Decorative paint for walls: types, properties, effects

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

In the photo, a kind of decorative paint, blue with stains
In the photo, a kind of decorative paint, blue with stains

In this article we will try to find out what decorative wall paint is, how to apply it, what it consists of and what are its advantages over other decorative materials for walls. After all, decorative materials for walls, in our time, are very wide variety.

Distinctive features

Stone-based decorative paint
Stone-based decorative paint

For people not related to decoration, repair or construction, it may not be clear how decorative paint differs from ordinary paint. In principle, not much, it is thicker in consistency and filled with various additives.

Using simple paint, you can also get interesting decorative coatings, but it rather depends on how it is applied to any surface, and of course, on the structure and texture of this same surface. Of course, not all decorative structures can be created with simple paint, which is why decorative paint was invented, with which you can create an imitation of wood, velvet, silk and much more on any surface.

These effects are obtained due to the additives included in its composition and the consistency of a special plastic substance that is part of the solvent with which the paint is diluted. All these elements change the physical properties of the paint after it dries, and a decorative coating is obtained.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unusual effects are achieved with decorative paint
Unusual effects are achieved with decorative paint

Consider the advantages of decorative paint over other decorative materials for walls.

Advantages of decorative paint:

  • Consumption. For example, decorative paint will need much less than the same decorative plaster on the same surface. Therefore, the repair price will be less.
  • Durability. Good quality paint will last for many years, without any exfoliation or cracks.
  • Effectiveness. A variety of decorative effects obtained when applied. Plus additional effects with various methods of its application.
  • Ease. Of course, decorative paint is much lighter than decorative plaster, especially some of its types.
  • Texture. Some types of decorative paint also have texture, which easily allows you to create unusual effects for it.
  • Chameleon. Some decorative paints have unusual colors that change depending on what angle you look at the painted surface.
  • Antistatic. A surface painted with decorative paint will not collect dust, unlike the same wallpaper.
  • Environmental friendliness. Consist of environmentally friendly and natural substances and elements.
  • Individuality. Each wall, painted with decorative paint, will be one and only.
  • Application. It is applied as easily as simple, so everyone can create a decorative surface with their own hands.

Cons of decorative paint:

  • Range. They have much less variety of decorative species than the same wallpaper, for example.
  • Smooth surface. Before applying, it is necessary to prepare the walls, they must be perfectly even.
  • Thermal insulation. Decorative paint does not provide additional thermal insulation, as well as sound insulation, like the same plaster.

Types of decorative paints

Special pearl decorative paint
Special pearl decorative paint

Consider some types of decorative paints for wall decoration and their brief characteristics:

  • Alkyd.

This oil and enamel paints are used mainly for outdoor applications, as they are diluted with solvents, have a pungent and unpleasant odor, and also dry for a long time. But they do not fade, wear-resistant and are not afraid of water.

  • Glue.

They include aqueous solutions of cellulose, alcohol, starch, casein and much more. Such paints are porous and due to this, moisture evaporates quite quickly, which contributes to good air exchange.

  • Water emulsion.

The basis of such paints is water with binding elements and the addition of pigments. When applying paint, water evaporates and a polymer film forms, due to which the surface can be washed after drying.

  • Acrylic

They are based on acrylic resins, which makes this paint very durable and flexible. This is one of the most popular types of paints, since the painted surface is durable and moisture resistant.

This type of paint is considered one of the most expensive. They look beautiful even without any decorative effect, can be applied in one thin layer, are resistant to any damage and do not fade.

  • Silicate.

This type of paint consists of a solution of liquid glass and colored pigments, due to which it is as if eaten into the surface and it is not afraid of any disasters. They are often used for outdoor work because of their durability and surface protection.

Advice! When choosing a decorative paint for a particular surface, consult with a specialist what kind of paint is suitable for this surface.


Gold coating of walls with decorative paint
Gold coating of walls with decorative paint

When choosing a decorative paint, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics such as:

  • Matte or glossy. Matte paint is good for walls with small defects, and glossy will help visually increase the volume of the room.
  • Transparency. Covering paint hides the base on which it is applied, and the glaze is translucent and, therefore, the base will be visible.
  • Texture If you have bumps on the walls, and you can’t do anything, then you should choose a textured paint that will hide them.
  • Adhesion. Or otherwise - adhesion affects how well the paint will interact with the surface, it depends on how durable it will be.
  • Protection. It is necessary to take into account its protective functions, for example, such as moisture resistance, wear resistance, fire safety and antifungal properties.

Advice! It’s good if there are samples of applied paint in the store so that you can see what will be the result.

Decorative paint effects

Pale pink decorative paint in the kitchen interior
Pale pink decorative paint in the kitchen interior

Consider the most popular effects that can be obtained using decorative paints:

  • Mother of pearl or chameleon. This paint is famous for its color variability, it has a new color or shade at different angles and under different lighting conditions. It also resembles silk-covered walls and can visually enlarge a room.
  • Velvet or velor. Because of the solid color particles that make up it, the paint after application looks like a real fabric and, if you do not touch the wall, not many people will know that it is just paint.
  • Granite. The composition of this paint does not contain granite, nor its tiny particles, although after applying it it is precisely this impression. The secret of this effect is in the acrylic colored bubbles of paint that are present in its composition.
  • Paint with particles. It can be particles of sand and shells, insoluble flakes and shiny mineral, and many others. Each type of such paint has its own unique effect: coral wall, marine motifs, light breeze, sand dunes and others.

Important! Paints with particles do not require a special method of application, only a special roller, spatula or brush.

Application Methods

Silk decorative paint example
Silk decorative paint example

As we already learned earlier, decorative paint not only by itself during normal application gives interesting effects, but it can also be applied in certain ways that give an additional effect.

For instance:

  • “Golden Fleece” - this effect is obtained, if applied first, with a rubber spatula, white paint. Then we apply tinted paint with an ordinary roller, then we grind the surface with an emery cloth until the white main paint appears. After that, varnish can be applied.
  • “Enchanted Lake” - apply the paint with a fur roller (seePaint rollers: consider in detail) and wait for it to dry, then with the help of a stencil and a rubber spatula we apply a drawing. The set for this effect includes three shades of paint and instructions.
Star dust effect
Star dust effect

Create a Stardust Effect

This is a pretty interesting option.

Use a simple hard brush, which is applied to the composition.

Take a brush and dunk in the paint.

After that, we remove the pile and spray the drops on the wall.

Stencil application
Stencil application

Drawing a pattern using a stencil

There are options, you can purchase a ready-made stencil.

You can also cut your drawing on cardboard.

When applying the dye, use a soft brush or a simple paint roller.

Stippling, or aging
Stippling, or aging

Making aging on the wall

To do this, the wall is painted in one tone.

After not completely drying, apply the glaze on a plane.

In this case, we use a hard brush.

Touching can be done in certain places.

We are waiting for drying, while the edges of the lines are smoothed.

Drawing abstraction
Drawing abstraction

Original wall abstraction

These are any figures that are not systematically applied to the wall.

There are stencils for sale.

You can also use the roller and apply non-system drawings.

This direction is especially popular among young people.

Advice! If you are using decorative paints for the first time, then you should limit yourself to ready-made compositions and a simple method of application.


An example of decorative paint with the Golden Fleece effect
An example of decorative paint with the Golden Fleece effect

In this article we learned that even a novice can do the decorative painting of walls with his own hands. The only difficulty can be preparation of walls for paintingas the paint cannot hide defects and surface irregularities.

If you want to experiment, then you can apply decorative paint in any specific way. And you can use it: rollers with different nap, various spatulas and even a simple sponge. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

In the video in this article, you can see some ways to apply decorative paint.

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