire surface. The movements, despite their lightness, must be chaotic, indescribable. Their meaning lies in the soft separation of the smoothing machine from the putty layer at the end point. This allows you to leave soft traces that will not stand out too much against the general background. The whole secret is in the corner between the trowel and our layer, which evenly increases with the movement of the trowel, but at a mark of 10-20 degrees should stop. You need to practice a little, and very soon you will begin to feel this degree, and work will go easily.
  • Clean the instrument after each movement, especially if you are doing it for the first time. As you can get enough, you can do two approaches without cleaning the ironer.
  • At first, from inexperience, the trowel can stick in the putty layer. This happens if the trowel is applied all over. By the way, it’s very difficult to tear it off later - it sticks tightly. You can even break the iron.
  • As one plot is ready, putty is applied to the next one, going a little to the first, repeating the above steps.
  • You can apply the structure not only unsystematically. You can also try even diagonal lines, crosses, vertical and others. The method implies a large field for experiments: even if something failed the first time, then you can smooth it over and start creating again.
  • The drying time for this technique is approximately 24 hours.

On the finished "rock" you can safely apply paint. Now we will tell you all the secrets of the method called "rain".

Rain cladding

Plaster decorative video master class of drawing the invoice
Plaster decorative video master class of drawing the invoice "Rain"

As in the previous method, the direction of your structure does not matter at all. If you wish, you can do it vertically or horizontally.

The inclined method simply looks more spectacular, and therefore we will describe it:

  • It all starts with marks. On the putty layer, draw lines, orienting them to the South-East, starting from the top and ending at the bottom, retreating a distance slightly less than three widths of your trowel. If you have it 15 cm wide, then the step should be approximately 40 cm. It is better to draw a "rain" continuously; This will make your pattern continuous at the corners.
  • The work is simple, but takes a lot of time. If you try to do it qualitatively, then the result will please you very much. Be patient, it's worth it. If you wish, you can hire a master to apply decorative plaster - they can do it quickly.
  • Having prepared all the lines, take masking tape. It must be glued to each line drawn with the top edge.Better start from the upper right corner of the wall - this will reduce the possibility of an undesirable drop of putty on the pattern created for such a long time.
  • Putty is applied in two to three millimeters on a strip with a width slightly less than your trowel and about 1 meter long. After all operations, the tool is placed flat (with a slight pressure) and removed; repeat over the entire strip about 20 times. The resulting lining will look like a hedgehog.
  • The work is simple, but takes a lot of time. If you try to do it qualitatively, then the result will please you. Be patient.
  • The stronger the pressure, the more expressively your “rain” will come out and, accordingly, the weaker - the brighter the pattern will turn out.
  • If you want, you can bring the strip to the bottom, and you can do the next without completing it to the end of the first. Subsequent strips are better to overlap up to one centimeter on the finished. Repeat the operation. The final strip of three will turn out slightly going to the tape.

Having finished it, remove the tape and continue:

  • The method allows layers to crawl one on top of the other. This creates a pleasing texture to the eye.
  • Adhesive tape allows you to avoid errors with the angle of direction of the picture.
  • As soon as it dries, it is necessary to treat the surface with a grinding tool (see How to grind walls after putty and how to do it right) to remove sloppy misses. Sandpaper will do.
  • Typical processing difficulties are the same as in the first method - the trowel may get stuck in putty, leave too clear a mark, the relief may turn out to be uneven. Of course, unevenness can do a good job if it is in place - small areas that complement the overall look can be left behind. But do not go too far and do the whole wall. Sudden changes in texture are best removed immediately.
  • After completing all the stages of the cladding, you can cover it with a primer and take up the painting. We will talk about this in the next article.

Decorative plaster master class video will show you the whole process of doing this work. Here you can show your imagination and choose a different picture, it is quite possible to pick up from the photo.

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