Gypsum plasterboard lining: options for finishing a room based on it

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Drywall cladding
Drywall cladding

At the moment, in repair work, lining with plasterboard sheets is very popular. It is practical and reliable.
This is due to the properties and characteristics of the material.

Drywall Characteristics

Drywall is a universal material. It is used to level and clad any surface.
Consists of material:

  • From gypsum dough.
  • Sheets of dense pressed cardboard, which are on both sides of the gypsum.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • Plasterboard cladding can be in any room.
  • There are several types of such material.
  • Installation is quite simple.

Drywall can be:

  • Fire resistant.
  • Moisture resistant.

Tip. If you decide to finish the bathroom with drywall, then you need to use only moisture-resistant GLA.

Types of drywall:

  • Wall.
  • Ceiling.
  • Arched.

They all use for their intended purpose and have their own specific parameters:

  • The lightest is the ceiling drywall.
  • It has a small thickness.
  • In second place is arched.
  • It is perforated sheets that quite simply take any shape.

Tip. To give the arch GLA the desired shape, it is necessary to moisten its surface with water and fix it in the required position.

  • The most severe is the ceiling drywall, the thickness of which reaches up to 2 cm.

Note. All other types of drywall cannot be exposed to water.

The properties of drywall include:

  • Durability and practicality.
  • Durability and easy installation.
  • The material does not require special care.

Tip. It should be noted that the surface of the drywall sheets does not have an attractive appearance and for this reason it is necessary to finish it.

How to install drywall

Drywall is mounted simply, and all the work is possible to easily do it yourself.
From drywall are performed:

Installation of drywall on the frame
Installation of drywall on the frame

Installation of the material can be performed:

Let's consider each of the options in more detail:

  • If you give preference to the installation of drywall on a metal frame, then the crates are initially constructed.
  • For it, special metal profiles are used, which are attached to the surface with dowels, and the structural elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws.
  • Of the tools you need a drill and a screwdriver.

Tip. In the process of attaching drywall sheets to the surface of the metal frame, insulation and insulation are simultaneously carried out. To do this, sheets of polystyrene or any other material are inserted into the cells of the crate. They should fit snugly into them.

  • If you choose to install drywall sheets on special glue, then the surface is pre-prepared.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • Surface preparation includes its cleaning and priming.
  • This can be done with a vacuum cleaner and dry rags.
  • Priming the surface is carried out by a special tool.
  • It is applied to the surface with brushes or rollers.

Note. After applying the soil solution to the surface, it is necessary to wait until it is absorbed, it will take several hours.

Installation steps for special glue:

  • Glue is applied to the back of the drywall sheets.
  • Using the construction level, the sheet is exposed on the surface.
  • Then it is pressed tightly against it and fixed for several minutes.

Advice. If the room is modest in size, then cladding from drywall with glue will be the best option.

  • This is due to the fact that the frame has its own height.
  • From the surface, it can be 5-7 cm.
  • It all depends on how large the defects and irregularities were on it.
  • Installation on glue material will make it possible not to conceal the space.

Further process:

  • After fixing on the surface of the gypsum, its joints are formed.
  • They must be putty.
  • Previously, a special tape is glued to the joints.
  • Caps of self-tapping screws are also putty, with which sheets are attached.
  • After the solution has completely dried, the putty is treated with sandpaper.
  • Then it is cleaned of dust.
Installation of drywall on glue with further processing
Installation of drywall on glue with further processing

Tip. Only after such work can it be considered that the surface of the drywall is ready for finishing.

Drywall surface finishes

Plasterboard cladding is considered universal.
Let's consider in more detail:

  • On the surface of drywall, you can attach any modern finishing material.
  • For this, special means are used.
  • You can just color the sheets.

Tip. If the drywall is ordinary, then you need to paint it with paints that are not water-based.

Drywall can be faced:

  • Stone (natural or decorative).
  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Stick on the surface of the wallpaper or lay layers of decorative plaster and so on.

That is, there are no restrictions on the use of materials.

Note. The lining of drywall partitions does not differ from the lining of simple wall or ceiling surfaces. All actions for the installation of the material are performed similarly.

Natural agglomerate and artificial stone in the GLK finish

These materials practically have no differences in their properties and characteristics. The only thing is that the price for natural stone will be much higher than for decorative material.

  • In appearance, the stones have no differences.
  • They are mounted quite quickly and simply.
  • The difference in characteristics will be in the mass of material.
  • Natural agglomerate by weight is much heavier than artificial.

For decoration with natural stone use:

  • Granite.
  • Marble.
  • Onyx.
  • Sandstone.
  • Shell rock and so on.

Tip. In order to mount a natural agglomerate, which has a large mass on a drywall surface, it is pre-strengthened.


  • To reinforce the surface using special reinforcing mesh.
  • Their thickness and parameters depend on the mass of the material.
  • They are mounted on the surface with a solution of plaster or cement.
  • After such work, it will be obligatory to perform surface leveling by similar means.

Decorative rock easy to install. It has a wide variety of shades and sizes.
Thanks to this, a unique design of any interior is created. See the photo.

Decorative stone to decorate the living room
Decorative stone to decorate the living room

Facing drywall with decorative stone and natural agglomerate is carried out by similar means and methods.

Installation of stone cladding on the surface of drywall sheets

All the work is not too complicated and the strength to do it yourself, without involving specialists in this field.
The gypsum plasterboard is lined with stone using:

  • Concrete mortar or special products.
  • Building level and roulette.
  • Tile cutter for cutting artificial stone.
  • Special equipment to give the right size to natural stone.
  • Spatulas with which a fixing solution is applied to the surface.

Note. Also, when installing decorative stone, a decorative primer is used to putty the joints of the material, which is applied after finishing.

It is worth considering:

  • Facing with gypsum plasterboard may not be performed on the entire surface.
  • Such material goes well with other finishes.
  • For example, if you use decorative or natural stone with plastered walls, the room will be warm and comfortable.

Drywall ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are also called tiles. It is made from clay dough with the addition of various tools that increase the quality characteristics of the material.
Properties and characteristics:

  • The tile can be double or single firing.
  • It has a large assortment of shades and sizes.
  • Its surface is smooth, rough, matte and glossy.
  • Installation of the material is quick and easy.
Ceramic tiles in the interior
Ceramic tiles in the interior

Ceramic tile:

  • Moisture resistant and practical.
  • Its service life reaches 30 years.
  • It is mounted on a surface of any quality.
  • Wear resistant and not afraid of frost.
  • It does not burn and does not char.

Note. Before mounting the material, it is worth preparing the surface.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • Tiling gypsum plasterboard is carried out only on the prepared surface.
  • Initially, the sheets are primed with a special solution.
  • There is a special instruction for its use.
  • The product is applied to the surface of the material in several layers.

Installation of ceramic tiles on the surface of drywall

Tiling gypsum plasterboard is carried out using:

  • Special glue for mounting material and concrete mortar.
  • A tile cutter that helps with modern blades to cut tiles evenly.
  • Building level.
  • Spatulas for applying adhesive.
  • Cross-shaped beacons, which make it possible to ensure an even distance between each tile on the surface.
  • Decorative putty, with which the joints of the material are processed after it is completely fixed to the surface.

Works of this type are simple and their whole principle can be seen in the video. They are similar to the installation of artificial stone and all actions are performed as well.

Note. The installation of ceramic tiles must begin from the bottom so that the first rows can be firmly fixed.

You can consult with a specialist in this field regarding the installation of ceramic tiles. He will tell you some nuances in the work.

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