Drywall finishing: work procedure

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Several drywall finishes
Several drywall finishes

Doing it yourself with gypsum plasterboard is done quite often. This material attracts consumers.
After installation, gypsum plasterboard can be finished with tiles and many other materials, you get just a perfectly flat surface and can mount anything. But many do not know how to do this job correctly, this article will be devoted to this topic.
Full instructions will be given to complete this work.

Choose drywall

This material is divided into several types and it is still divided by type of edge. Your choice should fall on the one that is suitable specifically for your premises.
This determines both the environment and the way of decoration. Do-it-yourself decoration of the premises with drywall begins after the correct choice of material.

Types of Drywall

Room decoration Do-it-yourself drywall is done on a material that is suitable for the environment of stay.
Here it can be divided into the following types:

  • GKL, This is the simplest drywall, which is most often used in repairs. It is used both at home and in production.
    Its installation is done in heated rooms, where there is heating and normal humidity, which is about 70 percent. This type of sheet is marked with blue and it is gray;
  • Hklo, this material is fire resistant, a component is included in the composition of the material, which makes the sheet resistant to direct fire. It is used both for interior decoration and for installation in ventilation shafts and attics.
    Marking on such sheets is done in red and the sheet itself has a gray tint;
  • GKLV, such marking has a moisture resistant material. It can already be perfectly installed in a room with high humidity, it is often mounted in the bathroom (seePlasterboard bathroom decoration: work procedure).
    For its production, special cardboard is used and a special coating is applied to the front part, which resists a humid environment. The sheet is marked in blue and it is green;
  • GKLVO, this material combines two types, it is both moisture resistant and fireproof. As a rule, its installation is done in industrial premises where there is high humidity and serious fire safety requirements are imposed.
    Such a sheet is marked red and green.

Now you know what types of material are. Before buying, read the instructions and you will not be mistaken in choosing.

Drywall Edge Types

Drywall decoration is done according to the material, which is still worth picking up and along the edge of the mount.
Several types should be distinguished here:

  • PC, this is a straight edge, which is used with a flat joint and does not require sealing. Such a joint is used when performing work in several layers;
  • UK, this is a thinned edge. This option should be used for fastening with the subsequent installation of reinforcing tape and further processing with putty material;
  • ZK, this edge is rounded along the edge. Such a seam must be putty, but reinforcing tape is not used.
  • PLC, this edge design has a semicircular appearance on the front. This joint option is also putty, but without the use of reinforcing tape;
  • Pluk, this edge is also subject to putty, but already with the use of reinforcing tape.

Most often, gypsum plasterboard with the edges of PLUK or UK is used for decoration. Such an edge is putty, but there are no protrusions on it.

Attention: When choosing drywall, you should pay attention to the size of the sheet. It is different.
The geometry of the frame and the number of rivers for fastening will depend on this.

Drywall Installation

Drying the house with drywall can well be done on its own and this will reduce the cost of the entire structure, and only the price of the material will determine the cost of the entire structure. Before starting work, you should look at the photo and decide on the design pattern, and in the video you will see the entire installation process.

Surface preparation

Drywall finishing begins with the preparation of the base plane. It is she who largely determines the durability of the structure.
This issue should be approached fairly responsibly.
And it does not depend, this is the finish of drywall for painting or for any other finishing material:

  • We are not particularly interested in surface curvature. But it is worthwhile to identify delamination of the material and then remove it with a chisel and hammer.
    We simply should not have any material left that will fall inside the frame;
  • Now the surface should be treated with an antifungal antiseptic. After all, it will be unpleasant if blackness begins to emerge from the inside and everything will be required to be torn.
    Therefore, this work should even be done as a preventative measure;
  • We cover the plane with a primer for reliability.

After that, we make the layout under the frame. Moreover, this should be done regardless of what you are going to finish the ceiling or walls.
The plane should be perfectly flat and suitable for future use. The technology of finishing plasterboard partitions also provides for a well-prepared surface.

  • First, we determine the level of deviation of the plane. We pull the line diagonally and determine the location of the plane .;

Attention about choosing the level of location of the material should be taken into account the insulation layer, if you will fasten it. It should be remembered that after installation it cannot be deformed, otherwise it loses its properties.
In this case, a gap of the order of a couple cm should also be provided. This will be required for the quality use of the material.

  • At the location of the cladding, put a mark. Now it must be transferred to other walls.
    To do this, apply the hydraulic level. It is with his help that you can do this most qualitatively. Transferable;
  • Now we need to connect the marks in one line. To do this, we use kapron thread.
    With its help, the line simply beats off and we get the plane location level. For walls, a plumb line and level are used, and with the help of these tools markup is done;

Make the frame

It should be said that the crate can be made from a metal corner and from a wooden beam. Before buying a material, you should carefully calculate the amount of this material and take into account the size and cutting of the sheets and only then make a purchase.
The correct placement of the plane and its geometric shape will completely depend on the frame. It is necessary to do the markup correctly.

Installing the frame on the ceiling plane
Installing the frame on the ceiling plane

Attention: When choosing as a material the lathing of a wooden beam, it is necessary to conduct its processing with an antiseptic, which is available on the market. Prefer deep penetration fluid.
This will significantly extend the life of the product. Do the processing in advance. The material must still have time to dry.


  • We cut the elements of the crate to the desired size. Just do not fasten close to the wall, make a gap of 5 mm from each end.
    After that, mounts. For a wooden surface, only self-tapping screws can be used.
    For a plane made of concrete or brick, you will need to make a hole with a punch and make a connection to the dowels.Do not use them in kits.
    It is necessary to take separately the plastic and the screws to it. The diameter of which should be purchased a couple of mm smaller from the cross section of the hole.
    We need rigidity and just such a connection will provide it. After all, the design has a certain weight and must be securely fixed;
  • Now we need to mount the transverse rails, they will determine the plane of installation of the sheets. To do this, pull the fishing line along the diagonal of the outermost frames of the frame and fasten strictly along it.
    Adjustment is done using gaskets.

Make wiring

After installing the frame correctly, you must make the wiring. For the ceiling, a cable is supplied to the lamps.
For walls, wiring is done for installing outlets. We will focus on the implementation of this work in relation to the ceiling, it is simply more complicated.

  • You must immediately determine the location of the junction box. There will be joints of all wires.
    It is necessary to choose a place so that there is free access, this will be needed for repairs. Also, if you are installing energy-saving elements, then you will need to mount a step-down transformer.
    It should also have free access. We carry out the fastening of the boxes;
  • Now we need to connect the wires. We mark the location points of the fixtures on the surface and attach the wires to them;

Attention: To connect the cable, use terminal blocks that ensure the reliability and quality of the connection. Avoid twisting.
This is not reliable, after installing drywall it will simply be difficult to get there. Therefore, do all the connections efficiently.

  • After supplying the cable, connect the lighting fixtures. Do this without fail and look at the correct distribution of light.
    While you can change everything. After fastening the sheets, this will be difficult to do.
    We check. If everything worked out, then turn off the light and remove the lamps.

After completing the wiring, it's time to mount the insulation.

Laying insulation between the transverse rails of the frame
Laying insulation between the transverse rails of the frame

Sheet Installation

The use of drywall in the decoration is quite wide. But the installation of sheets practically does not differ for all finishing options and is carried out according to certain principles.

  • Fastening starts from the window of the room and is done towards the door. Here will be the most correct lighting and you can see all the errors;
  • Sheets should not be installed back to back, neither to each other, nor to the wall. Make a small gap.
    This will allow you to avoid problems when heating the material;
  • The bevel must be chamfered. Finishing the joints between drywall sheets after installation is done with putty and they will all be closed.
    This will help the material to fix better;
  • The self-tapping screw should enter strictly perpendicular to the surface. If he went wrong, then do not cuddle him in the same place.
    Pull back a couple of cm and make the connection. The hat should be heated in relation to the plane by a couple of mm;
  • The seams of the sheets should not match. Stack in a checkerboard pattern.
    Mounting is not carried out on weight. It should be carried out on the frame and fit snugly to the surface;
  • You will need to cut the material. This is done as follows, it is best to work on a flat table.
    First we try on the sheet and make cut marks. After that, draw a line with a pencil.
    We apply the rail and make an incision with a sharp knife. We shift the cut line in relation to the table by a couple of cm and press.
    The sheet breaks strictly along the line. We clean the fracture plane with a plane and remove the chamfer.
    We make fastening;
  • In the places where the fixtures are installed, we do this, put it in place and mark the output point of the lighting device. They removed the sheet and made a hole with a crown and a drill.
    Just choose the right size. Do not press hard.Then the material will simply tear out.
    Do everything right and do not drown.

Ceiling decoration

Drywall finishing is done with putty. First, we apply a draft layer, for which we apply a start, and after drying we apply a finish layer.
We are waiting for the surface to dry completely and do the grinding. If there are sinks, then apply another solution to them and do the same.
Until the surface is perfectly flat.

Do the finishing
Do the finishing

After proper preparation, tiling and any other material can also be done. The most important thing is not to rush and do everything right.

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