Aspen materials for the bathroom
For many centuries, wood has been considered an excellent finishing material. This is due to its external aesthetics and fairly good technical properties.
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Properties of aspen and its advantages
This type of wood has a light shade of its surface. The aspen structure is quite soft, but, despite this, it does not undergo cracking.
Material characteristic:
- All this happens for the reason that aspen freely tolerates any temperature changes and high humidity in the room.
- The only drawback of such material may be hidden rot and it may be impossible to see it right away.
- Aspen is durable and practical and has an attractive appearance.
- It is impossible to say that it is moisture resistant and does not burn, since a tree by its nature absorbs moisture quite easily and is exposed to a humid environment.
- For this reason, in the production process of finishing material from this wood species, special means are used that increase the moisture resistance and fire resistance of aspen.
Tip. In the bathroom, the aspen surface must not be left unprotected. Depending on how the type of finishing material from this breed is used, it is recommended that after its complete installation, the surface be varnished or a special primer. These funds will only increase the life of the finish.
What material for the bathroom can be made from aspen
At the moment, manufacturers make various materials from this species of wood.
It could be:
- Wooden lining.
- Overhead decorative panels.
Areas of use:
- Wooden tiles are used on the ceiling surface. That is, with the help of such materials, even in the bathroom you can create a unique interior.
Tip. Before installing the finishing material from aspen, it will be mandatory to insulate the walls and ceiling so that moisture does not get on the back of the material.
- Since the finish will be mounted on a special frame, foam or small polystyrene foam of small thickness can be inserted into its cells. Its size will depend on the height on the surface of the frame itself.
Tip. During the installation of wooden finishing material in rooms with high humidity, each joint must be treated with sealant.
- Since the aspen surface is light, slight contamination may appear during the installation of the finishing material from it.
- To eliminate them, you need to take sandpaper (not too coarse) and go through it in such places.
- Only then can it be painted or varnished. For such work it is best to use a roller with natural pile.
If the wooden surface is carved, then brushes with natural pile are used, since the roller will not be able to paint over unevenly.