Ventilated facades: porcelain stoneware, optional

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Ventilated facade with porcelain stoneware
Ventilated facade with porcelain stoneware

The concept of a ventilated facade implies the installation of a decorative coating on walls, with a small gap that will prevent the formation and accumulation of condensation on the surface of structural materials. For the installation of such facades, you can use most of the modern facing materials, including ceramic granite.
Ventilated facades with porcelain stoneware, can be either insulated or without a heat-insulating layer.

Ventilated facade

You can, of course, contact a specialized company, and you will be offered a choice of several design options house facade, deliver the necessary material, and make its installation. Only now the price of decoration, at the same time, can double.

  • It's no secret that the work done by yourself, always contributes to cost savings. The main thing is that you need to take it with all seriousness and attention.
    And our little instruction, we hope, will help you in this matter.
  • In regions with a warm climate, there is no need for additional wall insulation, so they are simply decorated. Porcelain tile, depending on the base, can be mounted on the facade: both glue and frame. The frame wall cladding is a ventilated facade.
  • The installation process of the metal frame, in the absence of insulation, does not differ from the insulated facade. The difference will only be that in the second case, the depth of the entire structure will increase in accordance with the thickness of the insulation.
    We will consider a more complex version of the insulated facade. A diagram of such a design is shown in the photo below.
Scheme of insulated ventilated facade
Scheme of insulated ventilated facade

Purchase of components

Choosing a beautiful tile color is only half the battle. The main focus when buying should be given to the frame elements and fasteners.

  • The subsystems of ventilated facades can be made of aluminum, stainless or galvanized steel. There are options when steel is both galvanized and painted. Of course, all this affects the cost of the material.
Ventilation Facade Profiles
Ventilation Facade Profiles
  • The list of frame parts includes: three types of structural profiles, kleimers, brackets, anchor and plate dowels. Depending on the base you will be covering, you may need either a waterproofing membrane or a penetrating primer.
    For cellular concrete walls, for example, a special impregnation is used that protects them from moisture, but allows them to breathe.
  • The choice of insulation in the market of building materials is truly huge. The most familiar for us are rolled and slab mineral wool: fiberglass, stone, basalt.
  • But, frankly, using rolled materials on a vertical plane is not very convenient, because you have to cut them. And working with glass wool is quite difficult and unsafe.
    With penoizol, it is also not so simple: for the distribution of foam on the surface of the walls, special equipment and protective clothing are required.
  • Yes, and adjust the thickness of the layer, in this case, is not always possible. The simplest and most convenient option for the insulation of external walls can be considered plate heaters.
    The same mineral wool is produced not only in rolls, but also in a slab version.
Tile insulation for ventilated facades
Tile insulation for ventilated facades
  • Although, there are many modern polymer-based thermal insulation materials. These are extruded polystyrene foam, isospan, isolone.Many varieties of insulation are produced by covering their front side with foil in the factory.
    This design eliminates the need for a vapor barrier layer.
  • To protect the structure from wind and water between the cladding elements, a hydro-wind-proof film is usually mounted on top of the insulation, which, at the same time, serves as a vapor barrier that retains heat inside the structure. If you buy a foil insulation, the need for a device of this layer disappears.
Porcelain Tile
Porcelain Tile
  • Facing of ventilated facades with porcelain stoneware is a multilayer structure, the finish of which is a square tile with standard sizes 300 * 300; 400 * 400; 600 * 600 mm. There are also rectangular options 300 * 600 and 600 * 1200 mm, which are mainly used for large or multi-storey buildings.

Porcelain tile designed for installation on a frame is called rectified. The edges of these tiles are additionally processed with the help of special equipment, so they perfectly coincide around the perimeter, creating smooth joints.
Rectified porcelain tiles are more expensive than usual. But the surface lined with them does not look more interesting.

Installation process

The preparatory phase of the work includes cleaning the surface and its hydrophobic impregnation, if any. After this, the marking of the mounting points of the bearing and supporting brackets is made.

The length of the brackets should take into account the thickness of the insulation, as well as the size of the gap, which should be at least 2.5 cm:

  • Using the level and plumb line, lighthouse lines are determined. The lower horizontal line is marked first, and then the vertical angular lines. Then paint the intermediate points.
    If you watch the video, it will be much easier for you to understand this process.
  • Next, the brackets are mounted in stages. If the wall is concrete, or brick, drill holes with a puncher, after which you fix the bracket with anchor dowels.
    But before that, in the hole, under the base of the bracket, you need to lay a gasket of paronite.
  • The next step includes an isolation device. A starting profile is installed along the lower perimeter: from it the installation of heat-insulating plates will begin.
    In order for the insulation and membrane to be laid inside the frame, slots for brackets are made in them.
  • Insulation plates are mounted staggered and butt, and the film is lapped, with a smell of 10 cm. All this is temporarily fixed in the right position.
    Then, directly through the material, holes are drilled, and it is fixed with dish-shaped dowels. Each plate needs to be fixed in two places.
  • When the entire filling of the structure is fixed, you can proceed with the installation of vertical profiles. They are fixed to the brackets with rivets.
    Brackets are usually adjustable. The profile must be held freely on the brackets, which will allow it to move vertically.
Fire cut-off position
Fire cut-off position
  • This, in turn, eliminates possible thermal deformation. Profiles are necessarily joined with a gap of at least 1 cm.
    Do not forget about installing fire cut-outs.
  • Cutoffs are metal plates, either solid or perforated. Their main purpose is to prevent burning of the windproof membrane in case of fire.
    If solid plates are used, they must be mounted so that they do not overlap the ventilation gaps.
  • Well, the next step is directly decorative cladding ventilated facade with granite. This process is performed in this order.
    On the vertical guide profiles, you need to mark the holes for the clamps.
  • Through the hole drilled with a drill, they are fixed with screws. Tiles are also installed at the same time.On their backside there are horizontal cuts to which porcelain tile and fasten to a profile.
Porcelain tiles in the design of the facade of the house
Porcelain tiles in the design of the facade of the house

Using tiles with different textures or shades, you can create different color schemes, decorate the entrance groups and window openings. The ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware not only gives the building a solid look, but also lasts at least a quarter of a century.

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