How is masonry plastering done?
Facade stucco on brick and interior, the most common options for finishing and leveling the brick plane. True, it is worth saying that the thickness of the plaster layer on the brick is limited, it can be no more than five cm, even when reinforcing. Although such uneven walls can be found rarely.
Today we will tell you how to apply plaster on brickwork. You will also have the opportunity to see photos and videos in this article, which will show the most labor-intensive moments of the work.
The content of the article
Brick Wall Alignment and Finishing Options
The brick wall is leveled with plaster and after that it is quite possible to apply other finishing materials. But it is worth saying that plaster is not always effective. She has a small weight. Let's look at the options with which we can align the brick plane.
There are three options to choose from:
- Combined
- Wet. The basis is the use of plaster
- Dry. The room is sheathed with plasterboard.
What is the difference:
- Wet brick masonry is the most ideal choice from the options provided. It helps you align walls that are made of bricks. The ability to cope even with the "unreal curvature of the walls" by spending a minimum amount of material - exists. Thanks to this decoration, the walls in the house will not narrow, which can happen if you work with drywall. A special frame is made for him, which occupies this precious place.
- In the old-fashioned way, walls are used to leveling with gypsum mixtures or mortar made of cement and sand. Knowledge will allow you to choose a mixture. It all depends on what material was originally used. Since plastering is the main action, you need to carefully process each place, because if you make a mistake, you will have to modify it. Never rely on the assumption of any defects, such as bloating.
- Plaster, designed to process a brick wall, has several special factors, and the master must know them by heart! The first rule is shrinkage. If it was built recently, then you need to wait for a moment that will allow you to do subsequent work with compaction and drying. In the worst case, small cracks will appear on the wall or all the plaster may sprinkle.
We are preparing the plane
Preparation of brick surfaces for plastering is a must. The quality of application and the durability of the coating will depend on this. This moment simply cannot be missed.
The work is performed as follows:
- First of all, we determine the application layer. This is especially important when the internal plastering of a brick house is done. To determine the thickness, you just need to pull the line along the diagonals of the plane and apply a level. Then we will see everything at once;
- Now do the dismantling. If you previously applied any materials to the wall, then they need to be removed. Is your wall made of bricks? - The need to apply various notches in addition, so that the solution adheres firmly - no. The process of cleaning masonry is needed, where special attention must be paid to the seams.
- First of all, you will need any material that can dampen the place that has been prepared in advance and clean the dust. All this serves to avoid bad consequences if the protruding surface does not work out. If you adhere to each step, you will need to apply the primer that you bought earlier on the masonry (see Primer walls and all for that matter).
The decoration of the walls made of brick surfaces, on which the mixture of plaster is applied, consists of only five stages. Each stage, which is described below, is important, therefore it is unnecessary to omit at least one of them.
- You need to choose the right place to nail each guide bar. These products are of these types. The first is called "mesh", it has the property of "drowning in solution." The second tends to attach.
- Prepare a mortar for plaster. Here you will judge by the humidity of the room. In most cases, it is just a cementitious compound. And if you need improved plastering of brick surfaces, then you can add gypsum to the finish. Then there will be a smooth plane, which is suitable for painting and wallpapering.
- Apply plaster mortar. Masters most often put it in one or even two layers. This mixture is applied only with a trowel or an automatic aggregate. It is customary to collect the excess mixture and mix it again with the solution, after which the wall is leveled with a small rail. The easiest way to prepare a dry mix is to buy it in a store.
However, if you still decide to do it yourself, there is a small but useful recipe:
- One piece of cement
- Sifted sand
- Mixer box
- Water
- And, of course, glue, if necessary
First of all, you need to pour sand prepared in advance into the box and only after it cement.
Note: It is worth remembering that you need to thoroughly mix the entire mixture and at the same time add water until you understand what is enough. If you see that the solution has become like sour cream, it means that it is ready.
- Glue can be poured at the end, but again, if necessary, for the desired properties. The most important thing: if you decide to do it yourself, then you must use the ready-made solution for 60 minutes, otherwise it will simply dry out, so it’s better to make small portions.
- For high-quality kneading, you must use a mixer or drill with a nozzle. Then you get a homogeneous and high-quality mass without lumps.
Wall grouting and smoothing sequence
After a while, as soon as the plaster is completely dry, you should grout, which will help wood grater perfectly, doing all this with your own hands you will carry out the work efficiently. For a quality clean grout, you may need felt or felt, which you need to pour your grater to density. Here are five steps to take:
- In your hand, which is convenient for you, should be an object for cleaning, and not in a convenient hand-camel. Near themselves should put any container that will contain water in order to constantly wet the plaster. After wetting, it has a more suitable option, a soft base, which is rubbed many times faster than dry. However, if you were able at the first attempt to make the necessary plaster, then you should not moisten it.
- Most often, the anti-clockwise technique is used for high-quality grouting. It is called "roundabout." From time to time, watching the accumulated solution, you should clean it with a fossil. The force of pressing the grater is dependent in several aspects, but primarily the surface hardness.
- After, when you have completed all the points one hundred percent and your wall does not contain all kinds of cracks, bulges, then everything is done correctly. Often there are cases where the grater leaves significant traces. In order to avoid unnecessary problems to anyone, it is worth overclocking.
- During your work on the walls, adapting to the previously mentioned tool - a grater, you should make 2 strokes if the height of your room does not exceed the norm, that is, up to four meters. Swings need to be done at your full height. But if it exceeds the norm, then in three strokes.
- For uniform and quick drying, it is worth ventilating the entire room.
Attention: after grouting, there may be defects in the plaster of the brick in the form of shells. They are sealed with a grout and a rubber spatula. If you are making an imitation of masonry from plaster, then you need to use stamps when filling.
Gypsum plaster
To achieve full professional quality when working with external plaster, you should not immediately process two adjacent walls forming an angle. For a quality finish, you need to wait a couple of hours, and continue to work as soon as the plaster dries.
- Undoubtedly, no one was left with a secret that gypsum mortar has a rather large variety with cement. Mechanical clutch that is suitable for gypsum plaster, much stronger holds on the surface, while not adding chemistry. However, such plaster is not suitable for every home. It is highly recommended not to work with this mixture in wet places.
- This rule also applies to those houses in which the vibration is too high, but to be more precise, it is possible, but in a month or two it will be necessary to redo everything completely. Gypsum plastering is done directly at the end of the work.
- It is applied in a layer of 15-20 mm. The easiest method to apply is spraying onto your wall with alignment. To apply solutions in "very" large houses, you need to prepare a very small amount of the mixture, otherwise it will become a solid "you will not blink an eye." It is worth paying attention to the instructions, in the worst case, you go too far with water, which is actually sad.
If you still violated the application technology plaster meshAs a rule, in the near future it will make itself felt, and not from the better side. As we said above, the first plaster layer that lays on a brick wall, must be only as thin as possible.
After these points, on the already done layer, the grid should be superimposed. It is better to combine it with a small margin and process it with a tool that bears the name - a half-grater. To continue working, you must make sure that the surface is completely dry.
And during the time when your work will dry, you need to set beacons and fix all the bars. But do not forget to knead the solution in advance. For any work with plaster you will need a quality tool.
We will provide you with all the information about the types of tools that are most popular:
- To clean the wall from "annoying" wallpaper, which previously applied paints or bumps, you need a scraper.
- Tools that should not have identical sizes of “teeth” and blades are called “cog and chisel”.
- To completely clean the walls using a steel brush.
- To fix the solution, you will first have to apply the so-called "notches", which will be very useful for you in Buchard. It looks like a medium-sized hammer, and teeth are located on the edges.
- In order to even out and apply high-quality plaster, a "plaster shovel" will come to the rescue.
- To collect the solution - a falcon.
- Half
- You will also need to cut.
- To check if your walls are flat or still need improvement, you need a tool, which is called the rule.
- And, most importantly, a grater. As we remember, it helps to wipe the surface.
Features of decorative plasters
If you follow every point of the technology for applying decorative plaster, you will get a very impressive perfectly executed work that you can do with ease.
- To apply such a mixture, you must first carefully prepare the surface. Drawing a preliminary layer and "fitting" of the grid will only simplify your task. This is due to the fact that the base of this material contains the resin that it receives in a synthetic way. That is why at the very end of the work your surface should be perfect.
- Approaching this process responsibly means getting the opportunity to make the work consistent or with a chaotic pattern, using previously prepared templates. If you achieve some kind of “roughness”, then the option “in the spray” will definitely suit you, which will allow you to fulfill your desires.
Undoubtedly, the true connoisseurs of this version of the plaster understand that such work can not be called anything other than “magnificent”. Indeed, it looks great in a variety of rooms, and does not require any special talents, because the "new one" can do it.
Under all conditions, you can do an excellent job even without any “special” tools that famous brands often offer. To do this, you just need to take a broom, moisten it in a solution and bring it to the surface, then simply tap the handle on the handle.
Plastering on masonry is not difficult to apply, just immediately determine the material and pattern. The instructions will help you make a choice. And the issue price is not high, everything is in your hands.
The main thing is to wait for the plaster to dry completely, which was applied over the mesh. I didn’t know this and had to completely redo the entire wall. It’s good that I carried out experiments in the garage, otherwise I would have flown into a big penny ...