How to clean the wall of plaster without problems

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to remove old plaster from the walls
How to remove old plaster from the walls

Cleaning the walls of plaster is an important point in any type of cladding. Indeed, without cleaning the plane, further work will not be effective. How to remove old plaster from the walls in different situations, we will consider today.

In the video in this article, you can see the whole process of doing this work. Everything is completely within the power to do it yourself and from this the price will not be significant. You will also learn how to wash decorative plaster.

Safety precautions and necessary equipment

As a rule, the master himself decides in what way to clean the surface of the unnecessary (old) layer of plaster.

However, whatever method he chooses, he will definitely need:

  • Hammer drill;
  • Special construction hammer;
  • Hatchet;
  • Spatula (you can take a scraper);
  • Bulgarian;
  • Special equipment (for example, a machine capable of removing plaster).

During the dismantling of the old layer of plaster from the surface of the ceiling and walls you can not avoid the appearance of a large amount of dust and debris. To protect yourself, you should wear a respirator or mask, special gloves and safety glasses.

Attention: Do not forget that before carrying out the work, it is imperative to study the layout of the electrical cable. However, if this cannot be done, then shut off the supply of electrical energy to the room where the dismantling is performed.

Work order

How to remove plaster from the walls, this question always arises when repairing and decorating a plane. After all, the old will simply peel off, and the influx will interfere with the work. How to remove plaster from the walls now we will consider in more detail and detail.

Plaster Strength Test

Do not immediately think about how to remove decorative plaster from the walls, there are options when you can leave it.

Flaking plaster
Flaking plaster

Attention: In the case when the destruction of the plaster is not significant and are focal in nature, there is no need to remove the finish coating from the entire surface. However, when the finish layer is destroyed everywhere, it should be dismantled completely.

  • But in order to determine the choice of full or partial dismantling of the plaster, it is necessary to carefully examine the walls and ceiling for its strength.
  • When removing a layer of paint or wallpaper from the walls, plaster may shed. In this case, to restore this finish will be a waste of time. It must be completely dismantled.
  • To check the strength of the plaster layer, you can use fairly simple tools. First you need to remove all contamination with a spatula (scraper). If at the same time only a slight shedding of the plastered surface is observed, then it may only be necessary to slightly renew it. To do this, you need a solution made on the sand of a fine-grained fraction. And you can also clean up problem areas with emery cloth, ground them and putty.
  • However, in order to find out how durable the plaster is, it is possible to use another tool. So, all you need is a spatula hilt, a small hammer or a wooden mallet.The selected tool will need to gently tap the surface. When a dull sound emanates from a tool strike on a plastered wall, it can only mean that there is a void under the finish layer. And, of course, it needs to be dismantled and replaced with a new one.
  • Despite the fact that you used to plaster the walls and the ceiling with your own hands, if it is decided to completely remove the old finish, you will need to study it again to find out how durable it is. It is very simple to do and it will be enough for you to arm yourself with just a spatula.
  • You should tap the wall surface every 35–45 cm with your grip. In the case when you hear a very loud sound, like knocking on concrete, this means that the plaster in this place holds very tightly. And if the sound is dull, then with a little effort, in such a place it will be possible to easily destroy a sufficiently large area of ​​the finishing coating.
  • You can also understand that the plaster mix is ​​very poorly kept on wet spots on it. However, this can only be observed in rooms where there is a high level of humidity.
  • Cracks on the surface may indicate the destruction of the plaster. If you find a plastered area that has at least one of these signs of destruction, then armed with a spatula, you can safely begin to dismantle it.

Attention; It is worth considering that it is necessary to remove not only the layer that lends itself easily, but also go beyond its border by about 40 centimeters. But in this case, a spatula is unlikely to help you. And then other methods should be applied.

How to easily dismantle old plaster

Not in all cases the layer of plaster must be removed entirely. And not always the presence of cracks may indicate the destruction of the finish. In each case there are specific features and therefore an individual approach is needed. But general rules, of course, exist.

Cleaning brick from plaster with a spatula
Cleaning brick from plaster with a spatula
  • Wallpaper or paint is an extra retention factor and should be eliminated by removing the topcoat. By performing dismantling, you can bring down part of the finishing layer. In order to remove the wallpaper quickly and easily, they should be thoroughly moistened, and the paint removed with a spatula. When the topcoat is removed and the stucco remains completely or partially on the surface, you can proceed to the strength tests described above.
  • Those places where there are cracks require special attention. They should be tapped and check if the edges are crumbling. In the case when the plaster mix is ​​fairly firmly held, and when struck, a loud sound is heard, this place can only be strengthened and that’s it. Using an ax or other similar tool, you should expand the crack. As a result, it should be in the form of the letter “V” in section. At the next processing, these primed places should be filled with a 2/3 solution. And then they must be primed again for full smoothing. At the end of the grout, such a place will become perfectly flat.
  • There are situations when even a very reliable finishing coating must be dismantled. Often the reason for this lies in the fact that the old plaster coating has a rather large thickness, and it is simply impractical, due to the fact that modern materials have almost limitless possibilities. Before starting to remove the old plaster, it must be thoroughly moistened with plain water. As a result, dismantling will be much easier. In the course of work, do not forget to regularly moisten the wall surface in order to completely eliminate the appearance of dust or to reduce its amount several times.

Options for dismantling the old plaster layer from the wall surface

You have a choice. Remove the old coating by applying maximum force to it, but as a result, spending a minimum of time. Or remove without effort, but long enough.For the first method, you should prepare an ax, it can be replaced with a chisel and hammer, putty knife, grinder and hammer drill. Remember that such a tool as an ax must deteriorate during the work. Therefore, you should take one that you do not mind spoiling. And for another method, you just need to have a grinder and abrasive nozzles.

Attention: Before starting dismantling, you need to wear a respirator (gauze bandage), safety glasses and gloves. This will protect you from dust.

Step-by-step description of the first plaster removal method

First step: Preparatory work

  • You need to moisten the walls well with plenty of water and wait until the plaster is wet.
  • In some places, the drying process can be quite quick, and it is advisable to moisten them again abundantly using water.
  • Exactly the same procedure is carried out before removing the finishing coating from the ceiling. How much the plaster mixture has been soaked can be understood by plunging the angle of the spatula into it until it stops.
  • When the coating becomes loose, you can go to the second stage.

Second Step: Initial Processing

First, you should test the surface using the method described above.

  • You need to take an unnecessary ax or a chisel with a hammer, and then proceed to tapping the plaster. Begin from the top.
  • The result should be breaking off entire pieces of the coating. First, using an ax, it is necessary to make nicks, and after that it is necessary to pry and separate the whole fragment from the wall.
  • Using a chisel, it is possible to dismantle very large pieces of the coating. You just need to put it against the wall at an acute angle.

Third step: Slotting

It happens that in a stucco mixture contains a lot of cement. Because of this, a large number of cracks form on the coating, although it itself is incredibly durable.

Cleaning the walls of plaster with a chisel
Cleaning the walls of plaster with a chisel
  • And in this case, a chisel with an ax is not suitable for dismantling. Experts recommend using a hammer drill in these conditions, turning on the chiselling mode.
  • It should be placed at an acute angle to the wall, and as a result, whole fragments of the coating will be relatively easy to remove. Do not forget to regularly moisten the resulting chips. For work, use a chisel nozzle.

Fourth Step: Cutting

There is a plaster finish, which even using a punch is not so easy to dismantle.

How to clean the walls of plaster grinder
How to clean the walls of plaster grinder
  • To alleviate the problem, you can install a stone disc on the grinder. Now you should start dividing the plaster into not too large sections of a rectangular shape, making cuts vertically and horizontally.
  • Such areas can be removed relatively quickly and easily. When working with a grinder, it is necessary to moisten the surface very often to reduce dust.
Preparatory workMoisten the wall with plenty of water, so that the layer of plaster is soaked very deeply and well. Because the layers are removed gradually by grinding with a special machine or manually.
Manual processingIn the case when the finishing layer is very thin, it can be removed using coarse-grained sandpaper (best taken on a woven basis). It should be worn on a grater. Regularly wetting sandpaper, proceed to sanding the wall. The movement should be circular, but the direction does not matter.
MachiningIf suddenly the sandpaper is powerless in front of a durable finish, you should use a grinding machine with an abrasive wheel. It is worth considering that during operation the nozzle should not be dipped in water, it is better to moisten the wall itself using a spray gun. When the coating is removed, the surface should be treated with a metal brush (special nozzle), it is able to remove the smallest particles and dust.

Many people ask whether it is possible to wash decorative plaster or how to wash plaster from glass, but another question arises here. What is this plaster. If it is a waterproof material, then washing can be done without a doubt.

If not moisture resistant, then not worth it. Otherwise, you have to do a full restoration of the plane. You already know how to clean the wall of plaster, the instruction will help you to choose the right option for the job.

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