Mineral facade plaster: material features

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Mineral facade plaster
Mineral facade plaster

Facade mineral plaster has been used in construction for a long time and we will talk about it today. Also in the video in this article you can see all the details of the work and the photo will show individual moments.

The composition of the mineral plaster

Mineral facade plaster consists of components such as crushed quartz or marble (see Facade stucco with marble chips: types, features, application methods), lime hydrant, white Portland cement, plasticizers, light mineral aggregates, as well as substances that give a hydrophobic property to the composition, which allows it to repel moisture.


  • Mineral plasters for the facade are diluted with water, the instructions are in the package. Using a spatula, the finished composition is applied to the plastered surface, and then with a textured roller (see Rollers for decorative plastering and creating a relief surface) create a relief of the coating. Finishing the external walls, to strengthen the layer, a reinforcing mesh should be used. Such an approach guarantees reliable adhesion of the mortar to the external wall of the building.

You can not use the grid, using only the soil of deep penetration, but in this case, you need to consider a couple of points:

  1. The thickness of the applied layer should not exceed 30 mm.
  2. The depth of the unevenness of the wall surface cannot be large.

If this is not feasible, then you cannot do without a grid.

  • Mineral plaster is very unpretentious to surfaces, which allows it to be used for external thermal insulation systems. In the course of work, the prepared composition is consumed economically.
  • To be able to do the job efficiently, you should adhere to a certain temperature regime. Plastering is not performed when the temperature is less than 5 ° C and above 30 ° C. The coating will dry completely after 72 hours.

Benefits of Mineral Plaster

Mineral facade plaster will help you and save money, since the main advantage of the material is its low price. This is due to the absence of expensive components in the dry mix, which ultimately allows the manufacturer to sell goods at an attractive price.


  • Another advantage of the material is its high vapor permeability. This feature distinguishes the considered plaster from others, for example, from acrylic, by the ability to use it when plastering surfaces with low diffusion resistance, such as cellular concrete. Due to vapor permeability, excess moisture from the room air is removed without forming condensation on the wall surfaces and without transferring moisture to the supporting structures. Simply put, mineral stucco walls “breathe”.
  • The material has a high pH level, due to this it has good resistance to bio-effects. Mineral plaster is resistant to all kinds of molds, shoots and other similar types of biological effects.
  • This type of plaster tolerates temperature extremes, is resistant to precipitation, and also has frost resistance and fire safety.
  • When dried, the solution does not crack and does not shrink.
  • In operation, surfaces finished with this material show their best side. They are easy to clean and wash, for which all cleaning products are suitable. Mineral plaster is completely safe from the point of view of ecology.
  • It’s also great to do all the work yourself. The price will then be much lower.

The negative sides of mineral plasters

The main disadvantages of the material are the following five qualities:

  1. High labor costs at work. High-quality surface finish requires highly skilled manual labor.
  2. A small number of plaster colors, which is due to the alkaline composition of the mixture. True, this drawback is solved simply. When the plaster dries to give it the necessary color, possibly with paints for facades.
  3. Relatively short service life. Surface repair will be required after a maximum of 10 years.
  4. When preparing the solution, you must clearly adhere to the recommended dosages and adhere to all technological standards.
  5. The finished coating is not resistant to vibration.

At the moment, in the market of building materials, the leader among thin-layer plasters for facades in the price and quality segment is mineral plasters. This mixture is also valuable because with time the lime in its composition is carbonized, due to which the coating gains greater hardness.

Facade Stages

Attention: Mineral plaster for facades is used only after the building shrinks, otherwise the finished surface will crack. The process begins when other activities are completed. After finishing the installation of the roof, drainpipes, loggias or balconies and activities for the organization of external waterproofing, go to the plaster of the facade of the building.

Mineral plaster application
Mineral plaster application

The plaster composition is applied to the prepared wall surface. To do this, dust is removed from it, as well as all bituminous, greasy contaminants and saline stains that have come out.


  • When plastering facades, different types of mortars are used, which have different strength characteristics, and also are hygroscopic and porous. The most common use is cement-sand (see Let's consider how to plaster cement-sand mortar), calcareous and calcareous composition. Choose the appropriate type, based on the conditions under which the operation of the facade and its design features are expected.
  • When working in hot weather, when the air is dry and warmed above 23 ° C, the surface of the walls erected from bricks and blocks must be moistened with water.

Plastered walls from small-piece materials must meet certain parameters:

  • The corners and the surface of the masonry should not deviate from the vertical, at a distance of one floor, by more than 1 cm, and by the full height of the building no more than 3 cm;
  • Rows of bricks may be rejected relative to the horizontal axis not more than 1.5 cm per 10 m of length;
  • Roughnesses of the vertical surface when applying the rule for a length of 2 m should not be more than 1 cm.
Application of mineral plaster
Application of mineral plaster

The facade plaster provides for the application of several layers.

SprayThis layer is applied with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm and is wiped off.
PrimingThe main layer with a coating thickness of 7 to 8 mm. Having applied the soil to the surface it must be leveled.
NakryvkaThe final layer with a thickness for ordinary plaster is 2 mm, and for decorative plaster the thickness of the cover varies from 4 to 7 mm.


  • In the case of restoration of the facade, mortars are used that are similar in quality and strength characteristics to the previously applied plaster. The restored parts are aligned with the plane of the facade and give the same texture.

Attention: When working on restoration of the facade surface, it is not allowed to use compositions that differ from the already applied strength to the larger side. It is not permissible to use a cement-sand mixture in the repair of lime-cement and lime plaster (see We prepare ourselves a mortar for lime plaster), because due to the influence of external factors it is possible that the repaired areas will peel off.

  • When repairing cracks with a width of up to 1 mm, having embroidered them, a polymer-cement composition is used. When it is required to renew the surface finished with decorative plaster, another composition is used - terrazite.
  • The mixture prepared for work is applied to the wall with a spatula or grater made of stainless steel. When the solution has thickened its application is complicated, you can restore the initial consistency by mixing the composition with a drill with a special nozzle. Moreover, it is not permissible to re-add water to the ready-made mixture. The thickness of the plaster layer on the facade is determined based on the fraction of aggregates, the average range is 1.5-3.5 mm.
  • After applying the solution to the surface, you need to level it and remove the excess with a grater. When the plaster dries and does not remain on the tool, the finished layer can be given the necessary relief. This is done with a plastic grater, holding it in a horizontal plane. It is necessary to carry out plastering of one wall non-stop, being guided by the rule "wet on wet". When you still can’t do without a break, you need to stay on the line on which you are supposed to stick masking tape and apply plaster composition to it. At the end of the pause, the tape can be removed by removing the remnants of the fresh solution.
  • Decorative plasters based on polymers are applied in the same way, although there is one point - they must be delivered to the place of work in a prepared form. Starting to finish, they are mixed and plastering of the surface begins.

Attention: When choosing decorative plaster, among other factors, take into account the resulting surface topography.

Mineral facade plaster is quite simply applied and everything can be done with your own hands, you can see the entire progress of work on video in this article and photo.

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