How to apply liquid wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Application of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling
Application of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Can liquid wallpaper be applied to the ceiling? Decorative silk plaster, which is a liquid wallpaper, an excellent material for decorating the surfaces of a room. After whitewashing, this is the most economical way to cover the ceiling.

In this case, it is possible to get an even smooth plane without seams. The resulting surface, as if draped with expensive silk fabrics. How to glue liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, the article will tell.

Features of liquid wallpaper

The composition of the material includes:

  • Natural cotton.
  • Synthetic dye.
  • Fibers
  • Cellulose.
  • Silk.

The last two components contribute to the liquid wallpaper to acquire greater elasticity.

The advantages of the material are:

  • Not rotting - contain antifungal inclusions, which allows their use in the bathroom and toilet, in rooms where high humidity.
  • Antistatic properties - they do not accumulate dust.
  • When wallpapering, no fit is requireddue to lack of joints. Liquid wallpaper after application becomes a continuous canvas, which allows you to hide small differences, pits and cracks.
  • When applying such material does not need special knowledge, a person who is not related to the repair of apartments will perfectly cope with this task.
  • After the material has completely dried, the ceiling can be painted in any color..
  • Before applying liquid wallpaper with your own hands, no preparatory operations are required. They are applied to existing putty or paint, and will adhere perfectly to them.

Tip: Whitewash on the ceiling should be washed off. And remove large differences on the surface with putty (see How to putty the ceiling with your own hands correctly) and primer.

  • Liquid wallpaper is very easy to dismantle.

The disadvantages of the material include:

In appearance, the liquid wallpaper is more reminiscent of a silk blanket and with ordinary glass wallpaper, non-woven and paper they will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Tip: Before deciding whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, you need to find an option that is suitable for wall decoration or cover them also with liquid wallpaper.

The combination of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling and wall decoration
The combination of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling and wall decoration

What types of material exist and their characteristics

Liquid wallpaper is an original coating for application on walls and ceiling, reminiscent of a mixture decorative plaster and paints.

The classic components of such a coating are:

  • Cellulose fiber.
  • Binder material.

In addition, as part of:

  • Special dyes.
  • Fiber made of fabric.
  • Dry seaweed.
  • Ground wood bark.

Tip: Liquid wallpaper cannot be used where it can come in contact with water.

When used in the kitchen, it is better to use for an apron:

  • The tile.
  • Jigsaw puzzle.
  • Other waterproof materials.

Liquid wallpaper fits well on drywall sheets, but in this case it is necessary to prepare the surface in advance, which consists in:

When using the material, drawings can be made on the ceiling (see Liquid wallpaper and drawings: application technology)This is quite simple to do, but it will take quite a lot of additional time, significantly more than with conventional surface decoration.

To apply the drawing, you will need to perform the following actions:

  • A pencil drawing is applied to the prepared dry surface.

This should be done very carefully, several times controlling the conformity of sizes, further on this sketch different shades of liquid wallpaper will be applied.

  • When coating, it matters:
  1. the color of the wallpaper and their number in the selected figure;
  2. idea and complexity of the sketch.
  • Gently apply the necessary elements of the picture to the prepared wallpaper.
  • Press the wallpaper mixture along the edges of the picture with a small glass spatula.

The basis is most often used white liquid wallpaper. They are almost completely smooth, they can contain silver spangles, which are added if necessary to give the surface a little shine.

What tools do you need to purchase

Before applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, prepare:

  • Capacity for swelling material in it.
  • Construction spatula or trowel for laying material on the ceiling. It is quite simple to make a trowel on your own from a piece of plexiglass. An equilateral triangle should be cut from it, with a length of sides of 5-6 centimeters. After that, the handle is screwed to the plexiglass.
  • Foam rubber or rubber roller.
  • Plastic graters.
  • Spray gun.
  • The roller is embossed.

There is a special instruction for calculating the number of wallpapers on the package. One package weighing 1.7 kilograms is usually enough for an area of ​​about five square meters, with a layer thickness of 1.5 millimeters.

How to prepare surfaces

The peculiarity of liquid wallpaper is high adhesion or good adhesion to surfaces, with a base of different materials. The main advantage of the material is that they do not peel off over time.

The ceiling when applying liquid wallpaper should be prepared:

  • The surface must be completely solid and strong enough so that nothing falls off from it.
  • In contact with moisture, the base must remain the same color. This applies to metal elements having the property of being corroded upon contact with moisture.
  • The materials on the ceiling should not absorb moisture.

When preparing the ceiling:

  • First, fragments of the old finish, poorly retained on the surface, are removed.
  • When pasting the ceiling with paper wallpaper, they are completely removed.
  • Large cracks get stuck. They can be filled with liquid wallpaper, but the cost of repairs will increase.
  • Before finishing, the ceiling surface is primed with a deep penetration primer, white or colorless (see How to primer the ceiling: we understand in stages), which will create an obstacle for the liquid to penetrate deep into the surface and make the coating stronger.

Tip: For this work, use a concentrated primer diluted in a 1: 3 ratio. Do not use Ceresit CT17 material, which forms yellow spots on the finished surface.

  • If there are metal inclusions on the ceiling that can cause rust on the wallpaper in certain places due to corrosion, they must be coated with PF enamel or water-based paint.
  • At the last stage of preparation, the ceiling is roughened.
  • After applying the plaster or starting putty, liquid wallpaper is applied.

Tip: You do not need to grind the surface before applying the material. And with a smooth ceiling, it should be treated with a primer, in which there are inclusions of silica dust.

  • For even laying, without tearing the material, quartz dust or fine sand can be added to the primer.

How to prepare liquid wallpaper

The material can be purchased already prepared for use, usually it is packaged in buckets.But it is better to use the dry mixture in bags, as shown in the photo.

Dry pre-packaged mixes for liquid wallpaper
Dry pre-packaged mixes for liquid wallpaper

Tip: Before diluting the solution, the bag with the material should be shaken well, this will provide better mixing of the composition and save a lot of lumps when applying the solution.


  • A suitable container for stirring the liquid wallpaper is selected, taking into account that one packet of liquid wallpaper, usually about 7 liters, is placed in it. For ease of use, it is better to take a container with a depth of up to 30 centimeters, with a diameter of up to 65 centimeters.
Mixing Liquid Wallpaper
Mixing Liquid Wallpaper
  • Pouring clean water at the same temperature with the room. In a hot liquid, the adhesion of the material decreases, and in a cold it is uncomfortable to work, making batches with bare hands.
  • You can breed liquid wallpaper in one package or use several packages at once, choosing dishes of the appropriate size. The contents of several packages are more difficult to knead, but this way it is easier to achieve uniformity of color.
  • Liquid wallpaper is thoroughly kneaded by hand, and then left for 12 hours. After this, the solution is re-mixed.

How to apply liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Application of liquid wallpaper
Application of liquid wallpaper

Is it possible to glue liquid wallpaper on the ceilings, tell me the order of their application, which is as follows:

  • A roller is chosen, or rather a smooth spatula made of plexiglass or stainless steel.
  • A ladder or chair is installed for ease of work. In this case, the work area should always be placed directly in front of the eyes. With a spatula, apply the solution to the surface at a slight slope, this will allow the composition to lie down more evenly.
  • You can’t press on the tool when working - the wallpaper should be loose. With this method of application, you can get a good coating structure, which will prevent overuse of the material.

Tip: After applying the material to a specific area, you should visually check the result. There should not be tubercles, tears and gaps on the coating. Features of the material allow you to see all the flaws at any stage of the work and easily fix them.

  • So that joints and seams are not visible on the surface of the ceiling, work must be carried out non-stop throughout the area.
  • A small part of a well-swollen mass is collected from the tank and applied to the ceiling with a uniform layer from one to four millimeters thick.
  • With a smooth grater, the surface is carefully leveled and another portion of the material is applied, so that the borders between the sections are not visible.
  • Moreover, the formation of the position of the fibers depends on the direction of smoothing the mixture. Changing the trajectory of movement allows you to achieve the desired decorative effect.
  • After laying the material during the day will be the polymerization of the adhesive composition. At the same time, the coating should not be subjected to mechanical stress.
  • Dry wallpaper in vivo. This may take up to two days.

What is liquid wallpaper, is it possible to glue them on the ceiling, how to do it correctly shows the video in detail.

How to perform mechanical styling

With the mechanical method of decorating the ceiling with liquid wallpaper, a spray gun or compressor is used, with a working pressure of 0.5 MPa, and the unit capacity is more than 400 l / min. The nozzle of the spray gun should be 5 to 10 millimeters in diameter, depending on the texture of the coating applied. The flow during application of the solution is controlled by a change in the volume of water that is added to the mixture.


  • First, a layer of a thickness of 1.5 mm is applied to the entire area of ​​the ceiling.
  • After the surface dries, the material is sprayed again, which gives the coating the necessary density.

If spraying is carried out immediately with one thick layer, the probability of wallpaper sliding off the surface may appear.

Tip: To give the treated surface of the ceiling moisture resistance, acrylic varnish should be applied on top of the liquid wallpaper, which will increase their lifespan in wet rooms.

Decorating the ceiling with liquid wallpaper is not difficult. The main thing is to properly prepare the solution, prepare the surface to be treated well, apply the coating correctly.

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