How do plastering do it yourself

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

DIY Leonardo plaster
DIY Leonardo plaster

With your own hands, plaster is most often applied during repairs. This is one of the most popular finishing materials on the modern market, characterized by high consumer properties, aesthetics and excellent technical characteristics.

In this article you can see how to plaster a video with your own hands and you will be given instructions on all the rules for choosing material and conducting work.

Rules for plastering

This process is not complicated. First you need to decide how much this material is suitable in your case. After that, choose the right composition, because there is also warm plaster with your own hands, but a simple cement composition is also used. There will be no big difference in the principle of application. So, let's talk about everything in order.

Undoubted advantages

The main advantages of plaster:

  • Moisture resistance. Even with significant wetting (for example, during flooding), it will not lose its external attractiveness. This is extremely important, because often as a result of such unforeseen trouble walls primarily suffer, which subsequently have to be put in order for a long time;
  • Ability to optimize the insulating properties of the room;
  • Full compliance with applicable environmental and hygiene standardswhich makes the plaster absolutely safe. She can process the walls in the nursery, kitchen, bedroom. The plaster does not contain, unlike most modern building materials, toxic substances that evaporate during use and can cause damage to human health;
  • The ability to pass household fumes (air permeability). This property prevents the wear of building materials and stabilizes the moisture balance in the building. Thus, the treated surfaces will last as long as possible;
  • The ability to change the color and texture of the finish. Show taste and imagination when decorating the room. A variety of shades and effects will allow you to create a unique design of the room, fully consistent with the idea of ​​an ideal home;
  • Fire resistance. Plaster is perfect for finishing wooden structures, which very often suffer from fires;
  • Competitive affordable price. Unlike many other finishing materials, plaster can be purchased at a fairly low price, which means that you can significantly save on repairs. In addition, for its application it is not at all necessary to contact specialists whose services are often overpriced. Having done the work yourself, you will get even greater benefits.

Small cons

Of course, plaster has its drawbacks:

  • In particular, the coating may become cracked in violation of the algorithm for coating the surface with the composition and non-observance of the solidification time. In addition, work outside the building can be carried out exclusively at temperatures above zero, which is not always convenient.
  • It is also worth noting that there are certain requirements for the thickness of the mixture layer, and glossy or smooth surfaces need preliminary preparation (applying a primer, notches, installing a mesh netting). Another disadvantage is the relatively low productivity of the work with its high complexity.
  • Wooden buildings are also quite difficult to prepare for decoration. Textured plasterDespite its visual appeal, it is prone to dust accumulation. However, the surface can be washed with any cleaning agent, and to facilitate maintenance of the surface it is worth covering it with wax (synthetic or natural) or varnish.

All these shortcomings can not be called so significant that they could cause the refusal to use plaster as the main finishing material. In any case, her advantages are undeniably greater.

Wet technology

Plaster solutions are applied, as a rule, in three layers having a specific function:

SprayPromotes adhesion of the finish to the wall. The solution should have a thick consistency (resembling sour cream). When working with brick or foam concrete surfaces, the thickness of the layer should not be more than 5 mm. Wood processing requires a layer of up to 9 millimeters. The spray is leveled exclusively on concrete surfaces with an even structure - this allows you to maintain the same thickness;
PrimingWhen applying the second layer, a thicker solution resembling dough is used. It is used after drying the spray. The soil is leveled and rubbed until a fairly flat surface is reached. This layer needs special attention, since it serves as the basis for the final finishing and determines the thickness of the plaster;
NakryvkaThe third layer of medium consistency, consisting of a solution with well sifted fine sand. Before applying it, the dried soil needs to be moistened a little - this will contribute to the adhesion of two layers of plaster. In conclusion, the surface is carefully leveled.

Caution: Before proceeding with each new stage, you should wait a certain period of time (recommendations are usually given on the packaging of the mixture). Otherwise, the result of the work may be hopelessly spoiled: the plaster becomes cracked, begins to peel, etc.

Better lineup for better results

Not so long ago, the main components of plaster mixtures were sand and cement. Meanwhile, the industry does not stand still, and every year the products improve. This also applies to the construction industry.

  • Modern manufacturers offer a huge variety of ready-made compositions, including modifying additives of various effects. These components increase the characteristics of the plaster, such as adhesion and ductility, solidification at certain temperatures and the speed of hardening, make it easier to work with the mixture.
  • Unfortunately, the cost of such formulations cannot be called affordable. That is why plasters based on cement and gypsum are still popular - inexpensive and very high quality. At the same time, cement compositions differ significantly from gypsum (see Gypsum plaster: use technology) It concerns both application methods and other characteristics.

Attention: If you want to make the wall volumetric, then you need curly plaster. In this case, choose the composition according to the complexity of the picture. If there will be a lot of facet, then plastic composition should be preferred.

Stucco cement composition

Cement plaster, which is clear from the name, consists of cement with improving additives and sifted sand. The size of the grains of the material (otherwise, the fractional size) directly affects the thickness of the plaster layer: the smaller the dispersion, the finer it is.

Photo of applying cement plaster
Photo of applying cement plaster
  • Everyone will be able to prepare a solution from the finished mixture, this does not require any special knowledge and skills. Filling the container with a volume of 7-8 l half with water, add the dry mixture. It must be regularly stirred with a trowel or a special construction mixer.

Attention: The most preferred cement brand M400 and clean sifted sand in a ratio of 1: 3. Do not increase the percentage of the binder component - this can shorten the curing period and, as a result, create difficulties when leveling the surface.

  • Plaster is applied with a spatula (trowel), smoothed out - with a rule or a grater. The process of applying a cement mortar was called "blotch". And this is no coincidence: the solution must be “plopped” onto the wall as grossly as possible. In this case, it adheres well to the surface, and small particles penetrate the outer layers of the material. Of course, this method will lead to the fact that the surrounding area will be polluted and dotted with splashes, but the result is worth it.
  • No need to strive to cover the maximum area. The plasterer will achieve the best effect if he works with part of the wall with an area of ​​not more than a meter. Having exposed it to "blotch", you can begin to level the area with a grater. The movements should be directed in a circle counterclockwise. A solution is added to the gaps formed. Excesses are returned to the tank. Each layer dries up for seven to eight hours, only after that the next is “blotted”.
  • To achieve smooth angles, use a trim board, attached with self-tapping screws to the wall adjacent to the surface being machined. For the plastering of adjacent walls there is no need to nail the board - it is fixed with the help of jibs.
  • In order to form a whisker - exact concave angles - two bastards are attached at right angles. It is especially worth noting that all defects in work, as well as excess solution, must be removed no more than 12 hours after finishing. After this period, it will be very difficult to eliminate the residues.

Gypsum mortar

Gypsum (alabaster) mixtures are extremely convenient to use: they are well applied and quickly harden.

Note: This plaster is ideal for those who decide to do the work on their own. However, in comparison with cement, they are less wear-resistant and durable.

  • Gypsum mortar must be diluted in a clean container with exceptionally clean tools - otherwise, the hardening time is reduced. Before proceeding with its preparation, carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Apply gypsum plaster with a trowel or trowel, and then align vertically and horizontally. It will take about 2-3 hours to dry the layer. To form even angles, you will need a reinforced corner device, then the surface is adjusted with a spatula.
  • The excess must be removed within the first hour from the start of solidification. Beginners at this stage may have difficulties.
  • It is worth noting that the alabaster compositions fall on oil paint and putty poorly. Plaster on such surfaces simply falls off, because moisture evaporates from the hardening solution, which saturates the putty. As a result, the plaster exfoliates.

Secrets and subtleties of plastering on lighthouses

Process wall plasters on lighthouses for such types of finishes as tiles, wallpapers, etc., it is not at all as complicated as it might seem to someone who does not have experience in such work, at first glance. The easiest way to watch a few videos in this article. But a brief briefing, presented below, will certainly not be superfluous. Its essence lies in the elementary method of alignment using metal profiles.

So, for work you will need: concrete mortar (alabaster), a rule of 2 meters or more, self-tapping screws, plastering tools, metal profiles. At the moment, their choice is very wide. Of course, the cost of such devices is quite high, but in any case lower than the services of specialized teams.

Work execution algorithm:

  • Reiki (extreme beacons), placed vertically, are placed at a distance of 20 centimeters from the edge or at the intersection of an adjacent wall with a partition;
  • A level or cord with a suspension reveals the vertical curvature of the bearing wall (partition);
  • Along the vertically set rule, gypsum tubercles are applied after 20-30 cm, pressing them down with the rule creates an imaginary level - a kind of reference point for alignment;
  • After fixing the beacon with a solution, set the next;
  • Stretch the cords between single-level points of the lighthouses. This is done to find the location of intermediate beacons (the need for them arises when working with large areas). To fix the future area of ​​the plaster, self-tapping screws are driven in, which then need to be removed;
  • At the end of the hardening of the fixing beacons of the solution, they “slap” the inter-profile distance;
  • Having pressed a rule to beacons, level solution. It is led vertically along the length of the rail-profiles, sometimes moving slightly to the right and left - in this way the layers are obtained as even as possible. When the coating has dried, the beacons break out of the wall, and the furrows are sealed with mortar.

Independently means excellent

The main thing when working with solutions (see How to prepare the mortar for plaster correctly) - accuracy and patience, as well as strict adherence to the instructions attached to the compositions. Having processed at least one surface, you will be convinced that it is not so difficult. In addition, having independently completed the work, you can significantly save and be absolutely sure of its result.

DIY plaster gun
DIY plaster gun
  • Before applying the plaster, you should immediately determine the thickness of the application, for this, just pull the fishing line along the diagonals and immediately see everything;
  • If you have large volumes of work, then it’s worth buying a gun for plastering with your own hands, this will greatly facilitate your work and reduce time;

In conclusion, it should be added that plaster, despite the abundance of finishing materials, remains the most demanded to this day due to the simplicity of work, low cost, external aesthetics, safety, durability and ease of care for the treated surfaces.

Plastering is always the right and always relevant choice. Do-it-yourself facade stucco video will help you not to make a mistake and do everything right with your own hands.

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