How to work with decorative bark beetle plaster
Plastering the bark beetle video will show the whole process of doing the work. Also check out the manufacturing options for this material. After all, having done everything with your own hands, the final price will be much lower.
We will also consider in detail how to apply bark beetle plaster, because if you do not work according to technology, the finish will not last long. So you need to do everything carefully and accurately and the instruction will help you in this work.
The content of the article
What stands out bark beetle plaster
This is an excellent tool for leveling wall surfaces. Many this type of decorative plaster consider a budget option, easy to use, available in any region of the country.
- There are two types of decorative plasters. Of these, the first type is acrylic bark beetle. The second is made on the basis of quality gypsum. Both species are beautiful if the work itself was done without disruption. Much depends on the knowledge and diligence of the master performing the application work.
- Acrylic plaster is sold ready-made at retail outlets. You can immediately start working with her. And gypsum is sold as mixtures of dry ingredients. This is a composite type of plaster that had pebbles in it called granules. Each blender has its own recipe. Manufacturers use mineral chips or marble as pellets.
- The size of the chips in the compositions can be from 0.1 mm to 3.5. It gives the compositions a graininess. If the composition contains small crumbs, then it is fine-grained; if large, coarse-grained.
Regardless of the constituents, the composition has stability in operation, durability. For any buyer, these indicators are important!
Material properties
Video application of decorative plaster bark beetle will tell about the various properties of the mixture.
Before buying it is worth knowing:
- The composition of the decorative bark beetle plasters is light in weight. Because now polymeric ingredients or mineral fillers are used as components instead of sand. As a result, the load on the surface of the structures of the structure is reduced. For builders, this indicator is important!
- Environmentally friendly material, does not contain toxic substances for humans or animals.
- It is operated at a temperature condition from - 55 ° C to + 60 ° C, from the rays of the sun or bright light, does not change color. It is resistant to fire. It is important!
- Easy to clean, does not fall apart under the influence of precipitation, is not exposed to fungi or other microorganisms. It is not affected by chemicals, solutions containing water.
- Withstands mechanical shock, easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner. Light strokes do not cause him flaws.
- The main color of the plaster is white. To change it, dyes are used. They are mixed with the composition, the result is the desired color. It dries well on structures after application, with the exception of moments when there is a lot of humidity in the room.
- The cost of the material is loyal, it is not scarce.
Using decorative plaster bark beetle
Video application of bark beetle plaster will tell you about the different possibilities of using this material.
It is applied in many options:
- The main application is the decoration of structures inside and out (see How is plastering external walls)If the work on the device is carried out carefully, then the coating retains its positive qualities for a long time. Quality depends on the master and the materials used for the composition. And from his preferences.
- In addition, the type of decorative plaster is directly affected by the nature of the movements during the execution of the work. The subsequent actions of her grout. For example, if the master performs movements along - one kind of drawing is obtained. If he changes their direction, then the picture will be completely different.
- You can work by drawing in waves or chaotic movements. There are masters who prefer wall painting. Execution is available to few, but if the master can work with wall painting, then the pictures are magnificent. They are durable.
Different finishes
Options for applying decorative plaster may be different. Much, or rather almost everything, depends on the skill of the master to work with compositions of materials.
Correctly make the mixture, then deliberately give the composition the desired color. After all, no one wants to wake up in the morning to be afraid of their work. And say: “Oh, how did this please me?”
Naturally, the types of application of materials given as an example are not all samples. They only give a general idea of what type of structures you can get thanks to the competent use of the provided application options.
Note: Additional effects can give the overall picture the coloring of an already finished design. It will also look good then!
The technology for applying it is simple. Available even to the amateur, but you should not forget about accuracy at work. It is necessary to observe the rules and perform all operations in turn.
- To create the texture, some use a simple construction spatula;
- The same texture can be done with the help of special stamps, they are in free sale;
- Some just use a rag to create a chaotic pattern.
Material application
Now we will consider how to apply bark beetle plaster correctly. The process is not complicated, but requires compliance with a certain technology.
First of all, we will prepare the necessary tool (see Wall plastering tool: what you need to work):
- Bucket;
- Spatulas in the set;
- Plastic graters;
- Electric drills with nozzles;
- Mixer for mixing.
Surface preparation
Any of the basics: bricks, concrete, drywall, chipboards, sandwich panels - must be cleaned of any stains.
- To begin with, we treat the plane with an antifungal substance;
- Seams, cracks to expand "grinder";
- Fill these places with a putty made on a plaster binder (see Gypsum putty: technical specifications);
- Coat the surface with a primer. Place on it a base layer of material with a thickness of 20 mm;
- To wipe a layer condensing.
- Then, a base layer is applied to the surface to be treated. It is made of warm plaster or barite.
This will be a good base for coverage. When working with the material on the exterior walls, you may not be so demanding when doing work.
On the surfaces of concrete, cement-lime - "bark beetle" is applied without primer. Only to improve the adhesion properties of the surface is wetted with water. This must be done one hour before they begin to work with the design. Then work can continue according to plan!
Mix making
Each bag of the finished mixture is accompanied by instructions for its manufacture. You can’t step back from it! This is fraught with consequences, and negative!
Basic manufacturing rules:
- In production, plaster should be added to the water, but not vice versa.
- Water should be between 15 ° C and 20 ° C.
- To mix the composition, use drills with nozzles, if any, or a mixer.
- As soon as the master saw and felt that the composition had already reached the necessary consistency of the mixture, it was necessary to rest.
- To do this, leave her alone for a few minutes. Then mix the composition qualitatively again.
Note: Each plaster has its own expiration date, if it is already diluted. This term is indicated on the packaging of the material, the instructions should be studied in full. No update of the composition will work if he has already outstripped his time.
The information on the packaging is accurate! Trying to break them is not worth it! To avoid disappointment, it is necessary to breed as much composition as is necessary for a short period of work, taking into account the area of the treated surface.
Application technology
Application of decorative plaster Bark beetle is a crucial moment that requires accuracy. Strictly adhere to the instructions given by the manufacturers!
Attention: You need to take the mixture for kneading a little, so that later you do not get a lot of solution, which can not even be worked out at a time.
- Putty is putty with a spatula made of stainless steel. Equal movements, layers. The layer during application should not be thick, and correspond to the size of the granules of the filler. Work in rows vertically and horizontally. If the master proceeded to apply the series, then it must be completed. It doesn’t matter which row it is: vertical or horizontal. In one run, the row is processed completely, evenly. Then the series will be neat.
- If a large amount of work is expected, because the wall is huge, you need to immediately limit the height of the structure for yourself. It is only necessary to take the distance to which the master can reach. Now you have to work, dividing the wall into certain areas. We must adhere to these distances.
- The designated areas on which the master will work can be limited to a simple masking tape. At first, you can work only until scotch tape, and the next day after it. He, even after removal from the surface of the structure, will not leave any traces. After applying the composition, it is necessary to wait ten minutes or more so that the material is completely set. Standby time depends on weather conditions. And the warmer the street, the faster the plaster will dry out.
- To check the operation, you can use a plastic grater. It is already in the tool. If the plaster does not stick to it, you can confidently begin the next stage of work. Proceed to grout the bark beetle. Plastering can be carried out using a plastic grater, after selecting some sketch for the drawing.
- If it is a "rain", it is necessary to overwrite the composition with movements vertically, in the direction - up and down. “Lamb” is also a type of work, but the material is applied by movements in a circle. As soon as the first row is completely processed, it is necessary to take for the second - the joints between them must be sprayed with water. Then the transitions from one row to the second will not be completely visible.
Decorative plaster Bark beetle - an element that has recently become available to customers. But so far the material does not evoke the preferences of the owners of apartments and houses. But in vain! It has many advantages, has originality.
Its loyal value, affordability, excellent appearance, durability will gradually give it popularity among the people! And we will see beautiful designs processed by decorative bark beetle plaster in the video in this article! Plastering bark beetle application is not complicated, but responsible. So look at the photo and select the desired design and after that you can safely get to work.