Bathroom Finishing Options - Additional Options

Nazarov Pavel

Moisture-resistant GLK bath finish
Moisture-resistant GLK bath finish


Finishing a bathroom can take place not only using tiles or plastic. Is there some more Several variantsthat can come up for the design of such a room.

Options for materials for finishing the bathroom

There are currently several materials, which are also widely used as tiles and plastic in bathroom decoration:

  • Paint.
  • Wallpaper.
  • Decorative panels.
  • Drywall.

Tip. When choosing materials for finishing a room with high humidity, you need to choose a moisture-resistant material.

Using lacquer and colorful bathroom finishes

Paint today in decoration is used quite often. There are several types that can be used in wet rooms:

  • Acrylic
  • Oily.


Note. The principle of applying paint is very simple. You need to use simple brushes and rollers for this. The color scheme of the product is also diverse.

Wallpaper for a bathroom

This material has a wide range.

Have wallpaper:

  • Paper.
  • Non-woven.
  • Screen printing.
  • Acrylic
  • Liquid.

Tip. To decorate the bathroom, it is not recommended to use paper wallpaper, as they absorb moisture very quickly and react with deformation to its effect.

Material Details:

  • The best option for the bathroom will be non-woven, acrylic and liquid wallpapers. They are moisture resistant and very practical. Their main advantage will be the ability to paint their surface.
  • Acrylic and non-woven wallpaper are glued in the same way as paper, and special glue and brushes are used for applying it. It is also worth using a foam roller to smooth the canvas and dry rags to get rid of excess glue.
  • Liquid wallpaper is a new kind of material. They are applied using spatulas of different sizes. The principle of operation is very similar to the use of plaster for leveling surfaces. They have liquid wallpapers with a large selection of shades. There are inclusions in the composition of the fabric, shiny elements, tows or ropes.

Wallpaper is available in dry form (powder) and bred to a certain consistency using the instructions on the package.

Decorative panels for bathroom decoration

This material can be made from:

  • PVC
  • Siding.
  • Metal.
  • Wood.

More details:

  • The most popular are plastic and siding panels. They have quite different sizes. There are 1.50x2 m or 2x2.20 m. There are also simple stripes that look like lining.

Tip. The panels can only be mounted on a pre-constructed crate.

  • The lathing is made of wooden planks and boards. They must be the same size so that the surface for mounting the material is flat. You can do insulation and insulation work at the same time. Polyfoam and polystyrene foam are used for this. You can apply other means.

Tip. It is best to use solid insulating materials that are fairly easy to cut and are free to absorb any impact.

Drywall for the bathroom

There are several types of drywall sheets and you need to use a moisture-proof one to finish the bathroom. It does not absorb moisture. The only thing to consider is that drywall does not have an attractive appearance and its surface must be finished.

Drywall finish can be:

  • Paint.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Wallpaper and so on.

The material is mounted on a special profile frame made of metal profiles. They are mounted directly on the surface using a hammer drill and dowels. All elements of this design are fastened with metal screws.

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