How to glue decorative brick on the wall?
We want to put a decorative brick. They took the wallpaper. Will it be necessary to remove plaster-putty? Or is a brick glued directly to it? Attaching photo. Thank you so much!
Check the plaster layer of the walls for strength and integrity. If there are defects in the form of cracks, potholes, or shedding, they must be eliminated by sealing with a plaster mortar. It is not necessary to remove this layer, it is enough to restore and level the surface, thus preparing for the installation of the decor.
If not everyone knows how to glue decorative brick, then most home masters are familiar with installing tiles on the walls. These processes are similar in fixing the elements to the wall, and in removing excess glue from the front, and in the processing of joints.
The next logical question is what to glue decorative brick on. Possible options are compositions based on cement, gypsum and silicone. The first is recommended for surfaces and bricks and concrete or, as in our case, a layer of plaster. The advantages of the cement composition will be suitability for rooms of various temperature conditions and moisture resistance. Suitable for plaster and clinker bricks.
The same applies to the silicone composition. An additional plus is compatibility with all finishing materials. Putty is chosen if you want to make seams between the bricks. Clinker, gypsum and foam products are glued to the composition with a gypsum base.
Now let's talk about how to glue a decorative brick on a wall. On a previously cleaned and restored surface we apply a marking, mark the horizontal horizontal with the help of a level rail, against which we will level the masonry. We start from the bottom. We take whole bricks, we will arrange the clipped parts in the corners, where they will not be so striking to the guests. Apply the adhesive with a thin layer using a notched trowel (on the wall and brick too). Gaps-corners are made out either with purchased special crosses or with nails. A rubber spatula will help to wipe the seams. Additionally, decorative bricks are sometimes painted or varnished on the surface, changing the appearance and increasing performance.
It is believed that a continuous coating of decorative bricks visually aggravate the wall and space. To add airiness to the interior, designers alternate textured sections of walls, covered with decorative bricks and smooth (painted or pasted over with wallpaper). Or they make out the distinguishing interior details in such a way: openings of windows, doors and balconies, as well as columns, fireplaces and bar counters.