Types of primers for walls: features of use

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Primer for walls
Primer for walls

What is a primer for walls? This is a solution used in room decoration, which serves as the basis for applying the finishing coat. The composition can be of different types, and is selected taking into account the type of surface being treated, the type of finish coating.

How to make a primer for walls with your own hands, its varieties and mechanism of action will tell the article.

Primer Features

Without a primer, no repairs can be made. When using it, the best quality of finishing work is achieved, the life of wallpapers, paints and other coatings is extended. What is a primer for walls for??

Its main functions:

  • Adhesion enhancement, which allows the finishing material to better adhere to the surface of the walls, avoiding peeling.
  • Some primers increase concrete strength., wood, drywall (see Drywall primer - why is it needed) and another base, which strengthens the base material and increases its durability.
  • When applying the composition to the wall, it is dust-free and there is a surface alignment of the walls, after which the glue, paint are covered with a more even layer, and material consumption is reduced.
  • Protection against bacterial growth, fungus and mold, which is especially true for high humidity in the room, for exterior walls, corners adjacent to the corners of the basement.
  • After using some types of solutions, the thinnest film is formed on the surface of the walls, which not only aligns the plane, but also significantly reduces its absorbent properties, regulates the porosity of the base material.
  • The formed film increases the moisture resistance of the wall.
  • Some primer formulations protect the metal from corrosion.

Before choosing a primer for walls, you need to get acquainted with their parameters.

These include:

  • Wall material that can be:
  1. drywall;
  2. tree (see Primer for wood and the rules for its selection);
  3. concrete;
  4. plaster.
  • Finishing coating.

Tip: To ensure the highest quality result, it is necessary that the primer base and finish match. The best option is to use the preparatory mixture and topcoat, produced by one manufacturer.

  • Indication of the humidity level of the room. If it is high, you will need to purchase an antibacterial and antifungal primer.
  • The presence of harmful elements in the composition, as indicated by the instructions for use. If available, the use of additional protective equipment when performing work, ventilation of the room will be required.

Tip: For the primer of walls in residential premises, you should choose a primer made on a water basis.

  • Manufacturer reviews. Preference should be given to trusted, reputable manufacturers, such as: Tikkurila. The adhesive mixture is alkyd based, dries quickly, is used on problem surfaces, can be tinted;
  1. Knauf. It is a ready-to-use solution, dries quickly enough, well strengthens the surface layer of the wall, improves adhesion;
  2. Bergauf. It differs in economical consumption, deep penetration, as a universal remedy - an acrylic composition made on a water basis;
  3. ceresit CT 17 is a universal primer.

Sellers in specialized stores where compositions from different manufacturers and a wide range of different mixtures help to decide which primer for walls to choose.

Types of primers according to the mechanism of action on the wall surface

All types of primers have their own mechanism of action, which allows to achieve a special effect.


  • Deep penetrating impregnation. It is used in the decoration of walls made of drywall, aerated concrete, foam concrete, brick and plastered walls, characterized by porosity, friability or a weak base. The strengthening effect of the primer is to increase adhesion, reduce porosity and absorbency, which significantly reduces paint consumption. Such a primer is best suited for fillers (see Primer before puttying walls - is it needed), staining, gluing heavy wallpaper. Do not use it on surfaces that are poorly absorbent.
  • Adhesive solutions. This coating improves adhesion of finishing materials and wall surfaces. It is used for materials characterized by low moisture absorption, high density. It can be: PVC plastic, tile, glass, metal.
  • Antifungal mixtures. They are used in the fight against fungal spores and mold, preventing their appearance. Recommended when processing the antifungal primer walls in the bathroom, kitchen, where there is a likelihood of harmful microorganisms. It processes porous and weak surfaces, prone to destruction.
  • Insulating primer. After processing the material, a vapor-permeable film appears on it, capable of isolating the wall base from the finish as much as possible. With this primer, it is possible to process the walls when switching from oil paint to water-based paint, while the surface becomes smooth, which significantly saves the finishing material. Insulating compounds can mask traces of felt-tip pens, nicotine stains or rust stains.
  • Universal compounds. This is an option that has insulating and deeply penetrating properties. Promotes hardening of the base material and the creation of a resistant film that regulates adhesion and water permeability.

How a primer for walls is classified by composition

Primer walls
Primer walls

The primer for walls includes:

  • Natural substances.
  • Synthetic elements.

From the type of base used, the primer is:

  • Based on PVA. Its disadvantages are film formation, which:
  1. does not pass air vapors;
  2. can peel off quickly.
  • Acrylic This is a representative of universal primers. It is used for walls of any material to improve adhesion, strengthen the base. But when processing metal surfaces, it can cause corrosion. Material Advantages:
  1. safety;
  2. no smell;
  3. high speed of drying.

Water-based solutions are used for painting walls with enamels and emulsion water-soluble paints.

  • Alkyd. Their basis can be:
  1. zinc chromate. This is a more versatile tool that can increase the adhesion of almost any material.
  2. phosphate, has anticorrosive properties and is used before painting with an alkyd composition.

Alkyd primers are an ideal option when processing wooden walls, but can be used on glass, fiberglass, tile, metal. It is not recommended to apply coating on drywall, mineral substrates. The final drying period is up to 15 hours.

  • Mineral They are based on the use of cement, sometimes lime or gypsum, as a bonding element. The primer is used for brick walls, concrete, expanded clay concrete or gas silicate blocks, after applying plaster or other mineral materials. The alignment of surfaces occurs due to the filling of small pores with a primer, so it is often used before wallpapering.The drying time of the composition is from 2 to 48 hours, which depends on its components.

The composition of soil mixtures often includes substances that form a film on the surface.

They can be:

  • Resins
  • Various glue compositions.
  • Bitumen.
  • Oils.
  • Pigments.
  • Accelerators of drying.

Type of primer on the base material

Types of primer can also be classified by the material on which they can be applied.

They can be applied:

  • For mineral substrates:
  1. concrete;
  2. gypsum;
  3. brick;
  4. stone;
  5. plaster.
  • For wood. The composition should improve adhesion, harden the surface, protect it from moisture, the appearance of rot, fungus.
Wood primer
Wood primer
  • For metal. After pretreatment before finishing, the metal acquires anti-corrosion properties, its adhesion to other coatings improves.
  • For glass and plastics. The main purpose of the primer is to improve adhesion. This is due to the fact that the materials do not absorb moisture at all, and there is a high probability that the finish will be short-lived.

Tip: Before you purchase a solution, you need to determine why you need a primer for the walls, what material is selected, what is the condition of the walls and what type of final finish will be used.

A few guidelines for choosing a primer

To save money and purchase high-quality material, it is worth considering some recommendations:

  • When breeding concentrated primers, one must be guided by the manufacturer's instructions, observing with accuracy the proportions indicated in it, which will allow to withstand the declared consumption of the coating for the walls. A decrease in this indicator can occur with a very porous wall surface, which will absorb a lot of mortar.
  • Do not make your own primer for processing wooden surfaces. To finish such a material, additional compounds on an alkyd and acrylic basis with the use of antiseptic agents are needed.
  • PVA glue for wall primers can be replaced with any other glue used for wallpapering. After breeding, it must immediately be applied to the wall, and wallpaper should be applied to it.
  • Do not mix primers made by different manufacturers.
  • Some primers can be tinted. In this case, tinting compounds produced by the same company and with the same base as the primer are used.

How to make a primer yourself

The simplest option is to use ready-made primers, but their price can be quite high. Concentrates can be a little cheaper. How to replace the primer for walls? The composition can be made independently.

To strengthen the basis of the surface of the walls, it is necessary to prepare a strengthening solution, which includes:

  • Copper sulfate is one part.
  • Joiner bone glue - 5 parts.
  • Laundry soap 60 percent - 2 parts.

Primer manufacturing technology includes the following steps:

  • Soap is crushed with a kitchen grater, as in the photo.
DIY wall primer
DIY wall primer
  • Pure water is boiled in an enameled container.
  • Soap powder is poured into a container and diluted in water on a very low fire until a homogeneous composition is obtained, constantly stirring it with a wooden stick.
  • The remaining components are added.
  • The mixture is cooked on low heat for 30 minutes. The solution is mixed so that there are no lumps.
  • The mixture is filtered through a sieve or in several layers of folded gauze.
  • After complete cooling, the reinforcing primer will be ready for use.

Tip: To prevent peeling from the walls of the finishing coating, to avoid yellow spots on the wallpaper, you can not use PVA glue as a primer in its pure form.

It is safer to make a firming deep penetrating solution with this glue.

The main components of it:

  • PVA glue -1 part.
  • Pure water - 8 parts.
  • A small amount of cement.

When preparing the solution:

  • All components are elementary mixed without cooking.
  • The solution is filtered.
  • This primer must not be used later than 24 hours after manufacture.

What is the best primer for walls, why it is needed when decorating walls, how to apply it correctly, the video in this article shows. The use of high-quality primer composition is the key to reliable adhesion of any coating to the base of the treated surface.

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