Material for ceiling cladding: selection and installation
At the moment, facing materials for ceilings are quite diverse. It is possible to create with their help a unique design of each interior.
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What materials can be used for cladding the ceiling surface
Cladding materials for the ceiling at the moment have practically no restrictions in use.
Most common:
- Drywall (seePlasterboard ceiling: what can be finished).
- Plaster.
- Stretch constructions.
- Wallpaper.
- Plastic and other materials.
Combination of ceiling materials:
- It is worth considering that modern finishing materials for ceilings can also be used in combination with each other.
- For example, plaster with drywall, drywall with stretch sheets, plastic with drywall, wallpaper with plaster and so on.
- When choosing a combination, the main emphasis is on the design of the room.
Ceiling structures are found:
- Two-level.
- Three-level.
- Four-level construction.
Tip. The latter option is best used in rooms with a high ceiling, since such structures are built only on frames that also have their own specific height.
Fields of application of materials:
- Most importantly, materials for ceiling lining should be very practical, as it will be used in different functional areas.
- For example, in the bathroom or a bathroom you need to use only moisture-resistant finishing materials, since in such rooms there is always high humidity.
- The kitchen also needs a moisture-resistant ceiling, since all fumes from cooking rise up and the ceiling must be regularly cleaned.
Ceiling Drywall
This material for ceiling cladding is famous for the fact that in a short time it is possible to smooth the surface without much effort. But here you can also create multi-level structures on the ceiling.
How does this all happen:
- It does not require special skills in this area. There is a certain instruction for the installation of drywall: it must be mounted on a frame made of metal profiles.
Tip. This method of finishing the ceiling surface is not suitable for those rooms that have a very low ceiling level. To use drywall, it must be at least 2.60-2.70 m.
- If everything is simple with one level and you need a crate made of metal profiles, then with a multi-tiered ceiling everything is a little more complicated.
- Initially, it is necessary to draw a sketch of the future structure on the plane. It is not necessary to immediately make the first level and build a second one on its basis.
All metal profiles on the surface will have their own specific height, which is measured not only by the building level, but also by tape measure.
Tip. In the manufacture of the second or third level on the surface of the ceiling, it is worth considering the thickness of the drywall sheets.
Initially, profiles for the first level are made on the surface, and profiles of the second or third level are attached to them.
Fabrication of a metal frame
To make the frame you will need:
- Metal profiles for the installation of drywall.
- The expansion bolt shield for installation of a framework to a surface.
- Self-tapping screws for connecting all structural elements.
- Construction level for smooth installation of the frame.
- Hacksaw or scissors for metal.
What you need to provide:
- It should be noted that the number of profiles for the installation of drywall should be two times more than calculated.
- This is due to the fact that a box is made of them, which has excellent strength in order to keep the drywall construction. All work of this type can be done with your own hands without the help of a specialist in this field.
Tip. For the ceiling, you need to use only a certain type of drywall - ceiling. It differs in thickness from other types and is fire resistant, which will make it possible to protect the premises in case of fire wiring.
Fixing drywall to the frame from profiles
Installation of drywall sheets on the frame is carried out using:
- Self-tapping screws.
- Screwdriver.
- Construction level (if necessary).
- A clerical knife that cuts the required size of drywall sheets.
- Putty, with which all joints of the material are processed.
- Sandpaper to smooth the surface of the putty.
After work, the gypsum plasterboard ceiling structure can be painted or glued. For painting gypsum board sheets that are not treated with plaster, it is not recommended to use a water-based emulsion that is water-based and is able to begin the process of structural deformation.
It is best to use a moisture-proof and fire-resistant ceiling gypsum board for the ceiling, which is subjected to any method of decoration and is not deformed.
Ceiling decorative plaster
Materials for facing the ceiling using decorative plaster can be varied. To date, Venetian plaster has become in great demand, which has a wide range of shades and designs.
Tip. Before buying this type of plaster, the seller should initially clarify its shade after drying, since under certain conditions this product can change its appearance.
There are other types of plaster:
- With marble chips.
- With threads.
- With textiles.
- With granite chips.
- With sparkles and so on.
The choice depends on the design of the room.
Tip. This type of plaster is applied only on a flat and well-prepared surface. Drywall is ideal for such work. But when choosing such a material, it is worth considering that a decorative agent can be used on a plastered surface.
For such works, starting and finishing plaster is used. They are applied to concrete or drywall in small layers.
Sometimes a single layer is enough, then primed and only after that, it is possible to use decorative plaster.
How is plaster applied?
For such work you will need:
- Spatula (large and small).
- Container for mixing plaster mortar.
Why sandpaper and building level are not used:
- All this for the reason that the application of decorative plaster is characterized by the use of only a flat surface, and sandpaper can simply spoil the exterior design of the room.
Tip. This tool should be applied to the surface in translucent layers. Otherwise, there is a risk of uneven design of the ceiling surface.
Tensile structures for ceilings
Cladding material for ceilings in the form of stretch cloths has been used relatively recently.Such a ceiling coating has a very attractive appearance, as it has a large assortment of design.
At the moment there are two types of stretch fabric:
- Film (PVC).
- Tissue.
Note. According to their properties and characteristics, they have differences in moisture resistance and the price of a fabric stretch ceiling is higher than the film.
Stretch webs:
- Practical and durable.
- Durable, as they can withstand loads of up to 100 kg per 1 sq.m. (PVC ceilings).
- Moisture-resistant and do not absorb odors and dirt (film webs).
- Wear resistant.
- Frost-resistant (fabric cloths).
Also, the ceilings do not burn and are not exposed to sunlight.
It is not recommended to use fabric stretch linens in the kitchen area, as they are able to absorb not only odors, but also fat deposits. When cleaning from such, they will need to be completely dismantled.
The film and fabric ceiling paintings differ in the installation method.
Mounting a stretch ceiling
Both that and that type of a tension design is elastic, only for high-grade and high-quality installation of a film ceiling the influence of high temperatures will be necessary, but with the installation of a fabric such effects are not used.
Installation of a film cloth should be performed only by a professional, as it is used:
- A heat gun in order to warm the room to 70-80 degrees and only after that succumb to deformation and stretching the film.
- Special fasteners that are mounted on the surface of the ceiling or wall with dowels.
- Spatula with a curved end to secure the blade.
To install the fabric, you will need a similar set of tools, only without using a heat gun.
Wallpaper in the ceiling
The use of wallpaper on a ceiling structure is the most common way of decorating it. At the moment, there is a very large selection of such material.
Most commonly used for ceilings non-woven wallpaper, which have an excellent property - they can be painted from 5 to 10 times.
Tip. For the ceiling, it is best to use moisture-proof wallpaper that can be cleaned over time using a damp rag.
- Quite often, silk-screen printing on the ceiling surface began to be used.
- It is possible to combine different types of wallpaper, but it is worth considering that their properties and characteristics should be similar.
To wallpaper the ceiling you will need:
- Special glue, the choice of which depends on the type of wallpaper.
- Foam roller for smoothing the surface of the wallpaper after installation.
- Dry rags to remove excess glue from the surface of the wallpaper.
Tip. It is necessary to smooth the wallpaper on the surface very carefully so that air bubbles with glue do not form under them.
The video shows an example of wallpapering the ceiling.