Choose a wallpaper in the hallway and create a unique design

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Hallway and wallpaper design
Hallway and wallpaper design

The entrance hall and wallpaper design are selected depending on the interior of the room and the materials used to manufacture the base plane. In retail there is a large number of wallpapers, it is different in the material of production and its characteristics.

Also, in principle, you can choose any color and shade. Quite often, a combination of this material is used. These are all questions we will consider below and instructions will be given on the rules of choice.

We make a choice of wallpaper for the hallway

Everyone who was engaged in the repair of their home, certainly faced with the problem of selecting wallpaper in the hallway. What color scheme would you prefer for a hallway to have a presentable appearance and at the same time to be functional?

The entrance hall in the apartment acts as a connecting link that connects the dust and vanity of the outside world with the comfort of the hearth. Here we take off our shoes, leaving on the threshold with the shoes layers of dust and dirt brought from the street.

  • In this regard, the issue with the color palette of wallpaper in the hallway is immediately resolved. Of course, white and any light shades for the hallway will not work. They are too easily soiled and do not differ in good operational characteristics. Light colors in the design of the hallway can be present only if you purchase a washable type of wallpaper for the walls.
  • Designers are also not encouraged to use dark colors for pasting in the hallways. This is especially true for small hallways in small apartments. All shades of black, blue, burgundy and violet colors visually reduce the area of ​​the room. They are able to spoil all the pleasant impressions of the repair. And only the gluing of the walls with wallpapers of lighter tones will help to fix the situation.
  • Another disadvantage of dark wallpaper is the need for additional lighting, which entails an increase in the cost of electricity. A small entrance - the corridor can be pasted with wallpaper in a warm floral palette or light without variegated patches. Light-colored wallpapers can be supplemented by drawings, unobtrusive ornament or contrasting patterns.
  • On the wallpaper of dark colors, a layer of dust settled on them will not be visible. Light shades of wallpaper will optically add a few meters to a small hallway.
    A great solution for small hallways is wall pasting with murals (see Wall mural in the corridor: make a choice) They can contain any panoramic image. It can also be an image that imitates a fresco or wall painting in bright colors.
  • Cold shades visually expand the space of the cramped entrance hall, and warm colors reduce the area of ​​the room.
  • A narrow and high entrance hall can only be glued in half. This will give the walls some harmony. Wallpaper is recommended to be combined with wall frames, for the manufacture of which various moldings and ceiling skirting boards are used. Thus, the original decoration in the form of a picture - a landscape is obtained on the wall.
  • To visually expand the hallway, you can stick wallpaperdepicting a city in the night flickering lights. Opposite the photo wallpaper, you need to hang a large-sized mirror so that they are reflected there.

Changing the hallway space

The walls in the hallway can be decorated in various combinations of wallpaper:

  • The lack of natural light can be compensated for by a combination of dark wallpapers with wallpapers of light tones.. The lower part of the wall is glued with a dark color, and the upper part with a light cloth. The joints of the wallpaper are glued with a decorative border that contrasts with the wall covering.

Attention: With the help of dark-colored wallpaper, the wall is protected from its possible pollution, light shades of the upper part make the hallway lighter and more spacious. This gluing method is optimal for small rooms.

  • Light, cool tones of wallpaper are perfect for cramped hallways.. It can be blue, lavender, light gray, blue and light purple shades. They are able to visually increase the area of ​​the room.
  • For spacious hallways that receive enough light, you can purchase wallpapers that have rich colors, or wallpaper with a pattern of large, but not bright patterns.
  • If the hallway is quite spacious and bright, then for gluing its walls you can buy wallpaper with a rich color palette or canvases containing large and not bright drawings.
  • The entrance hall, made in the form of a trailer, the walls of which are elongated in length, is recommended to be glued with two shades of wallpaper.: the surface next to the door is pasted over with the help of one color, and for the remaining walls use wallpaper of a similar shade. Also, this type of hallway can be decorated with photowall-paper with a perspective image in combination with a wallpaper covering of light tones without any drawings and patterns.

Selection of a suitable wallpaper pattern in the hallway

Wallpaper for walls and design can completely change the perception of even a small room. On this topic you can watch videos and photos. There are some points that should be used in the design.

Wallpaper on the wall and design in different shades
Wallpaper on the wall and design in different shades


  • Visually reduce the area of ​​the room wallpaper with a bright, saturated pattern;
  • A more spacious room will make use of wallpaper of gentle monochromatic shades or wallpaper with a small pattern in pastel colors;
  • Vertical stripes or small patterns are able to visually adjust the height of the hallway. When gluing, you must follow the rule: the thinner the strip on the wallpaper, the higher the ceiling seems. Before making the final choice in favor of one or another option, you can look at the photo, how the plain wallpaper and canvases with various patterns will look in the hallway.
  • Horizontal stripes on the wallpaper will visually make the ceiling lower. The greater the width of the stripes, the lower the ceiling seems.

Attention: Light design in Khrushchev wallpaper will visually increase its area. So be sure to consider this when choosing.

The choice of wallpaper design in the hallway

Choosing wallpaper for decorating the hallway, you should take into account the style of the entire apartment:

  • The classics in the design of the rooms should be in harmony with the interior of the hallway. It must also be sustained in strict, conservative power. To do this, it is better to use wood trim, a light ceiling coating and plain wallpaper.
  • The interior, decorated in the Art Nouveau style, involves the use of mirrors in the decoration of the hallway (see Do-it-yourself mirror finish according to all the rules), lighting devices, door and furniture decoration made of metal.
  • Ecostyle adherents are recommended to use materials of natural origin in the decoration of the hallway. The mat near the door can be replaced with a shallow drawer into which pebbles are poured. Wallpaper pattern can imitate natural stones. It is appropriate to use wallpaper made from natural materials to highlight individual sections with their help. Pendant planters with plants that do not require a lot of light will perfectly decorate such a hallway.

Attention: The entrance hall is the hallmark of any apartment. The first impression of the guests about the inhabitants of the dwelling and about the apartment itself as a whole will depend on its arrangement.Therefore, you must make every possible effort so that the design of the hallway emphasizes the uniqueness of the apartment and the impeccable style of the owners.

Very often, the selection of wallpaper for decorating the hallway becomes a very time-consuming and extraordinary procedure. Since the hallway is the smallest room in the house, you should carefully consider the choice of the optimal tone and the correct pattern on the wallpaper. This helps to achieve the desired result in the design of the room. Otherwise, you can spoil everything by visually reducing the area of ​​the room and the height of the walls.

By type of finish

Hallway wallpaper design may well have several materials.

Let's look at a few of the most commonly used options:

Solid color wallpaperHallway Wall Decoration Plain beautiful wallpaper is simple. Such wallpapers serve as an excellent backdrop for decor items, mirrors and furniture. It is very important to remember that monophonic wallpapers require careful maintenance, since their flat surface cannot hide all errors.

For a hall, it is better to purchase washable plain wallpapers or those that are resistant to cleaning.

Paneled hallwayPanel type coatings are a very common way of gluing a hallway. It has a beautiful appearance and functionality. Panels can be combined with wallpaper - companions included in a single collection. The most popular option is a dark bottom and a light top, separated using borders, plinths or moldings.
Wallpaper with imitationCurrently, an increasing number of people prefer wallpaper that mimics a variety of materials.
  • It can be an imitation of natural stones, brickwork, natural species of trees, leather. Of course, it is allowed to finish from natural materials, such as, for example, bamboo wallpaper. They look very beautiful and are completely safe from an environmental point of view.
  • But there is one big minus - their high cost. This is where imitation wallpapers come to the rescue.

Attention: You should not use a leopard wallpaper pattern for decorating the hallway, it is better to use it as an accent in the classic design of the walls.


Wallpaper color recommendations

To choose the optimal color palette of wallpaper for the hallway, you must follow the following rules:

  • A small and narrow hallway is pasted over with light wallpaper with a bright pattern or with warm floral shades;
  • Visually increase the area of ​​the hallway will help wallpaper cold tones;
  • Saturated shades of wallpaper will give the hallway additional comfort;
  • To hide some surface defects, smooth wallpapers should be avoided;
  • For strongly elongated hallway walls, two types of wallpaper are perfect. Wallpaper should be similar in color so as not to spoil the overall impression of the design of the hallway.

Wallpaper in the hallway and design you pick up according to the above recommendations, the instruction will not let you make a mistake. And having done the work yourself, the price of finishing will not be large. Therefore, make the choice correctly.

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