Interior decoration of the front door: types of material and their use
What are the requirements today for customers choosing the front door? This interior detail must be reliable, durable, because its functions include providing protection against unauthorized access.
Therefore, regardless of whether you bought ready-made kits for installing doors or you are interested in a separate door installation, the options for interior decoration of doors can be very diverse.
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Choose a finish option
In any case, for decoration it is necessary to focus on two types: external and internal. At first it may seem that there is not any particular difference between them, but if you look deeper into this issue, you can see many nuances.
For reference. If the exterior finish gives priority to such characteristics as the resistance of the finishing material to all kinds of negative weather conditions, prevents the penetration of undesirable persons into private possessions, then the interior finish for these characteristics practically does not matter.
However, this does not mean that the choice how to finish the door no. First, try to decide on the characteristics that, in the opinion of the modern consumer, a door should have.
These include:
- Attractiveness.
- Compatibility with other interior elements.
- High sound absorption characteristics.
- Attractive in terms of your family budget.
Despite the fact that all these qualities are very important, not only they should be guided before making an internal front door trim.How to equip the front door from the inside?
Due to the fact that today in the market, in stores and even on the Internet, you can find the widest selection of materials (both artificial and natural) used in such a process as decoration inside a metal door, allows you to create and implement many design decisions regarding the appearance the door.
Interesting and varied suggestions on how to decorate the front door, you can see in the photo. Most often, decorative finishes for decorating and insulating doors of standard shapes, sizes and models are created by their own manufacturers.
Thus, each client, due to his interests, tastes and financial capabilities, will be able to make a choice and buy a ready-made door in the style that he likes.
The methods and materials on the market that are used to decorate the front door will satisfy the needs of absolutely every client. However, sometimes there are situations when you have to install doors of non-standard sizes, which, accordingly, not every decoration option will fit.
In such cases, when you make an application on an individual basis, you will be given the opportunity to decide in which style and what materials it is better to sheathe the door itself and complete it yourself. And in some cases, the owners of houses or apartments prefer to independently start such an event as finishing a metal door inside.
In the main list of materials for interior decoration, the following items are found:
- Veneer (natural or artificial).
- Imitation leather.
- MDF panels.
- Wood.
- Laminate.
- Powder coating.
- A natural stone.
Before you finish the interior of the front door, you must choose the best and most profitable material. Here, a special place is occupied not only by how high quality the material is, but also how affordable its price is.
After all, self-finishing inside a metal door is an economically advantageous event, since the prices for finishing work with an individual order from a professional master are made up of a significant percentage of the order amount of the door itself. You will especially feel it if you plan to use expensive natural materials, for example, a natural massif of thin wood veneer or natural stone.
The choice of materials for finishing the door from the inside
Very often, those who seek not only beautifully, but also elegantly design the inside of the front door, resort to such a process as decorating it with varieties of stones (most often artificial, decorative). In this case, the interior decoration of the entrance doors involves the use of thin stone slabs.
Tip. In order to decorate the door with stone, it is necessary to choose the material that has a thickness of not more than 4 mm, because otherwise their weight will be too heavy.
- In order to attach these parts to a metal or wooden base, it is necessary to use a special resin. Thanks to the self-adhesive base of synthetic resins, materials (stones) attached to the door and to the walls adjacent to it are protected from various kinds of damage: cracks and breaks.
- The most popular methods of not only internal but also external door decoration with this material is the option in which this process is carried out using a single piece of stone of the same texture. Outwardly, these doors look very elegant, like a single monolithic stone, especially if the same technique was used to decorate the walls at the front door.
- However, not everyone can afford the implementation of this finish option. A more budgetary way is that which involves finishing the door with a laminate or MDF panels (seeDo-it-yourself door trim with MDF panels).
These materials are the most affordable, they are easy to work with regardless of whether a metal or wooden door needs to be transformed. - The use of a laminate is considered the most practical. In the end, this is a relatively inexpensive material, which at the same time has a very neat and beautiful appearance.
These designs, among other things, are durable, resistant to moisture and aggressive cleaning or disinfecting agents. Sometimes cheap doors with MDF trim on the inside are lined with natural veneer. - This is done in order to give them a more expensive and prestigious appearance.
- For an ordinary apartment with a small entrance hall, an entrance door made with the use of natural wood is perfect, the pattern of which will repeat the ornaments on the furniture in the entrance hall. Or you can use the more expensive option of decorative finishing wooden veneer.
Very often, the internal and external parts of the door are finished with completely different materials. It turns out to be very important to make sure that they harmonize with each other as best as possible, be of good quality and securely attached.
Doorway Finishes
The interior decoration of metal doors, first of all, begins sealing the door frame. In order for the inside to always be warm, the doorway must be securely sealed.
When there is a process of independent implementation of this event, it is often necessary to expand, reduce or change the shape of doorways.That is why almost immediately (if possible) after the installation of the door is complete, it is necessary to begin repair of the door slopes.
Alignment and decoration is carried out using various techniques:
- Plastering and painting.
- Drywall laying and painting.
- Laying drywall or MDF panels and so on.
Finishing slopes of the front door, leveling the surface
The installation of the slopes of the front door begins with their alignment, which can be done in two ways: with concrete mortar or plasterboard casing. Plastering door slopes with your own hands is a time-consuming and dirty process, but at the same time, the result is a more solid and reliable foundation, which in the future can be covered with absolutely any finishing material.
Tip. It is necessary to apply the plaster on the slopes using beacons, as this is the only way to level them out qualitatively. You can watch the training video to know about all the nuances of the finish.
To install lighthouses, either flat wooden battens or special metal profiles are used - they are assembled using alabaster, observing a clear verticality. After the beacons have hardened, the gaps between the beacons and the walls must be filled with cement mortar.
It consists of water, cement and sand. All this must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.
After that, you will need a small spatula with which you will make the surface of the slopes even. Leveling the slopes is best done using putty, especially in places where cracks and chips are small.
If the gaps between the wall and the new finishing material are very large, you need to use mounting foam. Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is attached to the door using special glue.
Tip: In this case (taking into account the peculiarities of opening access) it is better to use not foam, but expanded polystyrene - it is denser and less prone to damage.
Although, the instruction assumes that this material will subsequently be sheathed with more rigid material. Therefore, you can choose foam, especially since it is cheaper.
- Before use, it is necessary to remove old paint, whitewash from the surface of the walls.
- After the putty or foam has dried, it is necessary to level the wall with a layer of cement mortar. Only after its complete hardening can grinding be done, re-primed and painted slopes.
- In addition to paint and cement, other materials can also be used. So, for example, with the help of drywall you will carry out this event relatively cheaply, easily and in the shortest possible time.
Gypsum plasterboard is the most simple and practical material. - Of particular difficulty in the process of plastering door slopes is the upper part. Especially when you need to build up a sufficiently thick layer of the solution.
To avoid problems with this, you can add a little alabaster to the plaster, which allows you to speed up the process of hardening and solidification of the solution. Thanks to this, you do not have to spend several days on this process, on the contrary, in a short period of time, you can throw on the slope the required number of layers of plaster. - As for the decoration of the side slopes, this can be done using drywall, everything is much simpler here. First you need a special metal profile (L-shaped), which is screwed into the concrete wall around the entire perimeter of each slope.
This is done with dowels and screws. - After all profile elements are attached to the wall, plasterboard strips can be attached to it. The joints between the drywall can be glued with a serpentine or processed with putty.
In order to cope with the task, it is necessary to accurately measure and cut the sheet into several parts of the right size.
In conclusion, they can be mounted on slopes using dowels, special glue (liquid nails) or mounting foam. It is also used to fill the openings and angles between the GCR and the opening.
After joining them, you can proceed to the final painting of drywall.
Other materials for finishing the inner surface of the front door
The simplest, as well as the cheapest type of decoration of door slopes is plastering. The surface of the side, upper and lower slopes is leveled with a layer of plaster, after which they are ready for further decoration or you can simply whiten or paint them.
Despite the fact that plastic is widely used for window slopes, it has not gained the same popularity as a material for installing a door and further decorating doorways. As a rule, the plastic finish of the slopes is carried out only when installing interior doors made of plastic.
In other cases, this material does not particularly harmonize with the door and the interior decoration of a room.
I would not choose the interior decoration of the door from drywall, it is not worth it, but everything as an option has a place to be.
Alexander turned out beautifully from MDF, but the wallpaper has not been pasted. At least just for shooting. Somehow, distrust arises towards the author of the video.