Question about the insulation of the apartment
Good afternoon. The reasons for the low temperature in the apartment can be different, and it is not necessary that the external walls freeze. From your question it is not clear whether the house is completely occupied, is there heating in the apartments located below and above yours, as well as adjacent ones?
Is the staircase heated? If these rooms are cold, then insulate need floor and ceiling, internal walls. Or wait when they get the owners.
Another likely reason is poor-quality filling of window and door openings, drafts from cracks. If all these factors are eliminated, then, in fact, the lack of heat is a consequence of the technology not being observed when erecting external walls: the presence of cracks in them, poor insulation of the joints between the panels and etc. But this is not your problem!
Rather, you have to suffer, but either the developer or the management company, housing office, housing cooperatives should eliminate the reason (I don’t know what form of management you have).
Another thing is that not everyone succeeds in getting these organizations to do something. To do this, write requirements, complaints, collect signatures of other residents, apply to higher courts and courts.
But this is possible, especially since the truth is on your side: the owner of the house should deal with the repair of load-bearing structures.
If you are not ready to get in touch with officials or experience another winter in the cold, you have several ways:
- Insulate walls only your apartment, making it so that the insulation layer overlaps the upper and lower floors of your floor.
- Arrange with the neighbors above and below (if possible, then along the entire riser) and insulate the entire wall together. It will cost much cheaper.
Of course, such work is not carried out on its own, they are carried out by specialized enterprises with the admission of work at height, with which a contract is concluded. Ways of insulation today are very different, ranging from simple sealing joints and cracks with foam.
But this is not enough, so it is better to choose one of the following options:
- External wall plaster;
- Installation of insulation with subsequent plaster;
- Spraying PPU (polyurethane foam);
- Installation of insulation with subsequent siding;
- Installation of insulated hinged ventilated facades, etc.
You can insulate the outer wall of the apartment from the outside by hiring climbers, or from the inside, using warm plaster, or a foam roll substrate for wallpaper.