Varieties and components of decorative plaster

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Types of decorative plaster
Types of decorative plaster

Types of plasters for interior and exterior decoration there are different ones and the farther, the more of them. True, it is worth saying that their application is not fundamentally different.

Today we will consider not just the material itself, but also the types of application of decorative plaster. You can watch the entire process of doing the work in the video in this article. And take the right option from the photo.

Applicable Materials

An exact, uniform and generally accepted definition of what decorative plaster does not exist. Each practitioner or theorist has his own vision and gives his own interpretation of this term, however, everyone agrees that it serves to obtain an original and aesthetically attractive finish coat due to the materials used and the methods of their application.

Attention: To a large extent, it is the composition that determines the nature of the use of a particular material, and due to special application methods, even the usual mixture is converted into decorative plaster with a relief surface.

Decorative types of plaster are divided into two main:

For exterior surfacesThey are made mainly on the basis of cement. They have a larger fraction. They are used for finishing external surfaces and perfectly tolerate temperature changes and high humidity.
For interior surfacesThis decorative plaster types have a small fraction. The basis is often used gypsum. And this allows you to make a flat and smooth surface. But it does not stand idle for a long time with high humidity.

Stucco components

The key criteria underlying the classification of such materials are the type of binder and the particle size of the filler. Binders can be of two types: mineral (cement or lime) and synthetic (acrylic, styrene-acrylic, polyvinyl acetate and other artificial resins).

Note: The most common and sought after are mixtures based on synthetic resins, although mixtures with a cement base are usually preferred for exterior decoration.


  • Quartz, granite, marble chips can act as a filler (see Facade stucco with marble chips: types, features, application methods), as well as a mix of them. Depending on the particle size of the filler, mixtures are divided into classes: from fine to coarse.
  • As a rule, fine-grained mixtures are used for interior decoration, and coarse-grained ones for external decoration, although there are no strict rules in this regard. The only thing to remember is that the consumption of decorative plaster is directly related to the size of the fractions: the larger they are, the more mixes will be needed for work.

Varieties of plaster

Types of decorative plaster and coatings are divided according to the type of preparation and their composition.

The modern construction industry offers the following types of decorative plaster:

  • In the form of a dry mixture;
  • Completely ready to use (most often based on artificial resins);
  • Special decorative plaster for internal work.

Attention: Any finished material will be significantly more expensive from the components. Therefore, if you have a large amount of work to do, then it is better to cook it yourself. Then the price will be much lower.

The final results obtained with dry mixes and ready for use are generally identical, except in special cases. Perhaps the only fundamental difference between these two varieties is to reduce the preparatory phase to a minimum when using ready-made plaster.

A completely different case when work is carried out using specially prepared decorative plaster - such as Venetian, bark beetle or some other. In this case, the technique of applying decorative plaster is predetermined, and if it is broken, then the expected result will not work.

Other options for decorative plaster

Of course, all the methods described are not limited to possible ways of creating decorative plaster. Special ready-made mixtures are on sale, and they provide for each of them an individual method of application.

  • For instance, Venetian plaster It is determined not by the composition of the material used, but by the method of application. Moreover, this method is intended only to obtain the "Venetian".
  • The same can be said about decorative bark beetle plaster. The resulting original pattern is due to both the composition of the plaster and the method of application.

But in any case, from the above review of various methods for creating a relief coating, it becomes clear that the surfaces obtained thanks to decorative plaster and various technologies for its application are a worthy decoration of any interior. The main thing is to choose the types of decorative plaster and after that the instruction will help you avoid mistakes during application.

Varieties and components of decorative plaster: Video

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