Sand for wall plastering

Sofia Orlova

When aligning the walls indoors, surfaces are finished with plaster. It is important to choose which brand of cement to use, what kind of sand is needed for plastering. The quality of the selected raw materials will affect the structure of the plaster and, ultimately, the result of wall decoration.

Sand for plaster

Types of sand

Choose which sand to use for plastering, taking into account the characteristics of each type.

  1. Career. When using it, a dense and durable solution is obtained. The composition of impurities and the presence of clay differs depending on the place of extraction of sand. This type of raw material is less uniform in structure than river, with sharp grain faces. Before using quarry sand, it needs to be washed and sieved.
  2. River. More homogeneous, the strength of the formed solution is inferior to quarry sand, but more convenient when applied.
  3. Quartz. It is formed during crushing of rocks with a silicon content. It is resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. It is used for decorative decoration of premises.
Quartz sand

What is the best sand for plastering is determined depending on the work performed. When choosing a filler, consider the thickness of the intended layer. If you need a thin layer, it is better to use river sand, since it has less clay, stones, it lies more evenly. For the initial wall decoration with a thick layer, it is better to take quarry sand. It has more sharp edges, the bonding of the solution is stronger, which means it is more durable. Stucco with quartz sand is used in interior design.

Sand fractions

To determine what sand is needed for plaster, it is important to consider its fractions, which are determined by the size of the grains.

  • For independent wall decoration, medium fraction sand is used, the grain size of which is from 0.5 to 2 mm.
  • Coarse sand is used for the first finishing layer, the grain size is 2-4 mm.
  • For the final finish, fine-grained sand is needed, with grain parameters in the range of 0.25-0.5 mm.

Material calculation

When making repairs with your own hands, you need to know how to calculate sand and cement for plaster. When calculating the materials for plastering, the surface quality (material and curvature of the walls), mixture parameters, and the texture of the final coating are taken into account.

Ratio of components. It depends on the brand of cement used, the fraction of sand, the required quality of the prepared solution. In the manufacture of a standard solution, cement and plaster sand is used in a ratio of 1: 3. If lime is added to the solution, then the ratio is for one part of cement and lime, for 5-6 parts of sand.

Material consumption. The more bumps on the surface, the greater the consumption of materials. To reduce the consumption of plaster, the walls are primed, a building mesh is used at the junction of materials of dissimilar structure.

Layer thickness. It is calculated by determining the surface drop relative to the vertical. The thickness of the plaster varies from 3-6 cm.

For example: 3 beacons are installed, deviations along the plane are 2,3.5 cm. The calculation is: (2 + 3 + 4) / 3 = 3 cm is the thickness of the plaster layer.

The video in this article will help you understand the use of different types of sand for wall decoration.

Putting plaster with sand

The application of plaster containing sand has a number of features. First you need to do:

  • thorough surface preparation - cleansing of stains and dirt;
  • alignment of walls;
  • primer in two layers.

The surface pattern is leveled with a spatula.After the surface has completely dried, wax and special toners are applied from above.

When decorating the walls, the manufacturer’s instructions determine the features of the use of decorative plaster: in one case, the composition is mixed for even distribution of fillers, in the other - dilution with water is required.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster with sand is a type of interior decoration. In the manufacture of decorative plaster, river or quartz sand is used, as well as reflective components and color-determining additives. Depending on the type of surface, the types of plaster are divided into matte and pearl.

This type of wall decoration is environmentally friendly, with the use of additional components it is resistant to moisture, mold, resistant to destruction during operation.

The plaster sand that is part of decorative plaster is used to create patterns on the surface of walls: sand vortices, dunes, special visual effects that are created using stencils, brushes.

Photo of sand decoration:

Sand dunes

Quartz finish
Sand whirlwinds

Material price

It should be noted that with a large amount of work it is more profitable to make plaster from a mixture of cement and sand yourself. The price of cleaned and washed sand is more than untreated. The most economical option is to buy quarry unwashed, non-sifted sand, the cost of river sand is higher than quarry sand, quartz sand is much more expensive.

The cost of sand per ton without delivery:

  1. Raw quarry sand (without washing and sifting) - 110–220 rub./t.
  2. Sifted quarry - 300–430 rubles / t.
  3. River sand - from 310 to 450 rubles / t.
  4. Quartz sand - 1210 rubles / t.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which sand is better for plastering the surface of walls. Each of the types is applied taking into account recommendations for use, layer thickness, type of surface finish, material price.







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