Room decoration options: materials and installation

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Interesting room finishes
Interesting room finishes

Decoration and decoration of rooms in the house are the most important points in the repair process. How well and in what style the decoration of this or that room will go depends on how your home will look as a result.
Before choosing the decoration options for the apartment and proceeding with any actions, it is necessary to determine the general style of the room, select the materials that are suitable for decorating and decorating rooms in accordance with it.

The order of the finishing work

Starting to renovate any room, you, first of all, must decorate the walls, since these elements are the most important. After all, this is the most visible part of the interior space of all rooms, therefore, their decoration should be done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Which rooms are being renovated:

  • Living room.
  • Bathroom.
  • Hallway
  • Bedroom.
  • Kitchen.
  • Children’s.

Based on this, certain types of finishing materials are used that are most suitable for decoration.
The procedure for decorating the room:

  • If paper or vinyl wallpapers are great for decorating the bedroom and living room, then for the bathroom, kitchen and toilet you need wallpapers that are easy to clean. Thus, the cost of apartment repair calculated in advance, this is affected by the choice of wall coverings for each individual room.
  • After finishing the walls, you can begin to finish the floor and ceiling. Here, as well as with the walls, each room requires its own ceiling and floor covering.

For reference. In addition to the features and purpose of a room, the decoration options for apartments directly depend on the style in which you intend to design this or that room.

Interior Styles:

Loft in the living room
Loft in the living room
  • Indeed, depending on the hobbies, inclinations and interests of people, each room can be decorated in one direction or another. So, for example, for stylish and modern people, such styles as hi-tech or modern are ideal, for adherents of the traditional way of life - strict classics, empire or baroque.
  • Each style in a particular room will be a kind of find. and for each of them there are different types of finishing materials and furniture.
  • Combining these options with each other, you can create a real masterpiece from your apartment.

At the moment, for a beautiful and high-quality interior decoration, a huge amount of all kinds of building materials is presented on the construction market. But in most cases, plasterboard designs are more popular.

Cladding of the ceiling and walls with drywall and its advantages

Drywall in the interior
Drywall in the interior

Finishing work with the use of drywall both on the ceilings and on the walls - these are some kind of options for the classic decoration of the apartment. They have some advantages over other decorating methods.
Among them, the following stand out particularly:

  • Wall decoration hl and ceilings allows you to reliably hide any irregularities in these surfaces.
  • At the same time, there is no need to complete the application of plaster or putty under drywall, since it does not require a perfectly flat surface.
  • Finishing measures with the use of drywall do not take a lot of time and they are carried out almost without “dirty work”.
  • Gypsum plasterboard cladding is convenient for mounting built-in lighting elements.Here (between the rough and finish ceilings) various communication elements (telephone wires, electric cable, etc.) can be hidden.
  • The light weight of drywall, as well as the elements of its frame does not create a load on the floor.

Of course, installing such a project is much more difficult, but the result is amazing. In addition, drywall sheets are excellent options for finishing partitions.

Drywall Stages
Drywall Stages

Disadvantages of using drywall during the installation of the ceiling:

  • Along with the advantages, the options for finishing a 2-room apartment with plasterboard panels have several disadvantages. Drywall does not have enhanced water resistance characteristics.
    Therefore, it cannot be used in rooms where the humidity level is elevated.

If you still want to make plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you should take care of organizing a protective layer of waterproofing. After all, drywall absorbs moisture quite well, and it is very difficult to dry it in order to avoid deformation.

  • Also remember that drywall ceiling reduces the height of the room, at least this indicator varies between 8 - 10 cm, while if you want to build a multi-level ceiling, this distance will be even greater.

Nevertheless, all these negative factors can be easily dealt with, so you should not be scared and abandon your plans. Moreover, the advantages of plasterboard ceilings are much greater than the disadvantages.

DIY installation instructions for drywall on ceilings and walls

So, after you decide to use it specifically for finishing walls and ceilings in the house, you need to prepare a zone for work. As already mentioned, this material allows you to save money and effort on the process of cleaning walls and ceilings from previous types of finishes.
Stages of work:

Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions

No need to try too hard to remove paint residues, whitewash or any other materials from the walls. It all starts with the construction of the frame under hl.
The simplest option is to use wooden blocks and boards for this:

Tip. If the walls and ceilings in your apartment (in the house) are made of concrete or brick, then you can use a metal profile in order to build a frame for drywall.
In this case, the profile is mounted using dowels and screws. If the ceilings and walls are wooden, then it is easier to nail boards and bars with nails.

  • First carried out ceiling decoration. It lies in the fact that you measure from the draft ceiling covering a distance sufficient to secure the new ceiling and this is done from the lowest point.
  • After that, focusing on this value, with the help of the building level, it is necessary to draw marks around the entire perimeter of the room. These will be the boundaries of the ceiling.
    Next, nail (or screw) the frame elements to the walls.
  • After that, you need to stretch the lace cross to the cross from each corner. Tighten it as much as possible so that it does not sag.
    Beams in the central part of the ceiling are attached to this landmark.
  • The wall frame is erected after the ceiling frame. Here you will need a plumb line and a building level.
    First, the beams are installed vertically through a distance of not more than 50 cm, sometimes this is enough, and sometimes cross beams are also required. It is better to make marks on the ceiling, and then align the beams using a plumb line.
  • On this, the installation of the frame is completed, proceed to the installation of the hl to the ceiling. To do this, it will be necessary to trim the sheets according to the available sizes, this can be done with a hacksaw, and attach them to the frame using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

Tip. Immediately after finishing this part of the room, it is advisable to finish it.
This can be gluing the ceiling with wallpaper, tiles, installing plastic panels, painting. This process is carried out before the walls are finished so as not to damage them.

  • After the ceiling is ready, you can proceed to plastering the walls. It is screwed with screws to the frame vertically, at least in 15 places.
    Finishing is carried out after the screws and joints between the sheets are covered with putty and serpentine.
  • There is nothing complicated in this process. All proportions according to which the putty is diluted with water are indicated on the packaging.
    But there is the opportunity to purchase a ready-made solution, especially since its price is low.
  • Serpentine is mainly needed so that the putty does not fall out after solidification from the seam. Therefore, first glue all the seams, and then fill them with putty.

In order to do everything as correctly as possible, you can use the photo or video instructions on the site. After that, you can start painting, pasting, or some other type of wall decoration.

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