How to venerate the fountain with granite: features of the work

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

"Hello. It is necessary to revet a fountain with granite (vertical and horizontal planes). Interested in how granite is mounted on a concrete fountain bowl? If on glue, will there be any additional measures (mesh, etc.) for fastening? Maybe there is a mount? ”

In general, in construction, the installation of tile material is carried out in three ways:

  1. Kleev
  2. Anchor
  3. Wireframe.

Since we are not talking about the facade, but about the fountain, the third method immediately disappears, because here you need to get a completely hermetic cladding. The choice of two other methods depends on what format and thickness will be used.

Which format is better

Since the installation method depends on the dimensions of the tile, we will clarify its format:

Type of tileDimensions

Modular tile
Modular tile
Modular is called a tile having standard sizes inherent in all types of tiles, including ceramic.

Usually this:

  • 300 * 300 mm
  • 300 * 600 mm
  • 500 * 500 mm
  • 400 * 600 mm

Thickness usually varies in several ways: 10; fifteen; eighteen; 20 and 30 mm.

Cover plate
Cover plate
In the case of plates, sizes are more often determined by the manufacturers themselves. It can be 600 * 900 mm, and 500 * 1200 mm.

Their thickness from 30 mm is just beginning, and can reach 80 mm.

Which glue to choose

In the case of modular tiles, their installation is done on glue. But his choice is already made depending on the weight of the lining. Here is a glue, as in the photo, which says "universal", is suitable, according to the manufacturer, for any type of tile.

Universal glue for stone
Universal glue for stone

But it’s better to take the glue, on the packaging of which it is specifically indicated, the lining of what weight it will withstand. Many manufacturers divide the compositions into the categories of Ultra (up to 30 kg / m2) and Extra (over 30 kg / m2). And then, even if you install large-format plates, your lining will be completely reliable. The main thing is that the quality of the glue matches its weight.

Otherwise, the cladding will need to be fixed to the base with anchors, for which special grooves are milled on the plates from the back. After the plates are fixed, the space between the cladding and the base is filled with mortar.

Similar granite slabs faced and socles. But at home, it is almost impossible to properly perform such a facing. So, it is better to mount the plates on the glue.

Important Nuances

During glue mounting, the base must be well prepared: cracks are eliminated, the surface is leveled, dust-free and primed. If these conditions are met, and tiles of small thickness are used, the installation of the mesh will be unnecessary.

When there are differences on the surface (especially vertical), which forces a thicker adhesive layer to be applied, then the mesh is absolutely necessary. It is also advisable to use it if the tile is thicker than 20 mm.

Well, and in the case of cladding with the anchor method, no mesh is needed, since the anchors hold the cladding firmly enough.

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