Finishing with liquid wallpaper: choose and apply correctly
The fluid wallcovering design began to attract people. Although these products have recently appeared on the sales market, but have already managed to find their adherents.
This article will be devoted to this article. You will have the opportunity to select the desired design in the photo and you will see the process of applying this material in the video.
The content of the article
Immediately let's see what can attract in this material:
- This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material that, when heated, does not emit any taxic gases;
- The coating has antistatic properties and does not absorb dust;
- When applied to the ceiling, you will make additional sound insulation;
- The coating has a porous surface structure making a material that breathes and lets steam through;
- Not complicated care, also attracts the consumer;
- The price is not so high, anyone can afford it.
Choose the type of liquid wallpaper
This material exists in several forms. A person can choose what suits him.
- There is material that is made on the basis of silk fiber, they are called silk. This species differs in resistance to ultraviolet rays.
They have high decorative qualities, and when applied indoors it retains its original appearance for a long time. There is such a drawback in this option, it is its price, which is much higher than other options; - Cellulose liquid wallpaper in which cellulose fiber is used as a filler. This is not an expensive option, but is the most durable.
They have one biggest drawback, they can not be applied under direct sunlight, then they burn out very quickly. Therefore, it costs them to apply in the shady part of the room; - The cellulose-silk version is a kind of compromise in relation to the first two. And the first two mixtures are included in their composition.
They are quite resistant to sunlight, and retain their original appearance for a long time. Fully suitable for use in any kind of room.
Application of liquid wallpaper
Decorating apartments with liquid wallpaper is done in a specific order and according to technology. All the work is quite within the power to do it yourself and without resorting to outside help.
Now instructions will be offered to complete this work.
Surface preparation
Applying liquid wallpaper is not such a difficult job, unless of course everything is done correctly.
The basis for the application is the base plane, which must be carefully prepared:
- Remove completely the old coating. There is a detailed article about this on our website;
- Doing a ceiling inspection. We are not interested in small cracks, we look at large and peeling coatings.
If they are, then they should be removed. To do this, use a hammer and chisel; - For liquid wallpaper, small cracks are not afraid. But all large ones should be putty.
To do this, make a solution of the dry mixture and putty the surface; - If there are dark spots or manifestations of the fungus on the surface, then this disease should be removed. To do this, purchase an antiseptic that is available on the market and apply it to the surface with a brush or roller.
Preference should be given to deep penetration liquids and treatment should be carried out twice. It will not hurt;
- Now we need to apply a primer.It is she who will make the connection quite high quality.
Attention: When choosing the soil to start with, read the instructions for the wallpaper. Not all types of primers may work. The packaging indicates material compatibility.
Cooking liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpapers for home decoration are delivered in plastic containers. They can be in the form of a paste, but can also be tinted.
Dry wallpaper in its composition already contains all the necessary components and can be diluted with water and used:
- We prepare containers, for this the best option would be a large plastic bucket with a flat bottom. Pour water into it.
Before work, you should read in what proportions the liquid will be poured, this is in the instructions; - After pouring, thoroughly mix the resulting composition and leave it for twelve hours. During this time, the liquid should swell and gain the required viscosity;
- We are waiting for the set time and add another liter of water to the composition and mix again.
Apply liquid wallpaper to the surface
Application of the material to the surface can be performed in two versions: mechanically and manually.
- The first method is done using a spray gun. This is a faster way. The texture is made using a roller;
- In the second option, applying wallpaper to the plane is done using a roller, this can also be done with a spatula or just a hard-looking brush. When applying a layer, its height is about 5 mm.
When using a putty knife, a smooth surface is obtained. The coating structure in this case is applied after five hours and is done using a texture roller, which should be thoroughly moistened with ordinary water before starting work.
But wallpaper can be applied immediately with the help of such a roller, then the work process is greatly simplified;
- After applying the desired layer, let the surface dry for about 48 hours. At this time, the coating should not be touched at all.
Attention: This coating can also be used in the bathroom. Only in this case, we must not forget to treat the surface with acrylic varnish, which is applied in three layers, and between each application of the layer should be allowed to dry the surface for about three hours.
Make a drawing on the surface of liquid wallpaper
With the help of liquid wallpaper, some perform drawings, it turns out quite an interesting panel. Let's look at how to do this.
- First of all, we will prepare the surface of the ceiling for applying the layer and make a drawing on it;
- After that, we apply a drawing to the surface, only this is done with a thin layer, which is about 2 mm. In this case, the paint should project a couple of mm beyond the line of the drawing;
- After that, take a small spatula and begin to gradually move the paint to the border, this is done to the line of the border of the fragment of the picture;
- Now we need dates to dry the coating. Some use a hair dryer to speed up the process;
- After that, we begin to apply another layer, only we already apply it with a thickness of 5 mm. and step back from the already applied material by a couple of mm. After that, we take a spatula and move the material to the applied contour and in this way we get a clearly separated border of the picture;
- If you want to highlight the contours more clearly, then this can be done using a marker. It is possible to make additional jewelry with sparkles or beads or multi-colored threads.
Attention: For the panel is best suited silk material, which should be applied in the same layer.
So done wallpaper decorationThe video details this process.It should be said that this material is quite significantly different from each other in quality and depends on the manufacturer.
Choose only trusted brands and then you will not regret the work done.