Chalet-style houses: how to finish

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Chalet style house
Chalet style house

Decorating a house in a chalet style is a design option for a building in the style of a shepherd’s house. Of course, it is better to design such a structure at the initial stage of construction, but, of course, you can try to remake the already finished one.

Chalet Style and Characteristics

First of all, the style is distinguished by dividing its horizontal line into two parts:

  • The lower floor should be attributed to the lower. In the old days in facade decoration only natural stone was used.
    Such a design was carried out not only for the sake of beauty, but also had a practical character, then the foundation was strong and protected from the external environment, and there was enough material in the mountains;
  • The upper part of the structure was made of wood. The design used beams and logs mainly from conifers.
    Most of the second floor was made attic type and therefore the ceilings were sloping.

This style was most notable for the roof, which was recognizable from afar. It was made high and gable, while at the same time far beyond the frame.
The large width of the overhangs made it possible to make even open terraces under them. As a decoration, railings were made, the material of manufacture of which was selected wood.
In the design of windows, it was often possible to see shutters. Fireplaces that came into fashion in our time were also used for decoration.

Building Solutions Nowadays

In former times, the decoration of the facade of the house in the style of a chalet looked quite simple and ordinary. In our times, the decoration is carried out on a grand scale and looks stylish and rich.

  • To finish the facade of the building, wood and stone are used, but they also use more modern materials. Apply and plastering the walls, the shade is done according to the desire of the owner;
Modern decoration of the house in the style of
Modern decoration of the house in the style of "Chalet" with plaster

Attention: The use of natural stone in the building is long enough. The price of the material is high, so substitutes are used, which are much cheaper and do not require constant care.

  • In designs for today do not apply and shutters. But even double-glazed windows try to apply from a tree or material which imitates wood;
  • The style of interior decoration has also changed. The basement is no longer run for the warehouse.
    In this part, nowadays they have a kitchen and a living room. And in the upper room I make bedrooms. In the photo it is immediately noticeable;
Chalet-style interior decoration
Chalet-style interior decoration

Building and Finishing Tips

The exterior of the chalet and the interior is also different from the traditional. Let's figure out what needs to be done to emphasize the style of the room.
It is especially good when you do it all yourself, then the workmanship will be at its best.

  • Select all materials that you will apply as close to natural as possible;
  • In this style, it is necessary to provide a fireplace (seeStone Fireplaces: Making a Choice), which should be located in the living room;
  • In the design of the flow must necessarily be a massive beam. In this embodiment, the height of the ceilings is made large enough, otherwise the beams will lower the plane.
Using Chalet-style beams
Using Chalet-style beams
  • Use natural tones for decoration. Bright colors do not apply at all. Bright can only be used in accessories and textiles;
  • For wall decoration you can use wood.If there is a design using plaster, then this is done in a rough form, but it is worth thinking about wood, it will only more deeply emphasize the style of the room;
  • Wood is used to finish the floor. Our site has detailed instructions for doing this job.
    For the kitchen, you can choose stone tiles, but not a bright color;

Attention: To decorate the ceiling, you can also use imitation of beams and install plastic structures. Just keep in mind that imitation must be done competently and with quality material.

  • Choose wood furniture that has a rough texture;
  • Carpet must be laid on the floor. It is still well made out using various skins.
    Apply skins of exotic animals is not worth it;
  • All textile decorations should be selected so that they stand out in spots not against the dark interior of the walls. Vedas "Chalet" is a variation of the "Kandy" style, so accessories should be selected in the French folk style.

Of course, this work is not so simple, and the price of materials is not low. But if you do everything right, the dwelling above will stand out qualitatively against the background of others.

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