Window decoration: doing it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Decoration of windows with decorative plaster
Decoration of windows with decorative plaster

When finishing the facade, do not forget about the decor of windows. Moreover, they can be the main decoration of the front of the house.
We want to tell you about how plastic windows are finished inside and from the front. Consider the types of materials with which the decoration of eurowindows, slopes and window areas is carried out.

Decorative elements of windows

Windows play an important role not only in the interior of the room, but also in the general appearance of the building. Therefore, choosing material for slope finishes and windows, it is necessary to carefully study the issue of its aesthetic compatibility with the decor of the walls of the house, the shape and size of the windows.

Window grilles

The oldest way to protect the building from penetration, as well as decorating windows, are window grills. Craftsmen make products of stunning beauty - a variety of drawings and color options allows you to create a unique decor for windows.

Decorative window grilles
Decorative window grilles


  • Hand-made hot forging grids always have an individual design and a certain artistic value. After watching the video, you will understand that manual forging is not an easy job.
    The higher cost of such a grille is justified by its aesthetic qualities and long service life.
  • Cold forging is performed on special equipment and has a massive character. The decor elements of such gratings are metal modules in the form of balls, leaves, cones, twisted rods.
Indoor decorative grill
Indoor decorative grill
  • Such gratings are assembled, as a designer, from individual elements that are connected together by welding or riveting. It does not take a lot of time, so the price of such grids is more affordable.
    The method of cold forging does not affect the quality and durability - there is not only individuality.

With the help of decorative grilles, metal-plastic windows can be finished indoors, and not just outside. The picture above confirms this eloquently!


Recently, window shutters have become fashionable again. If earlier they were used only to protect windows from rain or wind, today they are a full-fledged element of the facade design of the building.
A country house, especially a wooden one, cannot be imagined without beautiful decorative shutters.

Wooden Carved Shutters
Wooden Carved Shutters


  • Now not only wood is the basis for their manufacture. Manufacturers offer options in aluminum, vinyl, combined products.
    They are cheaper than wooden shutters, stronger and more durable, but they are still inferior in beauty.
  • Some models use high density polystyrene foam. They are treated with wooden slats, boards, panels and blinds, from which the shutters are mounted.
    This method extends the life of wooden elements and creates new opportunities for their decor. Such processing has no significant effect on the price of the product.
Combined shutters and platbands
Combined shutters and platbands
  • The basis for the manufacture of combined shutters can be not only an array of wood, but also pressed wood pulp. Styrofoam coating guarantees products a minimum service life of at least ten years.
  • Such shutters are available in a variety of designs: hinged, with arches, rising panels, applications. There are options that are made of fiberglass.
    The assortment of colors is also rather big - manufacturers' offers include at least forty different shades.
Interior shutters
Interior shutters

Shutters can be used not only outside the windows, but also indoors. It is not only very beautiful, but also practical.
In addition, the use of internal shutters saves money, because in this case they replace both curtains and blinds.

Window trims

Platband for many centuries remains an integral element of the door and window opening. Without this detail, the facade decoration cannot be considered complete.
An exception to this rule can be considered some brick and panel houses, whose windows are recessed into the thickness of the wall from the outside.

Window platband
Window platband


  • Platband performs an important function - closes the gap between the wall and the window frame. This helps to maintain heat in the room, prevents moisture and dust from entering the house, and reduces noise.
    The platband can be used as a frame on which shutters are hung.
  • It is natural that this element is also used as the main decoration not only of the window itself, but of the entire facade of the house. In their shape, platbands can be flat, rounded, curly, convex.
Flat platbands
Flat platbands
  • According to the installation method, they also differ from each other. We are used to dealing with ordinary patch strips, and there is another type - telescopic platbands.
    They have special protrusions that are inserted into the grooves on the box during installation.
  • The cost of these products depends on the method of their manufacture. Flat platbands are the cheapest, they do not require special equipment and are the easiest to install.
  • Decorative carving on wooden platbands is done manually, and there are not so many specialists. Therefore, carved platbands are the most expensive option for window decoration.
Basement windows with plastic trim
Basement windows with plastic trim
  • Wood is gradually being replaced by more durable materials, and even cheaper ones. Plastic platbands, of course, do not have such a beautiful texture as a tree.
  • But they cost a penny, they do not require additional surface decoration, they are not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Finishing basement windows with plastic is quite appropriate - there carved platbands usually do not mount.
Polyurethane platbands
Polyurethane platbands
  • A remarkable material for the manufacture of platbands is polyurethane. Due to its flexibility, windows of any configuration can be easily decorated, even round.
    Finishing of dormer-windows, which almost always have a non-standard shape, practically cannot do without polyurethane platbands and stucco elements.

To use a platband as a window decor is the easiest. Everyone can mount them with their own hands, it is unlikely that any instruction will be needed here. By the way, platbands can perfectly harmonize with shutters, or decorative lattices.

Other window finishes

There are many types of interesting window finishes that are used both independently and in combination with other methods. For example, window glass may be a decorating element.
The color stained glass window, the glass with laser engraving or sandblasting pattern looks very picturesque.

Stained glass window
Stained glass window


  • Windows with a decorative layout are very popular. Moreover, not only in residential buildings, but also in administrative buildings, office premises.
    Windows with a decorative layout make the facade of the building aristocratic and austere. Such windows give a special cosiness to the interiors of bars and cafes.
Window with decorative layout
Window with decorative layout
  • One of the great ways to decorate windows is to trim the slopes or near the window zone with decorative stone. In this case, a variety of types of stone are used, both natural and artificial.
  • Usually, stone decoration is performed not only around windows. It should look harmonious in the interior and most often, the base is also faced with the same stone as in the photo below, part of the wall or porch - it all depends on the imagination of the master.
    This material, like no other, is suitable for facade decoration building.
Stone window decoration
Stone window decoration

The idea of ​​decorating house windows was not born today. The ancient buildings that have survived to this day speak eloquently about this.
So our generation does not break traditions - a modern building cannot be imagined without decor on the windows. After all, they attract the attention of passers-by and are the hallmark of the owner of a house or office.

Visitors Comments
  1. Vadim

    The best of course is to consider the decor, its color, shape, texture, for decorating windows to decorating the facade. A pathetic sight when one is fitted to the other. Both the style and the look of the house are lost, the beautifully decorated windows on the squalid facade look awkward. Of course, such issues should be addressed in a comprehensive manner, even the same lattices should be selected in form and form. With platbands, too, respectively, the style of the house and of course the financial component.

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