Decorating the balcony with decorative plaster: do it yourself

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Decorative plaster on the balcony
Decorative plaster on the balcony

Decorative plaster on the balcony in recent years is used quite often. But this material is of several types, than plastering the walls on the balcony and how to do it right, we will understand today.

In the video in this article, you can see the progress of work and in the photo to see the most crucial moments.

Decorative plaster: facing the balcony

Plastering the balcony is one of the most aesthetic and durable building materials. The coating has several options for volumetric surface, so it is increasingly used on an open, glazed or insulated balcony.

Using the prepared mixture, tool and step-by-step instructions, it is easy to independently make an effective finish of a well-maintained loggia or balcony.

How to use decorative plaster

Despite the apparently unstable structure of decorative plaster in a dry form, the finished cladding is practical and durable:

  • If desired, it can be left in its original form, but it is better to fix it front paintapplied from a spray gun. This method is more suitable for an open balcony or with a semi-closed frameless glazing system.
  • Designers and craftsmen appreciate this coating for its unique variability. The mass prepared for work using special techniques and a special tool gives an original texture. There is nothing complicated in making intricate ornaments or repeating volumetric patterns.
  • This facing material has more and more supporters, thanks to its special properties. Venetian plaster gives a translucent layer, and if applied in layers, it imitates marble. The flocking base when lining is similar to suede, other varieties imitate natural materials - leather, wood, pressed fabric or bamboo.

The main advantages of decorative plaster

Decorating a balcony with decorative plaster has a number of advantages in relation to other materials:

  • Ability to do the work yourself. This is especially suitable if you have a rich imagination.
  • High decorative qualities;
  • Natural basis;
  • Adequate insulation and sound insulation;
  • Creates a favorable microclimate;
  • It does not require additional processing after drying;
  • Used as a finish, hides defects in the starting layer;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • It does not require complex cleaning and constant care;
  • Does not support combustion;
  • Does not absorb odors;
  • The base “breathes” without condensation, absorbing and evaporating excess moisture.

Attention: The price of the material is higher from the cement composition and this will be a minus. But she can still afford any person.

Composition of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster for the balcony are available in finished form or as a component of the mixture. It is brought to the desired consistency according to the recipe attached to the instructions for use.

The composition and properties of the cladding depend on the basis or "base":

  • Vinyl and acrylic bases the most common, relates to environmental materials, is recommended for processing glazed balconies;
  • Silicone and silicate base recommended for open loggia or balcony, suitable for painting;
  • Mineral base considered universal (see Mineral plaster: material features);
  • Gypsum-lime base the most plastic and porous, it accumulates dust, is suitable for effective cladding with a volumetric texture in closed balconies;
  • Multicomponent base with added impurities, fibers and fillers look fragile and crumbling, but not afraid of the influence of weather factors.

Attention: Experts do not recommend the use of expensive cladding, such as "Venetian" on outdoor terraces, balconies and loggias. Sudden changes in temperature and various climatic phenomena can reduce its decorative properties.

The performance characteristics of the surface of walls and ceilings depend on the base and auxiliary components. Designers choose the most spectacular types of plaster, and plasterers prefer to work with a finish that gives the most high-quality and durable result.

Basic requirements for materials for outdoor decoration:

  • Easy to apply to the main building materials - reinforced concrete products, wood, brickwork;
  • Excellent characteristics of vapor permeability, heat and sound insulation, which provides a porous "base" with high adhesion.

Varieties of decorative plaster on the texture

Before deciding how to plaster the balcony, you need to decide on the texture. For finishing the internal surfaces of the balcony, the basis of different fractions is used - fine-grained or coarse-grained.

For each type of decorative surface, a specific base and fillers are needed, as well as a special tool and application method. Plaster is poured, rubbed, rotated, rolled out, sculpted with hands, made notches, etc.

Texture plasterThe most interesting basis for creating a decorative surface on the balcony. It is quite simple to apply and operate, allowing you to get walls and ceilings with an interesting texture. The most common effects:
  • "Shagreen skin";
  • "Colored mosaic";
  • "Cracks";
  • Bark beetle
  • "Oak bark";
  • Antique
  • "Harvested fabric";
  • "Soft gold", etc.


Flock plasterThis type of decorative plaster resembles a velor or fabric base. Flocking is more suitable for the interior lining of the balcony. An adhesive layer is added to the base, where acrylic chips are sprayed.
Venetian plasterThe most spectacular decorative finish is Venetian plaster to simulate an ornamental stone.
  • It is the most expensive, and its application is trusted only by specialists.
  • It is undesirable to use for an open balcony. In its final form, it looks like marble and granite, malachite and onyx, jasper or agate.
  • A multilayer coating with a translucent base in overflows of light looks the most noble.


Step-by-step instructions for facing the balcony with decorative plaster

Now we will consider how to plaster a balcony with our own hands in detail. This process is done in stages and each stage will be important. Plastering the balcony with your own hands begins precisely with the preparation of the plane and the definition of the coating layer.

  • First of all, we pull the line along the diagonals of the plane. Here we will immediately see the application layer, or rather its thickness.
  • If it is more than 3 cm. Then preliminary plastering of the plane will be needed
  • If the layer is more than 5 cm. Then it will be necessary to level the plane with the help of a drywall.
We are preparing the plane
We are preparing the plane

After determining the application layer, do everything as follows:

  • Cleaning from dust, old layers of paint, whitewash, putty that has lagged behind;
  • Warming and waterproofing of the balcony. This is done simultaneously with the alignment of the plane;
  • Rough sealing of surface defects with a solution of cement, alabaster or gypsum;
  • Careful isolation of metal parts, on which the base should be applied, in order to avoid plaque of rust and red stains;
  • Alignment with finishing plaster;
  • Primer coating to enhance adhesion between two layers of finish.

Attention: Prepare all tools and accessories in advance so that you have at hand different spatulas and nozzles for the roller, containers and grinding skins.

  • After applying the primer, it is important to pause so that it dries. At this time, the plaster is prepared, strictly observing the proportions. If the basis involves coloring, then add coloring pigment.
  • A layer of decorative plaster is formed by a metal trowel or spatula. For high-quality work and economy, the mixtures are applied in a thin layer, forming the desired pattern, until the base is seized. Frozen drawing is difficult to redo, you have to peel everything off and work first. The layer of most varieties of textured plaster should not exceed 0.4-0.7 mm, depending on the pattern.
  • To form a relief is possible only in continuous uniform movements. It is advisable for beginners to train their hand in another place, at the same time try volume options. Sometimes amateurs create a more interesting texture than professionals. “Tracks” can be drawn with diagonals, circles, rectangles, torn or closed shapes.
We form a relief of the plane
We form a relief of the plane

Attention: Try to work with a dry and wet sponge with pores of different sizes, pressed foil, wide brushes, combs, etc. The applied forces and amplitude should be the same. For inspiration, use ready-made examples, visual aids, illustrations and master classes.

  • It is not always possible to complete the entire balcony in a day, moreover, the hand quickly gets tired from the habit. It is important to have chairs and benches of different heights to facilitate decoration. At the end of work, the closed balcony dries out for 2-3 days, depending on the temperature.
  • During the drying process, each square meter is carefully inspected to remove all excess clumps and slightly correct all inaccurate fragments. The most difficult thing is to adhere to the same rhythm of work in narrow places, above the window opening and at the balcony door.
  • If there is a desire to consolidate the result, the textured surface is treated with varnish or wax, covered with facade paint.
  • The type of suitable fixative must be indicated in the instructions for the dry mix or the finished paste. This is not necessary for the interior decoration of the balcony, and the open area is open to showers and winds, so the coating preserves the layer of plaster.

Attention: A high-quality decorative coating does not require special care, but it should not be checked for strength with sharp and heavy objects. Gently wash contaminated areas with a soapy sponge or brush.

How to plaster a balcony you now know. You should not rush here and you need to choose the right tool for applying the embossed surface. Finishing the balcony with stucco will not be long if you foresee everything at the initial stage of the work.

Visitors Comments
  1. Maxim Farudov

    When I stuccoed my balcony with decorative plaster, in truth I’m a little tired, and it’s not a matter of physical fatigue, but the fact that such work should be done when at home for at least a week there is nobody ... So, starting this work yourself, ensure yourself comfortable environment - without advisers and without the constant fuss of mother-in-law, wife, children.The main work, which takes a lot of time, is of course preparatory work, and the decorative plaster itself took me 3 wonderful days. Moreover, I say this in all seriousness, I was very pleased to work, since there is a good tool and a certain experience too. If there is any question, then it can be easily solved with the help of a mass of videos in which everyone tells and even clearly shows.

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