Panel wall decoration: types and differences

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Glass panels for wall decoration
Glass panels for wall decoration

Glass panels for wall decoration are not used very often. This is a rather fragile material, which is used in combination with other panels.
The main finishing material is chosen from another material panel. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the material for the work.
And there are many reasons for this. Modern panels for wall decoration come in several forms; they differ in size, material of manufacture and methods of fastening.
In this article, we will figure out which material is best suited for your type of room. You can watch photos and videos on this topic and pick up exactly what you need.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wall decoration in a panel house or any other can be done by any panels. There are different types of panels for wall decoration, but before you make a purchase, you should carefully consider how much they will suit you.
It is likely that you will refuse this type of finish after learning all the details:

  • The frame method is most often used to fasten panels; you don’t have to worry about finishing the base plane and this is important;
  • There is always the opportunity to hide communications, this is especially true for houses of old construction;
  • It is possible not only to finish, but also to conduct additional heat and sound insulation. And you can install any layer of insulation;
  • The price of the material is not so high and almost anyone can afford it;
  • The ability to carry out work completely with your own hands also attracts the consumer. After all, this will significantly reduce construction costs;
  • In retail, there are many colors and shades of such panels. You can even pick up the texture, starting from natural wood and ending with stone;
  • The disadvantages include the fact that your room will lose in volume. This will depend on the insulation layer, but in any case it will be at least five cm.

Types of Wall Panels

This finish is divided by type.
Let's see what their difference is:

  • Slatted panels are stackable, these are elements whose length ranges from 2400 mm to 3700 mm, and widths from 8 to 12 mm are used. In thickness from 8 and about 12 mm.
  • Tiled panels are stacked, which have the shape of a square. With this design, you can easily make almost any drawing and highlight the room among others. There are many colors and textures on sale;
  • Wall-mounted sheet panels are the largest panels that can be perfectly applied to decorate a large room. Here you will get the least number of joints. For a large plane, this is important

Panel Materials

This is a fairly significant issue, and it does not depend on the texture, made stone finish or tree. The placement environment is affected here.
If you have a lot of humidity, then this is one thing, for a low humidity you will need a completely different material. Let's now deal with the material of the manufacture of panels.

Natural wood panels

This material is popular. It can be installed and this distinguishes your room.
Environmentally friendly product that is perfect for living quarters. This is also the best option. bath finishes or a sauna, which releases beneficial substances at elevated humidity and temperature.

The use of wood panels for wall decoration
The use of wood panels for wall decoration


  • This material is very easy to process and you can completely do it yourself. Moreover, the weight of the material is not so large and you will hardly need help;
  • This design is not suitable for decorating rooms with high humidity. The material quickly enough nourishes water and will become worthless.
    Of course, you can do protective treatment, just do not forget that you will have to perform it regularly, and this is time and cost;

Attention: If you do the decoration in the bath, then you should know that a hundred treatment with conventional antiseptics is not worth it, they are harmful when heated and emit harmful substances. Therefore, use components of natural origin or based on them.

  • The price of the material is quite different, both expensive types of wood and budget options can be used here. If you want to use an expensive tree and do not have the means to do this, then do not despair.
    In retail, there are tools that can give almost any wood the structure of an expensive breed. Only it is worth doing the treatment in advance. This is not done so quickly;
  • Most often, a lining is chosen for decoration. To conduct work, it is better to make a purchase of eurolining.
    It has special grooves for ventilation. And this is a pretty important issue to install. And it is worth paying special attention to;
  • When performing work, it is worth remembering that this material is not light, so you need to make a reliable frame. And do not forget to install a layer of waterproofing, which is a must when finishing with wood.

Chipboard wall panels

This material is made by pressing wood sawdust.
This design is slightly different from the first option:

We use chipboard for wall decoration
We use chipboard for wall decoration
  • This material is not so durable. Pressing is done on glue and therefore the panel is not so durable;
  • This finish quickly collapses with a sharp change in temperature and increased humidity. It quickly absorbs moisture and therefore it should not be fixed in places with high humidity and in rooms without constant heating;
  • Processing and installation can be done with your own hands. The processing is not complicated and you do not need a special tool, but the plate crumbles;
  • But such a finish will be perfectly used for finishing the utility room, you get a perfectly flat surface.

Fibreboard panels

This finish is also done by hot pressing. Such material is less susceptible to high humidity, unlike the previous one.

Lining the walls of fiberboard panels
Lining the walls of fiberboard panels


  • Such elements can be used already in rooms without constant heating. They are less susceptible to moisture.
    Just do not think that the installation can be done in the bath. Everything is good in moderation and here, where the moisture is very high or a direct hit of water is possible, then such a design will not work.
    She will quickly become worthless;

If you will use just such an installation, then do not hammer nails into its surface and screw in screws. The panel just then cracks. Before making the connection, it is worth drilling the part with a drill with a thinner drill and then make the connection.

  • It is an environmentally friendly material that does not harm health. This is an undoubted fact in his favor.

Panels wall MDF

Such panels appeared on the sales market relatively recently. They are similar to fiberboard panels, but simply have a higher density, therefore, are less susceptible to high humidity.
Production is carried out by dry pressing at high pressure and elevated temperature.

We use MZhF panels for decoration
We use MZhF panels for decoration


  • Such a panel can be used in rooms with high humidity, only direct contact with water should be excluded;
  • It is an environmentally friendly material that will not harm your health;

Attention: When using this material, it is extremely correct to take measurements of the panels. Their manufacturer provides to order. Only the size cannot be mistaken, otherwise the material is not subject to exchange and return.

  • When attaching, you have to make holes, you should not just screw the screws into the panel. You must first drill a hole and only after that make the connection.

Attention: When finishing with such panels, measure the size of the lining correctly. These panels cannot be completely hidden. Therefore, select the size in terms of symmetry.

  • The design of this material has a large weight and this is its disadvantage. It should be borne in mind that the frame must be fixed rigidly and withstand the entire structure.
    Also, you need to correctly maintain the plane of installation of the frame, otherwise the edges of the sheets will not match.

PVC panels for wall decoration

This material is always popular and there are reasons for this:

  • Such paneling will serve you for a very long time. It will not be affected by high humidity and high temperature;
Plastic bathroom finish
Plastic bathroom finish

Caution: Give preference to trusted brands only.
Unknown manufacturers sin in quality. Finishing it in high humidity and temperature can produce odors that can harm your health.

  • Such a design is simple and does not take long, and this can be done completely with your own hands;
  • It is not high in weight and you do not need to think about the strength of the walls. You can do this work yourself and you will always be helped by relatives who simply support during the fastening;
  • Installation does not take much time. The material is perfectly cut;
  • Ease of care also attracts the consumer;
  • Do not mount in places where there is direct sunlight. Then the material can simply change its color;

Attention: If you do not have a heated room, then you should not do the installation in the winter. Then the elements become extremely fragile.

Installation tips

Facing with any panels is not such a difficult job, but you should listen to the advice of specialists:

  • To install such a cladding, a frame is made, which should be performed extremely efficiently. When attaching, measure the installation plane quite accurately. When you do the installation of the transverse elements, you should pull the fishing line along the diagonals of the harness and already adjust the plane of installation of the elements on them.
    Adjustment is done by gaskets;
  • Never make connections right away. First try on the panel and only after that fill it;
  • Before starting work, determine the connection of cables. Install the junction box in an accessible place. You will need it in case of breakdown;
  • For the frame, you can use wood and a metal corner. If you have chosen the first option then you should bring the material to the place of work in advance.
    And do the treatment with antiseptics that are on sale. This will significantly extend the life of the entire structure.

So can be done wall decoration thermal panels any other. You see, it is not difficult.
Instructions for installing any material are on the pages of our site, where everything is set out in detail. Most importantly, take your time and make the right choice.

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