Facade stucco Caparol: material features
The more carefully the material is selected for the exterior decoration of the facades and the better the work on applying it is completed, the more durable the result will be and the less money will be needed in the future to support it. Therefore, despite the rather high cost, Kaparol facade plaster is in high demand among the owners of country houses.
We offer you a brief overview of the products of this popular brand, intended for the protection and aesthetic design of facades in a "wet" way.
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Types of decorative facade plasters
Under the brand Caparol, two types are available decorative facade putty: dispersion (polymer) and mineral. And in each form there are several products that differ in appearance and technical parameters.
Dispersion Compounds
These are ready-to-use mixtures supplied to the consumer in plastic buckets. After opening, they only need to be mixed, if desired, adding color to give the solution the desired shade, since they are available in white.
Caparol facade polymer plaster is available in three varieties: with a furrowed structure (stucco bark beetle), with a granular structure (plaster coat) and with colored stones (Mosaic).
The solutions forming the boron-distributing surface structure include:
- AmphiSilan Fassadenputz R 20 - based on silicone resins;
- AmphiSilan-Fassadenputz FEIN - fine plaster based on silicone resins;
- Capatect-Fassadenputz R 20 and R 30 - based on acrylic resins reinforced with organosilicon compounds (siloxanes).
For reference. R 20 in the name of the grooved plaster means that it contains a fractionated filler with a diameter of 2 mm. Accordingly, R 30 - 3 mm. Granular compositions have similar designations, but there the fraction size is indicated by the letter K.
The granular structure is formed by other compounds:
- AmphiSilan-Fassadenputz K15, K 20, K30 - based on silicone resins;
- Capatect-Fassadenputz K10, K15, K20 - based on acrylic resins reinforced with siloxanes;
- Sylitol-Fassadenputz K15, K20, K30 - silicate based;
- Light stucco decorative Сaparol ThermoSan-Fassadenputze NQGcreated on a hybrid binder using nano-quartz lattice technology and designed for clean facades, depending on the filler, it can have both grooved and granular structure. It contains antifungal and anti-algae preservatives.
Basement plaster with granules of natural colored stone Capatect-Buntstein-Sockelrutz is made on the basis of acrylate and is available in eight color compositions.
Note. Acrylic-based plasters have the maximum ability to retain pigment and not lose their properties with its high percentage. Whereas silicate and silicone can only give pastel shades. At the same time, the price of acrylic compounds is lower than silicone, which explains their high popularity.
Mineral Compounds
Mineral Сaparol decorative plaster is made on the basis of white cement and white limestone hydrate with organic additives.It is a dry powder mixture, which must be diluted with water to prepare the solution.
As in the case of dispersion compositions, plasters with a grooved and granular structure are marked with different letters, the numbers after which indicate the size of the filler grains:
- Capatect-Mineralputz R - Bark beetle structure;
- Capatect-Mineralputz K - Fur coat structure.
In addition to the usual, light Caparol plaster is also available with additives that reduce the weight of the dry mixture and the finished solution:
- Capatect-Mineral-Leichtputz R;
- Capatect-Mineral-Leichtputz K.
The color of the plaster is natural white, but it can be tinted in certain soft colors according to the special CaparolColor color map.
Note! The instruction does not allow the introduction of pigment in excess of the specified norm. If you want to get a brighter facade color, after drying, the plaster is coated with Capatect-SI Fassadenfinish 130.
Properties and scope
The manufacturer does not recommend applying these stucco mixtures only on surfaces made of wood and plastic. They are compatible with concrete and brick substrates, surfaces coated with leveling plaster (see Alignment of walls with plaster according to all the rules), thermal insulation materials, dispersion paints.
Сaparol plaster has the following positive properties:
- High vapor permeability, providing a normal microclimate in the premises and eliminating the formation of mold on the surface;
- Fire resistance. The material belongs to the category of hardly flammable, which expands the scope of its use;
- Weather resistance - the plaster is resistant to moisture and temperature changes, therefore it reliably protects the facades from their aggressive effects;
- Environmental Safety. Both dispersion and mineral compositions are odorless and do not emit toxic substances into the air during finishing work or during operation;
- Plasticity, ease of application.
Features of finishing facades with Caparol plasters
Polymer plasters are already ready for application, and do not require any preparation other than tinting. Mineral mixtures are mixed according to the instructions on the packaging.
Ground preparation
In order for the mortar to adhere well to the base and hold firmly, the facades must be cleaned of any contaminants before finishing, including mosses, fungal infections, oil stains. If this cannot be achieved with plain water, special cleaning agents must be used.
After cleaning, the surface is checked for strength, weak areas are cleaned, and the surface is pre-leveled. Strengthen weak concrete or plaster substrates with Putzgrund or Optigrund Kaparol primers. They will provide good adhesion with decorative plaster.
But before covering the walls with a primer, they should be dried. And if they were leveled with basic plaster, then the decorative composition can be applied no earlier than two weeks later, when the lower layer gains strength.
Application of decorative plaster
The solution can be applied by machine using a special spray with a nozzle, the diameter of the holes in which corresponds to the size of the fractional filler. But this is easy to do with your own hands, using a stainless steel trowel.
In any case, immediately after application, the solution is manually leveled on the surface with a plastic trowel. The movements can be circular, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, cruciform - depending on which pattern you want to get.
Tip. When working in multiple hands, try to use the same leveling tool so that the pattern on the entire area does not differ in the degree of roughness.
At the end of the work, it is advisable to protect the facades from direct sunlight and precipitation until the plaster has sufficient strength. This may take from several days to several weeks, depending on temperature and humidity. After drying, the surface can be painted.
Caparol is just one of many brands of facade plasters on the market. To make a choice, you need to study and compare at least a few, taking into account not only the appearance of the finished coating, but also the cost, ease of installation, durability and other characteristics.
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