Ceiling cladding: choice and characteristics

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Ceiling plates in the interior
Ceiling plates in the interior

Interior decoration involves the implementation of a large number of a wide variety of events. This is a rough and finish finish of all the elements of a room.
One of the most important points in the construction process and further repairs is the construction and decoration of the ceiling. The most different types of installation stand out here, the most popular is the facing of ceilings with tiles.
Moreover, the material can be selected very different - from ceramics to conventional polystyrene.

Ceiling tiling, self-assembly

The ceiling is the most important element of the interior, which must be carefully designed. For example, unsuccessfully painted or glued walls can be easily covered with a picture, a cabinet, a shelf, the ceiling always remains in sight, it cannot be covered with anything.
That is why wallpaper, paint or facing tile for the ceiling must be applied perfectly evenly and accurately.

For reference. The choice of material for decorating the ceilings largely depends on what goals you are pursuing in this process, in addition to simply decorating the interior of the room. So, they can perform decorative, fireproof, lighting, acoustic and ventilation functions.

Depending on the functions performed, slabs for suspended ceilings, and, accordingly, their decoration is divided into several groups:

  • Facing ceilings with acigran slabs. This material has the highest decorative, acoustic and refractory qualities.
    Akmigran plates have a flat surface with small clicks on the facade parts. Therefore, the paint is applied to the plates quite easily, and the material itself becomes like a stone.
    There are paraffin-coated grooves on all sides of the slabs. This allows you to easily advance the plates along the rails during the installation of the ceiling.
Example of finishing with slabs
Example of finishing with slabs
  • Cladding ceilings plates of type agst. These are acoustic gypsum perforated plates, which are a layer of gypsum covered with cardboard on both sides. Facing ceilings with agsht plates is much more often than cladding with ceramics.
    The difference between these two versions of gypsum material is that in the first case, the plates are created with an underlying layer of textile, and in the second case this layer is not.
  • Facing ceilings with aluminum plates is also used quite often. Details of such a ceiling are represented by a stamped box, the dimensions of which are 499X499X45 / 16 mm.
    Everything that is necessary for the installation of such a ceiling (slats, panels or tiles) is covered at the factory with a special protective compound, decorative enamel.

Note. Also, depending on the material or technology used to construct the ceiling frame, various variations can be distinguished.

So, the ceiling may be:

  • Outboard.
  • Hemmed.
  • Stretch and others.

Each of them, in turn, is also divided into some other varieties. So, for example, among suspended ceilings, Armstrong ceiling is quite famous.
The materials for each individual type of ceiling may have some similar characteristics. Depending on them, the price of a ceiling will vary.

How to make a ceiling from a facing tile?

Correct installation diagram
Correct installation diagram

First of all, it is necessary to determine how it will be implemented wall covering and ceiling tiles.The question is largely about the manufacture of the frame.
He can be:

  • Wooden.
  • Metal.
  • PVC

For reference. And the choice of frame directly depends on which tile you are going to use for cladding. So, facing ceramic tiles on the ceiling requires a fairly solid and reliable foundation, so it, for example, cannot be laid on a tree.
Also, the material for the construction of the frame is selected depending on what material the ceiling base is made of.


  • The wooden frame is made of wooden blocks, the length of which is equal to the length of the room. The width of the material should be 5 - 6 cm, and the thickness - 2 - 4 cm.
  • In order to make the frame smooth, you must first make markings on the ceiling. To do this, use a tape measure to divide the ceiling into several parts along the length, not more than 30 cm wide.
  • Chalk or pencil draw guidelines for the future frame. After that, depending on the material of the ceiling, you must either drill holes in the ceiling, or simply use the screws to immediately attach the bars to the wooden ceiling.
    In the holes made, you need to insert the dowels, and then fasten the bars to the ceiling, again, with screws.
  • Further work is associated with the installation of profiles for cladding, moldings. These parts vary depending on where they will be fixed.

In order for the decoration to be fully framed, the following moldings will be required:

  • Starting,
  • Ceiling mounted
  • For internal and external corners,
  • Docking.


  • To decorate the ceiling, it will be enough to install ceiling and docking moldings. In order to learn more about the features of their installation, you may need a video.
    To fix the moldings, you will need special clamps.
  • So, after 4 ceiling moldings are fixed in the corners between the walls and the ceiling, it is necessary to measure the length and width of the plates. This is necessary in order to fix the docking moldings at a suitable distance.
    Only after that it will be possible to proceed with the installation of the plates themselves. The panels are inserted into the moldings with the groove outward, so that the spike is in front.
    The first tile is placed in the corner of the ceiling. The following plates must be inserted by analogy with the previous ones.

For reference. The last row of tiles often turns out incomplete. In this case, you have to cut the plates.
To do this, it is recommended to use either a clerical knife or a hacksaw with small teeth. It should be borne in mind that the trimmed tiles should be slightly less than the gap that remained on the ceiling.
Otherwise, it’s hard enough for you to insert tiles in a limited space.

Basic Tile Ceiling Tips

Ceiling Tile Installation Tips
Ceiling Tile Installation Tips

Facing the ceiling with ceramic tiles, just like decorating the ceiling with tiles from any other materials, depends largely on the state of the room’s walls.

  • So, for example, if the walls are straight and even, are located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other, then the foam, ceramic and mirror tiles should be laid in even rows.
  • If the walls are skewed or located to each other at some other angle, the ceiling tiles should be made diagonally. In the latter case, do not forget to purchase a tile with a margin, because each last row of tiles involves the use of only its halves (in the form of triangles).
  • And since the walls are not always smooth, then 2 necessary triangles are not obtained from one tile. Although sometimes there is a situation in which the first part of the trimmed tile goes to the lining of one edge of the ceiling surface, and the second to the finish of the other.

For reference.In order to directly finish the ceiling with tiles, it is not necessary to strictly follow the rule that the angles between the walls should be straight. Here, a deviation of 1 - 2 cm is allowed.

  • Do not forget that previously the ceiling area should be marked. At this point, you will determine how tiles will be placed.

There are 2 options for facing the ceiling, depending on how many tiles fit on it:

  • On the surface of the ceiling fits a whole number of tiles. This situation is very rare, but it allows you to act very simply.
    Here you will need to start facing from one of the corners. The tile is attached to the corner of the ceiling, while 2 adjacent edges pass along the adjacent walls of the room.
    Next is the gradual filling of the ceiling with tiles symmetrically.
  • The ceiling does not fit an integer number of tiles. This situation is more common. And here you have to tinker longer, since the ceiling lining starts from the center.

For reference. In order to find this center, you will first need to find the middle of each wall of the room.
Mark these points on each of them and connect with a cord. Pull it as tight as possible so that nothing sags.
You can draw lines with chalk or pencil. The place where these lines intersect will be the center of the ceiling.

Next, you need to start gluing the tile from the center point. The corner of each tile is set at the intersection of 2 lines from the walls.
First you need to glue the tile from the central corner to the wall in one row, and then fill it with all the remaining space.
Incomplete tiles adhere to the ceiling near the walls. Glue on the tile is applied to the center and along the edges.

Visitors Comments
  1. Novel

    The easiest and easiest way to finish the ceiling. It turns out very well if you put a little effort and quite cheaply!

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