Wall mural in the hallway: what can they be combined with
Leafing through glossy magazines on interior design, you will not often find tips and tricks on decorating the hallway. It is believed that there is too little room for the implementation of ideas, so the main place on the pages of the printed media is given to bedrooms and living rooms. But the entrance hall is no less important, and maybe even more, therefore in this article we will talk about the photo wall mural in the hallway interior, and reveal some design secrets that will help turn your corridor into a real work of art.
The content of the article
We select the wallpaper
It is a similar one who meets the first guests, and it is she who gives the first impression of the house, and as a result, of its owners. Moreover, the entrance hall is one of the most difficult places in the apartment in terms of repair and decoration, there is very little space. There are no windows, and the walls are constantly tested for strength. But, complexity is complexity, and repairs need to be done, so we are patient, and we begin to select the suitable design.
Of course, the hallway of the hallway is different, and in some modern houses and apartments there are no problems with either lighting or space. But what about the owners of the old "Khrushchev", where the size of the hallway is only a few square meters. It is about such complex objects that we will talk today.
First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand what qualities decoration materials must have in order to be able to use them in the decoration of the hallway, because traditionally, it is considered a room of increased complexity.
Consider a few basic qualitative characteristics that must be present on the photo wallpaper, which is planned to be glued in the hallway:
- Abrasion resistance. One of the main factors that must be present in the decoration materials in the hallway (see Hallway decoration and choice of finishing material) Every day, the walls are attacked. They are touched with their hands, and sometimes they are leaning on their backs, and pets experience some inexplicable passion for wallpaper in the hallway.
- Resistance to temperature fluctuations. Drafts are constantly present in the hallway, and when the door is often opened, cold bridges are created that collide with the warm currents from the apartment and can disrupt the integrity of the wall covering. High-quality photo wallpapers can easily endure such executions, but with low-quality fakes, things are much more complicated.
- Resistance to mechanical stress. Narrow corridors are often forced to touch the walls, especially if there is a need to bring some heavy and bulky objects. Of course, no wallpaper can stand a sharp object, in any case, models with the highest stability class should be chosen.
- Water resistant. Wallpaper in the hallway (see Choose a wallpaper in the hallway and create a unique design), sooner or later have to wash. This is inevitable, even if there are no children or pets in the house. Dust, dirt, and grease stains, one way or another, appear on the walls, and they need to be washed off with water, and the wallpaper, in turn, must withstand such procedures.
- Resistant to solvents. Not all contaminants can be removed with plain water, some stains require more drastic measures, especially if we are talking about grease or oil contamination. They will have to be washed off with detergents that contain chemical solvents.
Important! Most famous manufacturers try to indicate all the information on the packaging, but the price of their products is much higher than that of the wallpaper from a lesser-known manufacturer. It is impossible to determine the quality characteristics by touch, therefore it is best to forget about savings, and give preference to those wallpapers on the packaging of which all the parameters you need are indicated.
But not only quality characteristics are important for photo wallpaper. No less attention needs to be paid to design.
Choose a color scheme
As you know, a lot depends on the correct selection of colors. The whole perception of the interior can be completely changed by adding just one shade, or vice versa by removing it.
For photowall-paper this question is no less relevant, even despite the fact that their drawings, as a rule, have a lot of colors and shades. There is always one, dominant color, which will form the basis of the composition, and emphasize the design concept. When choosing a gamut for a hall, you need to clearly understand what effects a particular color creates.
Of course, the combination of shades is no less important, but to begin with, we will try to deal with the emotional background of the dominant color:
- Red. Complex color in terms of perception. Designers advise to treat it very carefully, as perception will change completely from its quantity. A large amount of red will put a heavy pressure on the psyche, and create an oppressive atmosphere in the hallway, and given that as a rule there is no natural light, the situation will become even more gloomy and sinister.
- Blue. A calmer color, but you need to handle it no less carefully than with red. Busting with blue color will give the room coldness, and there can be no talk of any comfort. At the same time and vice versa, the complete absence of blue in the design will create a feeling of incompleteness and incompleteness.
- Blue. One of the most pleasant colors that can be used not only in the hallway, but also in other parts of the house. Blue is the color of the sky, it sets up for positive thinking, and gives the design warmth and coziness. But they should not be abused, since in large quantities, it will greatly expand the space, and will create a false sense of spaciousness, which is actually not there.
- Green. The most popular color, to which there are practically no restrictions. Green is the color of nature; it brings pleasant thoughts and helps to relax. Of course, it is not so important for the hallway that it is relaxing, but as we have already said, it is here that the perception of the whole house begins.
- Yellow. No less popular color than green. The color of the sun and heat. It visually increases the space, and gives additional light to the room. The only rule is not to cover all the walls with yellow, as the feeling of too large and bright space will create a false perception.
Of course, this is far from all the colors and shades that can dominate on photowall-paper, but not one article will go to the full listing, therefore we will limit ourselves to them.
Advice! An important nuance in the hallway is the combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper, you will have to do this, because too large a picture on the photo wallpaper will put pressure on your eyes, so try to select all materials in one color scale, or at least similar.
If we figured out the color scheme, then it's time to move on to the drawing itself, because it is the main thing that photo wallpaper has, and it is he who will create the style.
Select a picture
If the color scheme is becoming less or less clear, then selecting a picture is a truly difficult task requiring a thoughtful and thorough approach. Photowall-paper is far from a cheap finishing material, and it’s very disappointing to be disappointed with a new repair.
You need to choose a drawing based on your own preferences, but there are several design secrets that you need to listen to if you don’t need to start with them:
- In a small hallway, do not use drawings with large objects. In such a room, you cannot capture the whole image with your eyes, and it will turn out blurry and foggy. Ideal is the presence of a maximum of three main objects of medium size, which can be considered without snuggling in the opposite wall.
- Wallpaper sizes must be strictly calculated (see How to choose the size of the photo wallpaper) Do not glue them on the entire wall, even if the print depicts rock landscapes. Such wallpapers create a kind of portal that serves as a window to the new world, and if it is all over the wall, it will simply destroy the comfort of the room, even if we are talking about an ordinary entrance hall.
- Be sure to try to find a middle ground, avoid too bright, or vice versa dark tones. Wall murals should create an atmosphere, and it is very important that it is not overloaded. The most harmonious drawings are natural landscapes in which there can be no a priori imbalance.
- The theme of the picture on the mural in the hallway should completely coincide with the design of the rest of the house. If there is no conformity, then the feelings from the overall design will remain very mixed, and it will be very, very difficult for the guests to decide whether they like the repair or not.
So, with the drawing we decided, as with the coloring, which means that you can go directly to the repair, and here everything is somewhat more complicated than with ordinary wallpaper, so we will devote some time to this process.
Wall murals
If you are reading this section now, you probably decided DIY photo wallpaper, and before moving on to the intricacies of this process, we strongly recommend that you watch the video in this article, which shows a detailed instruction, and explains some secrets. So, first of all, you need to know that photo wallpaper can be either self-adhesive or requiring an adhesive base.
It’s a bit more difficult to stick self-adhesive wallpapers, and it’s not that it can turn out crookedly, but in air bubbles that always appear under the film. You can drive them out with a rubber spatula, or a soft felt rag.
The secret of quality wallpapering is the gradual removal of protective paper. You don’t need to remove it right away, just free the upper part with a width of about 3 centimeters, and gently stick it on the previously applied marking.
Now, gradually removing the protective paper, smooth the wallpaper in the direction of sticking, gradually expelling all the air bubbles. This is best done together, when one person slowly pulls the protective layer over himself, and the second, smooths the canvas in the process of gluing it to the wall.
Secret! You won’t be able to completely avoid air bubbles, but don’t despair, small bulges can be easily removed with a regular needle. Just pierce the air chamber, and releasing air, gently smooth this place. From the bubble and puncture there will not be the slightest trace.
As a rule, wall murals in the hallway are issued in the form of narrow fragments. It is much easier to work with such a material than with a solid canvas, but it is very important that there are no dirt or unevenness on the base. Therefore, before undertaking the sticking, pay special attention to the cleanliness and evenness of the walls, since subsequently, getting rid of bumps will not work.
With wallpapers that do not have their own adhesive base, things are somewhat simpler, and the whole process is not much different from gluing the most ordinary wallpapers. The main thing is to choose the right glue, since by themselves, the wallpapers have a lot of weight and are made of thick vinyl, which means that they will need the appropriate glue.
The process of gluing such wallpapers consists of several stages:
- We lay out the wallpaper according to the order of their application to the wall. All fragments must be put in one pile, where the farthest segments go below, and those that will be applied first on top.
- Apply glue with a roller or brush. The difference from ordinary wallpapers here is that it is unnecessary to wait when they are saturated. Put glue, and immediately can be transferred to the wall.
- Carefully smoothing every millimeter of the canvas, glue the wallpaper on the wall, strictly observing the previously applied markings and joints.
That's all, the new interior is ready, and you can enjoy the work done. We hope that we were able to fully tell you about the mural for the hallway, which means that you are ready to create your own unique and unique interior, which will delight all family members for many years.