3D photo wallpaper: a variety of options

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

On the photo, wall mural with the image of the pier, in the interior of the dining room
On the photo, wall mural with the image of the pier, in the interior of the dining room

Many people wonder what 3 d murals are and how they differ. At its core, this is ordinary photo wallpaper, with a special technology for applying an image, which turns out to be very realistic. It conveys the volume and depth of the picture and looks multifaceted and very colorful.

Varieties of photo wallpaper

Wall mural 3 d with white peonies, look very natural
Wall mural 3 d with white peonies, look very natural

To begin, let's look at what kind of photo wallpaper happens, since only an unusual image distinguishes them from photo wallpaper 3 d. Canvas murals consist of two layers, which in turn are divided into several types.

The main layer is:

  • By paper.
  • Non-woven.
  • Vinyl.
  • Tissue.

Each of these types has its pros and cons, which take into account, based on their financial condition, the functionality of the room in which they will be used, its lighting and area. For example, paper canvases quickly tear, and therefore they should not be used in a child’s room.

Briefly consider their characteristics:

  • Paper mural They have the largest assortment, are made of natural materials and pass air well. But they are easy to scratch or tear, they deteriorate from moisture and fade from sunlight. These disadvantages affect their cost, the price for them is the lowest.
  • Non-woven photo wallpaper consist of some advantages, they are both environmentally friendly, moisture resistant, breathable, and wear resistant. They have many advantages, but there is a significant enough disadvantage for many - they are quite expensive. These murals are ideal for children's rooms and bedrooms.
  • Vinyl Wall Mural very strong, they are not afraid of damage and scratches, they can be cleaned and washed using additional means. But keep in mind that not all of them consist of environmentally friendly materials and allow air to pass through. These murals are good for non-residential premises.
  • Fabric photo wallpaper They are environmentally friendly, and their durability depends on a special protective coating. They look very expensive and rich, and the price is also quite high, but their long service life deserves it.

Photowall-paper also differs on the top layer of a cloth:

  • Matte is a smooth, even surface that makes the colors of the image a little muffled and calm.
  • Laminated is a smooth glossy surface that reflects light. This is a kind of transparent film that protects the canvas.
  • Textured is a rough surface that simulates various materials on which the image is applied.

Texture murals are quite expensive, but their unusual and original look is worth it.

They can resemble both natural materials and building materials, for example:

  • Sand.
  • Frost.
  • A rock.
  • Brick.
  • The cloth.
  • Tree bark.

Advice! If you liked certain photo wallpapers, additionally ask about their quality from sales consultants.

Types of Image Types

Background 3 murals on several walls in the living room
Background 3 murals on several walls in the living room

Wall murals of all types are divided by type of images:

  • Background.
  • Subject.
  • Panoramic.
  • Realistic.

A variety of types of images can affect the lighting of the room in which the photo wallpaper is located, its volume and even the style of the interior.

Consider their characteristics in more detail:

  • Background images on photo wallpaper - this is not any particular image, it is geometric shapes, a set of patterns or an abstraction. Sometimes, it can be horizontal (forest, trunks) or vertical: sky and sea (seeSea mural: which room to use) image. Such murals are produced as regular wallpapers in rolls. Drawing on such canvases usually does not require precise joining.
  • Photographic murals - This is a drawing of any single and concrete drawing, which concentrates all the attention on itself. It can be either a lonely animal or some kind of symbolism. They are often used to emphasize a certain style of interior room.
  • Panoramic images on the photo wallpaper - this is an image with an expansion of space, such an effect can create a panoramic view from the window (seePhoto wallpaper: which ones to choose) or terraces on green and colorful meadows, endless sea or snow-capped mountain peaks. They are often used to visually expand the space of a room.
  • Realistic photo wallpaper - This is one of the types of three-dimensional images, better known as photo wallpaper with a 3d effect. They create a real illusion of space, the image is voluminous and very realistic.

Advice! When choosing the type of image on the photo wallpaper, do not forget that you must take into account the area and lighting of the room in which they will be located.

Wall mural with 3D effect

Luminous photo wallpaper with 3d effect, in violet color
Luminous photo wallpaper with 3d effect, in violet color

Wall murals with 3d effect belong to a separate category of photowalls and are divided into three main and two separate types:

  • Standard.
  • Single.
  • Panoramic.
  • Fluorescent.
  • LED light.

Let's consider in more detail each of the types:

  • Standard 3 d wall murals are available in ordinary small sizes and are glued to part of the wall. They often divide the room into different zones. Images on them, most often in the form of three-dimensional patterns or abstractions.
  • Single 3-d murals are available in certain sizes, often specified by the customer. They are used to decorate the room. For example, with their help, you can create a spectacular panel or make a false window by framing the photo wallpaper with moldings in the form of a window frame.
  • Panoramic 3D wall murals are produced in large sizes, sometimes reaching up to tens of meters. They are used to create the main background in the room and can paste over several walls with one canvas at once.
  • Fluorescent 3 d wall murals come in various sizes. The composition of the images of this type of photo wallpaper includes phosphorus, which is why it glows in the dark. These canvases are good for use in children's rooms and bedrooms, like night lighting.
  • LED 3 d wall murals are not really murals. This is an unusual electronic system consisting of many small LEDs. This type of photo wallpaper can, with the help of control, change the shades and colors of the image, and even the picture itself.

Printing Methods

LED 3d photo wallpaper in the interior of a children's room
LED 3d photo wallpaper in the interior of a children's room

Images on the canvas are applied in several ways, the brightness and saturation of the colors in the picture depend on this, and how long it will last.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Print images using ultraviolet rays. To do this, use special inks that change under ultraviolet light and are deeply absorbed into the canvas. Due to this, the drawing is bright and retains its colors for a long time.
  • Print images in eco-friendly ink. The composition of such inks includes a solvent, from which the first time, a rather unpleasant and strong smell is kept, which disappears only after a few days. But the picture lasts a very long time and does not fade.
  • Print image with latex ink. The advantage of this printing is that the ink instantly hardens after application. They also do not fade for a long time and remain in their original form.

To create 3 d images on photo wallpaper, UV printing is most often used, since it allows you to get the most contrast and colorful image.

Features and Benefits

Wall mural 3d flowers in a living room interior
Wall mural 3d flowers in a living room interior

Wall mural 3 d can perform many functions in the interior of a room, and before you get these or those canvases and images, it is worth deciding what exactly you expect from using photo wall murals.

Some functions:

  • Beautiful highlight. Realistic photo wallpaper can be an original decoration in the room.
  • Change of space. Dimensions and colors can visually enlarge or reduce the room.
  • Division of the room. A multi-functional room can be divided into zones.
  • Creating a style. Wall murals with a thematic image will create the style of the room.
  • Spectacular cheating. For example, the image of the fireplace will create a unique illusion in the room.
  • Distraction Use if necessary to distract attention from furniture.

There can be many functions, or even several at once, each one decides for himself. Also, 3 d photomurals many positive qualities in general, more specific needs to be learned from consultants.

Let's look at some of them:

  • Environmental friendliness. Canvases and paint images are made from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Moisture resistance. Protected by the special composition of the canvas, you can wash and clean.
  • Breathability. Almost all types of photo wallpaper have good air exchange.
  • Wear resistance. Even paper canvases during special processing last quite a long time.
  • Heat resistance. Wall murals tolerate temperature extremes.
  • Range. The choice of images is very large and everyone will find what he needs.

The disadvantages include their rather high price and the installation method of some types. For example, panoramic 3-d murals, large sizes, cannot be glued in any way (seeHow to glue wall murals: instructions) without the help of someone else, and LEDs are mounted only by professionals.

Right choice

Panoramic 3D murals on several walls, in the interior of the bedroom
Panoramic 3D murals on several walls, in the interior of the bedroom

Designers advise how to choose the right wallpaper and share their secrets, so when choosing, you need to consider:

  • The volume of the room. Since the size and color of the photo wallpaper can visually reduce and increase the size of the room in which it is located, this must be taken into account. In a small room, you need to choose 3 d wall murals very carefully so that the picture does not press with its volume.
  • The functionality of the room. It depends on what quality photo wallpaper you choose and what color they will be. For example: washable linens are selected in the kitchen; in the bedroom you need a calm coloring of the image.
  • Room lighting. The effect of the image depends on how the room is lit, some types of 3-d photo murals, for example fluorescent ones, require additional illumination with black special lamps.
  • Style and color of the room. If you select photo wallpaper in a finished interior, consider its stylistic orientation and color scheme, everything should be combined with each other. It is also necessary to supplement the room with accessories of the same colors that are present in the image.
  • Wallpaper features. For example, you want to zone a children's room: you can choose bright images in the play area, in the sleep and rest zone, on the contrary, images of bright and calm colors and shades.
  • The opinion of the family. If you choose wall murals in one of the common rooms, for example, a kitchen or a living room, it is very important to find out the opinions, wishes and tastes of all family members, since they also have a very long time to observe the selected image.

Psychologists advice:

  • Choose the kitchen (seePhotowall-paper in an interior in kitchen: we make a choice) bright and saturated colors - they will increase appetite.
  • If you follow the food - choose cold shades of colors.
  • Pastel colors relaxing at bedtime are suitable for the bedroom.
  • In the nursery it’s good to arrange a fairy-tale or animal world.
  • Seascapes and deep-seated inhabitants are suitable for the bathroom.

Advice! Doubting whether you can handle the right choice of photo wallpaper, consult designers for advice.


Wall mural fake window in the interior of the kitchen dining area
Wall mural fake window in the interior of the kitchen dining area

Many types of 3D photo wallpaper are pretty easy to stick with your own hands and at the same time absolutely no need for instructions. But some require the help of friends or specialists. In any case, choosing a photo wallpaper with the 3D effect, you will not regret the money and efforts spent.

In the video in this article, you can see how LED photo wallpaper is mounted.

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