Types of water-based paints

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Water based paint for outdoor
Water based paint for outdoor

Aqueous emulsion paint for outdoor use is not so often used, but it is used most often for interior decoration. Water-based paint GOST 19214 80 guarantees the quality of the material. Today we’ll talk about her. There are options when it is not interchangeable millet, but there are cases where it is not worth applying.

The characteristics of this dye should be chosen not just by color, but also pay attention to the methods of application, since there are different types of water-based paints.

Also, photos and videos will be presented to your attention, where you can get additional and necessary information.

Advantages of water-based paint

This material has several advantages:

  • Can be applied by hand. It is available in different packaging, for example, water-based paint in cans can facilitate the painting of small surfaces.
  • Acceptable price also attracts consumers.
  • Great the ability to hide shaded areas on the wall surface one pass with a roller or one spray jet;
  • The coloring composition of the material has properties that allow quite dry quickly after application;
  • Simultaneously, the emulsion is not too fluid and easy to apply to the surface;
  • Walls painted with water-based paint in any way are completely covered with a paint composition, without smudges and traces of brushes and rollers;
  • Paint is odorless, which distinguishes it from oil compounds, the smell of which lasts for two weeks;
  • When carrying out painting a water emulsion does not harm health does not require respiratory protection. Therefore, having completed work, there is no need to urgently leave the room;
  • Thanks to special colors any color of paint can be obtainedadding them to a colorless composition (see How to paint: choose an option) There is a diverse palette of colors for a water emulsion that allows you to independently create the desired color and shade. Each manufacturer provides its own table showing the options for shades;
  • Water-based paint for outdoor applications is very easy and simple to use, and at the end of the work, coloring accessories (brushes (see Paint brushes: which ones to choose) and rollers) easy to wash in plain water.

Attention: If you have problems with the removal of this dye, then in the retail trade there is even a wash for water-based paint, which will help to wash everything off quickly enough.

Disadvantages of aqueous emulsion dyes

Water emulsion has practically no shortcomings.

But they are still there:

  • The paint contains a fairly high water content. Therefore, it should not be used for painting metal and glossy objects;
  • It is also quite simple to do it on your own, and therefore a lot of fakes have appeared. This dye is smeared after drying and exfoliates. Therefore, it is better to give preference to trusted brands.

Types of water-based paints

During repair work in the room, painting the walls and ceiling is often required (see How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint to make it perfect)In addition, today the work on painting facades is in demand.

Separation by type
Separation by type


  • The composition of the coloring composition includes an aqueous suspension of pigments, polymeric substances and various fillers. Due to the polymers present in the paint, water quickly evaporates and a thin shell is created on the surface. Aqueous emulsion dyes are distinguished by type of use, properties and cost.
  • The main types of water emulsion dye include polyvinyl acetate, acrylic, latex, silicate and silicone. To answer the question of what type of water emulsion is better to use, it is necessary to consider the main types of this coloring matter and its corresponding characteristics.

Properties of polyvinyl acetate aqueous emulsion

Aqueous emulsion polyvinyl acetate coloring composition is considered one of the cheapest and highest quality. It basically contains PVA glue and is used in painting the walls and the ceiling indoors. The great popularity of the paint is due to its rather low cost.

Advantages of polyvinyl acetate aqueous emulsion dye:

  • It can be used for painting cardboard, wooden, plastered surfaces and other porous materials;
  • It is used when painting surfaces in rooms that must comply with high fire safety standards;
  • the composition does not contain harmful components, fire and explosion proof; when using a variety of additives, you can independently create any color and shade, as well as make the coating shiny or matte;
  • The cost is much lower than other emulsions;
  • Excellent coating for smooth wall surfaces lined with drywall;
  • It has a quick drying time.

The disadvantages of polyvinyl acetate emulsion include:

  • Not suitable for coating metal surfaces;
  • It is afraid of high humidity, therefore it is not suitable for work outdoors;
  • It has rather weak persistent properties, as a result of which it is possible to work with it only in dry rooms.
  • Consumption when using a coloring solution is 250 grams of light and 150 grams of dark composition per square meter.

The main properties of water-based acrylic dye

The coloring acrylic composition containing acrylic resins is a leader among other water-based emulsions due to its strength and elasticity. But it is far from cheap.

There are also analogues with a lower price on sale, in their composition the main component is vinyl acrylic, styrene acrylic and acrylic silicone acrylic copolymers, but their quality is not inferior to an acrylic emulsion with acrylic resins.

Acrylic Coating
Acrylic Coating

The features of acrylic water-based paint include:

  • The ability to use it when coating surfaces indoors; use when painting surfaces on the street, for example, a brick or concrete facade;
  • The paint can be applied to the surface treated with a composition containing alkali (plaster), but only after one month after the end of work, since the plaster hardens for a rather long time;
  • The main properties include low gas permeability, good protection of concrete mortar from corrosion;
  • This type of paint is widespread, and you can purchase it on any construction market or in a store;
  • Acrylic paint It is not recommended to paint structures with poor waterproofing of the base and damp walls. In this case, a silicone or silicate coloring solution is used.
Quality waterproofing
High-quality waterproofing will be provided by the Universal paint from the Mitsar manufacturer

Correct waterproofing of the surface will be ensured by the Universal rubber paint produced by the Mitsar plant (St. Petersburg). Despite the improved characteristics, the price and consumption of Universal for 1 square meter. m lower than its counterparts.This is one of the reasons why Mitsar paints and enamels are supplied, inter alia, by the State Defense Order.

Washable latex-based water emulsion

To create a surface that is not exposed to moisture, it is coated with a composition in which latex is added.

  • Such a water-based floor paint is best suited. It is also good to use for decorating the kitchen.
  • This surface allows you to withstand 5000 periods of washing with a brush, while when staining with ordinary paints, wiping should be done rarely and accurately. Due to these properties, it is most beneficial to paint the walls in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • In addition, having a water-repellent property, the surface coated with paint has good vapor permeability. A two-layer aqueous emulsion can cover cracks with a width of one millimeter, and there is no need to putty it beforehand. The type of such a water emulsion has the highest cost.
  • The main companies that manufacture washing paints are: Expert, Eco House, DALI, Premiere, Alpalux (ALPA).
  • Silicate water emulsion
  • It is a liquid glass mixture containing additives of colored pigments. It can be painted with any surface. The paint has an excellent degree of adhesion, is not afraid of moisture, sudden changes in temperature and other atmospheric phenomena.

The main features of the silicate coloring composition include:

  • The ability to use when painting the walls of old buildings, as well as with high humidity in the room;
  • Walls covered with water-based paint have good air and vapor permeability;
  • Paint on the surface of the wall lasts up to twenty years;

Popular manufacturers of water based paints

The certificate for water-based paint is issued to each manufacturer individually, although there is only one guest for water-based paint. Currently, a fairly large number of companies are engaged in the production of a variety of dyes.

Types of water-based paints
Types of water-based paints

Out of the variety of manufacturers, several companies can be distinguished whose demand for products is quite large. And water-based paint GOST 28196 89 determines the technical characteristics of this coating.

Products of TikkurilaTikkurila is a very popular company for the manufacture of coloring compounds among consumers.
  • Water-based paints are of excellent quality, but their price is quite high.
  • Due to their safety from an environmental point of view, they paint children's rooms and rooms of various institutions. Surfaces painted with Tikkurila paint have a long operational period and a high degree of strength.

The dyes of this manufacturer are suitable for surfaces made of wood, concrete plaster. They are resistant to fire and moisture and are an excellent solution for painting the kitchen and bathroom.

Paint and varnish products of Duf firmProducts for painting manufactured by Duf are distinguished by their high cost and highest quality parameters.
  • This manufacturer produces a large number of different types of paints, the range consists of both conventional waterproof dyes and compositions with textured additives.
  • The quality of the surface to be painted is affected by the composition of the paint. Duf products are perfect for a variety of rooms. The surface treated with it has a glossy, matte and reflective effect.
Paint and varnish production of Dulaks firmDulax firm, which produces high-quality coloring compounds, has established itself in the market of paints and varnishes.
  • To manufacture its products, the manufacturer uses various technical innovations in the form of special additives. This and additives to enhance whiteness, and even marble powder.Especially for the design of children's rooms, the company’s specialists developed and released a series of paint and varnish products for children.
  • The Dulaks company produces products for all types of coatings, the price of which, unfortunately, is very high and sometimes is not accessible to everyone.
Paint manufactured by TexDomestic company produces high-quality products for middle-income consumers.
  • The coating has a long operational period and absolute safety from an environmental point of view.
  • Paints with high resistance to moisture are excellent for painting bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Tex products are one of the most sought-after building materials on the market, which means high quality products, time-tested.
Paint and varnish production of Kaparol firmIn the territory of the Russian Federation, the company “Kaparol” is not popular enough, although it produces products of the highest class. Many paints of this manufacturer are not available due to their high cost. Coloring compounds are excellently suited for kitchens and bathrooms, as they are highly resistant to humid environments.
Products of the company "Snowball"Polish manufacturer of paints and varnishes produces a wide range of products for painting.
  • Each type of paint is made for each room.
  • The products are intended for consumers with different income levels. For rooms where children will be constantly present, a special series of Disney colors has been released.
  • It should be noted that the Snezhka products have many negative reviews regarding the quality of the goods.
Products for coloring company "Lacra"Another domestic manufacturer. This company gained popularity due to the fact that it produces paint at affordable prices for many consumers.
  • Coloring compositions are developed for rooms of various types. For bathrooms and kitchens produce waterproof varieties of paints.
  • Basically, the products of this manufacturer have high quality characteristics.

Attention: How much this dye costs depends on its type and manufacturer. When buying, give preference to trusted brands and this will be the key to quality and durability of the coating.

Self-preparation of water-based paint

In composition, all water emulsions have no special differences. They have a viscous base (glue, etc.), fillers, dye and various elements in the form of additives. The type of binder base depends on the application of the dye.

Oil paints are made on an oil basis, and water based paints are made on an aqueous basis. Making an emulsion on your own is quite easy.

This will require:

  • PVA glue (the main component for viscosity) - from 0.5 to 1 kilogram per ten liters of water;
  • Chalk powder (as a filler) - 6 kilograms;
  • Softener - 50 grams;
  • Dye, to obtain the desired color and shade;
  • Non-toxic pigment powder or color for a water-based coloring solution.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • First, it is necessary to dissolve the PVA in water, then add a plasticizer and chalk powder to it, and mix to obtain a uniform white composition. Then add the dyes.
  • Consistency and viscosity are determined by eye. The resulting mixture should evenly cover the surface and not be very thick.
  • To obtain ductility, you can add more glue and plasticizer. Before staining, the solution must be filtered.

Textured water-based paint or non-combustible water-based paint, all of them must be applied according to the technology. And on this occasion, for each of them there is an instruction on our website, so you must read it before work.

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