Acrylic paint for ceilings and walls: specifications

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint
Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint

Acrylic paint for the ceiling - a popular coating for repairs in the living room. In this case, the ceiling can be made of any material. Next, the features of the coating will be considered, how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint yourself.

Features of the composition

Acrylic paints appeared on the construction market relatively recently, about fifty years ago, and quickly became leaders among paints and varnishes.

Materials used in the repair:

The composition of such paintwork includes:

  • Acrylic resin.
  • Pigments.
  • Water.

Such simple components allow you to make paint with high performance with an affordable cost.

Advantages of acrylic paint:

  • The material is environmentally friendly., it does not emit any toxic substances when applied to the surface and then dried, due to evaporation of moisture, which allows the use of the coating for decoration of children's rooms.
  • Non-flammable and non-flammable, it can be used in the repair of residential homes and public spaces.
  • Variety of colors and shades, more than fifteen thousand different types, makes it possible to select the most appropriate shade for products.
  • Material on any surface creates a strong elastic film, which protects the dried coating from the formation of cracks on it, peeling, it does not wrinkle, does not crumble.
  • You can apply the composition on concrete, the plastered surface of the walls (see How to plaster a wall correctly) or ceiling.
  • It tolerates sharp temperature changes and different humidity levels.
  • It dries quickly.
  • Not afraid of heavy pollution.

Tip: When repainting the old color on the ceiling, you should purchase acrylic paintwork with a high cost. When using cheap compositions, they will need to be applied in several layers.

  • After dyeing, the finish acquires a beautiful appearance, durability, and the process has a small cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • Low vapor permeability.
  • It is not recommended to paint walls made of shell rock or other porous building materials with a high level of vapor permeability with acrylics.

What types of acrylic paints exist

When purchasing paint, it must be borne in mind that the coating:

  • It happens of different types.
  • It differs in areas of use. For instance:
  1. some compounds are used only in rooms where the normal humidity level is:
  2. others have increased water resistance. They are used, as a rule, in kitchens (see What paint to paint the bathroom: consider options) and bathrooms.

Acrylic paintwork can be:

  • Glossy.
  • Matte.

The choice of type depends on the preferences of the owner of the premises, and you can choose the color yourself.

For this:

  • White paint is purchased.
  • The desired color is added to the composition (see How to paint: choose an option).
  • If the shade requirements are not too strict, the color can be selected in advance, when buying paint.

Factors affecting the cost of coverage

Acrylic paint color selection
Acrylic paint color selection

Four factors influence the size of acrylic paints:

  • Structure. The main elements that make up any coloring matter:
  1. adhesion;
  2. special filler;
  3. pigment is always on the list of ingredients on the package. But sometimes manufacturers add excipients to the composition to improve quality and create a specific paint. For example, the addition of coalescent compounds makes them more transparent: such a paint is used to stain wood furniture (see DIY furniture painting: doing it right) But its cost will be an order of magnitude higher.
  • Packing. Substances go on sale packaged in:
  1. buckets or cans;
  2. tubes;
  3. spray cans.

The last two types of packaging are purchased for decorative ceilings, creating drawings, graffiti on them.

Tip: When purchasing paint, you should consider the smaller the volume of the composition, the higher its price.

  • Manufacturer. Paint from foreign manufacturers is more expensive, but the quality of domestic brands is absolutely no worse. This is due to the fact that rather expensive costs are incurred during import, and then the registration of a permit for the sale of paint.
  • Additives. Such substances are needed when using paint in a residential building, characterized by the presence of humidity, temperature differences. For instance:
  1. To paint the surface in the bathroom, it is necessary to purchase acrylic paint that is insensitive to water;
  2. for the street, a solution is required that is immune to UV rays and other adverse environmental factors.

How to prepare the ceiling for painting

Before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, you need to carefully prepare the base. The durability of the coating will depend on the quality with which this work is performed.

The order of operations is as follows:

  • The old coating is removed. After painting the ceiling, the old paint is removed with a spatula.
  • If the paint holds fast enough, it does not peel off, you can stain over it.
  • Chips and cracks on the surface must be primed and then sealed with putty.

Tip: To prevent the recurrence of cracks, put a mesh under the putty layer.

After drying, the leveling mixture is sanded with sandpaper with fine grain and, if necessary, an additional coat is applied.

  • If the ceiling tile is painted with acrylic paint, it is necessary to seal the joints between the panels with gypsum putty, which will give the ceiling a plaster appearance.
  • If there are strong distortions on the surface of the ceiling, it must be plastered.
  • Before painting, the base is cleaned of dust.

Tip: It is forbidden to partially remove the old paint, this painted surface will give some irregularities.

How to paint the ceiling

After preparing the base, you can perform painting.

The instruction offers:

  • You need to start painting from the corners of the ceiling and its perimeter. This will allow you to quickly and without any difficulties subsequently paint the central part of the surface with a roller, as in the photo, without stopping at processing hard-to-reach spots.
Paint the ceiling with a roller
Paint the ceiling with a roller
  • The first and all subsequent layers can be applied in any direction, but this should be done evenly. In addition, the subsequent coating is applied only after the previous layers of paint have dried.
  • The topcoat is applied to the window or towards the light source. In this case, the surface after staining will look smooth and without any flaws.

Tip: Before starting work, you should cover the floor with paper or oilcloth especially if it has a finish.

How to paint ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are painted in one way, will it be ordinary or laminated. Most of all difficulties when painting a simple foam tile. Working with it is more difficult due to the rather porous surface.

Features of the process:

  • For painting, a water-based emulsion or acrylic paint of the desired color is chosen.
  • It is quite difficult to apply paint with an ordinary brush on the surface of the tile, due to its embossed appearance. It is not easy to paint over the protrusions and notches, and the appearance will turn out to be not quite attractive.
  • For these purposes, it is better to use a spray gun or roller with a long pile. In this case, the painting will be more uniform, and the appearance of better quality.
  • Over time, any ceiling is covered with dirt, it is not always evenly distributed, most often stained. This is especially noticeable in the kitchen, where a large amount of fatty inclusions settles on it.

Tip: To avoid these troubles and defects did not appear through the paint layer, the tile must first be primed to “lock” this effect.

  • The primer can be used on a water basis, it will not corrode the surface of the tile and spoil its appearance.
  • Apply the primer more efficiently with a brush, in this case all places inaccessible to the roller will become painted. It is advisable to take a brush wide with fluffy bristles, and an acrylic primer of a thick consistency.
  • Conventional putty seals butt joints of plates.
  • After the putty, a primer is applied.
  • The tile is painted with a break for drying, about two hours, in two layers.

All the nuances of painting and features of acrylic paint are well shown in the video in this article. Correctly painted ceiling will give any room comfort and beauty.

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