Is it possible to paint drywall without putty and how to do it

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Drywall painting without putty
Drywall painting without putty is not the best solution

For everyone who decides to independently align walls and ceilings with drywall, and chooses paint as the finishing finish, at the end of installation, the question arises: should gypsum board be putty before painting? Why do this if the surface is already perfectly flat?
Those who have already encountered such repairs do not ask such questions, because they know what they need! After reading this article, you will understand why.

Features of drywall constructions

Drywall is a sheet material, the basis of which is gypsum board, glued on both sides with paper. It is she who becomes the basis for the subsequent finishing.
If you handle the sheets carefully without breaking the coating, then the surface really remains smooth, even, at first glance not requiring additional smoothing.

Drywall Construction
Drywall Construction

But the need for its application from this point of view is caused not by the presence of bumps, but by the properties of the material itself:

  • It absorbs moisture well. And since most modern paints used for interior decoration, water-based, there is a high probability of gypsum swelling and deformation of the sheet. Especially when stained in several layers.
  • Dries unevenly. Because of what the paint can lie unevenly, stains.
  • High absorbency also affects the consumption of paint - to obtain the desired texture and even color will have to apply more layers than non-absorbent surface.

You could put up with these shortcomings when decorating non-“ceremonial" rooms and using budget paint, the price of which will not hit your pocket. But pay attention to the installation method of drywall, in which attachment points and joints between sheets are visible on its surface. They obviously will not hide under a layer of paint, and the room will look unpresentable.

Type of mounted structure
Type of mounted structure

Therefore, in answering the question whether plasterboard plaster before painting, we can say: at a minimum, this must be done at the joints of the sheets and their fastening to the frame.

Drywall preparation technology for painting

If you want the finish made by your hands to be perfect - it looks aesthetically pleasing, does not crumble, does not become stained and lasts a long time - you will have to clearly implement the production technology.
For drywall, it is standard. It doesn’t matter whether you will wallpaper or paint it, there is only one instruction.

Putty joints

If you decide to get by with a minimum of costs and at your own risk putty only joints, then at least do it right. So that after some time cracks do not appear at the seams, they must be strengthened with a reinforcing tape-serpyanka. Before gluing it, treat all joints with a deep penetration primer.
The tape is applied to the joint and sealed with putty so that it is completely covered with mortar. Acting with a wide spatula, the putty mortar must be “stretched” flush with the surface of the drywall so that there are no depressions or bulges.

Drywall preparation for painting
Such a surface can already be painted, but a lot of paint will be needed for an even color

After the putty is completely dried, the seams are sanded with sandpaper or an abrasive mesh (seeHow to grind walls after putty and how to do it right) Do not forget to grease the mortar and the cap screws.

Tip.Before puttying, check that the fastener caps do not protrude above the surface. To do this, draw a spatula blade pressed to the plane along all the attachment points - it should not “stumble” on obstacles.


Next comes the priming of the entire surface. It is easy to do it yourself, the main thing is not to leave untreated places. In case of refusal from continuous puttying, it is necessary to prime two times in order to minimize the absorbency of drywall.
In addition, do not forget that it is different for paper and putty, which processed the seams. If the surface is not well primed, the paint will be absorbed and dry unevenly.
It is unlikely that you dream of spotty-striped walls or ceilings, so we repeat again: before painting drywall without putty, it must be thoroughly treated with a deep penetration primer.

Note. Each layer must be allowed to dry for the time recommended by the manufacturer, and only then apply a second layer or start painting.

Solid putty

Many inexperienced finishers refuse to putty the entire surface of the walls or ceiling only for the reason that they are not confident in their abilities. That they can do this job with their own hands. But you should not be afraid - plasterboard is not difficult to putty on.
It will take only one thin layer, and if something does not work out the first time, then this can always be fixed by applying another one.

Tip. If this is your first time undertaking such work, we recommend using ready-made putty. It has an optimal consistency, is easy to apply and smooth.

The process looks like this:

  • After the primer dries (seePrimer before puttying walls - is it needed) a lot of time should not pass so that the dust does not settle on the walls again;
  • The solution is prepared in small portions, for about 30-40 minutes of work, otherwise it will begin to solidify;
  • Putty is filled with a small spatula and transferred to a wide worker (30-40 cm), evenly distributed over its entire width;
  • Puttying is carried out by sweeping cross movements, starting from any of the upper corners. In this case, the spatula must be kept at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the wall and try not to change the pressure;
  • The layer should be thin, not more than 1-2 mm, without sagging and deep traces from the edge of the spatula;
Drywall putty
Photo of the main process
  • First, the main plane is putty, then the corners are displayed;
  • Putty should be allowed to dry and then sanded the surface with a special grater, highlighting a flashlight or spotlight. This is the most crucial stage, the purpose of which is to eliminate all minor defects;
  • The tubercles and sagging are removed by polishing; if, however, depressions are found on the surface, they can be filled with putty precisely and then polished again after drying;
Surface for painting
The surface to be painted should be perfectly flat
  • Before painting, the putty surface is primed again.

This is a very short description, more detailed you will find in articles on this topic. It is important for us to answer the question of whether it is possible to paint drywall without putty.


Based on the foregoing, we conclude: gypsum board before painting can not be puttied completely, covering only joints, but not the fact that the final result will suit you. Therefore, it is better to comply with the technology.
Not sure if you can handle it? Call for the help of professionals. But if you want to try it yourself, watch the video in this article, it will help you do everything correctly and efficiently.

Visitors Comments
  1. Ilyas Abishev

    In general, drywall is only at first glance a simple material, in fact, only already experienced finishers who have trimmed more than a dozen squares of the surface can work effectively with it. I don’t putty completely drywall, unless of course the customer insists specifically on this. I consider this an inexpedient occupation. I putty only seams and other visible flaws. And so that the painted surfaces do not turn out to be stains, carefully primed at least two layers and paint over in several layers. It is always easier and more interesting to paint than to putty, and then carefully grind large surfaces!

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