Pvc paneling bathroom

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Pvc paneling
Pvc paneling

Cladding with pvc panels sometimes looks the most attractive compared to other finishing materials. PVC panels for wall cladding have different sizes and you can easily pick up the material to get the least amount of waste.
In this article, we will consider how this work is performed and how to do it correctly. A video will be presented where you can clearly see the progress of the entire installation process.

Why PVC panels

Cladding pvc panels has a number of advantages that attract the consumer. But there are drawbacks that can make you change your mind in favor of another finishing material.

Material advantages

The pvc cladding panel has a number of advantages, which we will now determine:

  • You do not need to incur large expenses for the preparation of the base plane. It will be enough to make cosmetic repairs of the base surface;
  • The pvc lining panel is mounted on the frame and therefore you can easily install additional insulation and save energy;
  • The bathroom can be lined with pvc panels and any other room. They perfectly tolerate high humidity and temperature extremes;
  • When performing work, you can hide all communications;
  • This is a durable design that will last a long time;
  • The price of the material is not high and almost everyone can afford it.


The lining of bathtubs with pvc panels also has a number of its disadvantages, which should be considered:

  • Wall covering pvc panels are done on the frame, but this is also a drawback. If you do not have a large room, then its volume will decrease by at least five cm;
  • If you have an unheated room and you want to finish at the cottage, then you should know that at low temperatures this material becomes fragile.

Attention: When choosing a material, it is worth giving preference to proven and high-quality brands. Unknown Chinese cheap manufacturers do not always comply with production technology.
Therefore, the coating can also emit harmful odors in high humidity.

Choosing PVC panels

In order for the work to go quickly and be done efficiently, you need to choose the right panels.
This is done as follows:

  • First, we take measurements of the surface. The panel has a different length.
    Therefore, it is necessary to determine this in advance. Then you will have less waste. The same in width;
  • The store must immediately appreciate the geometric shape of the parts. Quality panels, has the correct geometric shape;
  • We look at the place of attachment. The stiffener should be more durable compared to the main face;
  • Now apply the panels to the junction. We insert into the groove. She comes in tightly and does not stumble;
  • After that, we press the fingers onto the surface. We will get a dent, which in front of our eyes should return to its previous position;
  • Now we take and bend the edge several times in different directions. Quality products will not crack or break. She will simply return to her former position. And there will be no trace.

Decorating the bathroom with pvc panels

Bathroom cladding pvc panels are made according to certain rules and compliance with the necessary technology. Further, we will focus on this.

Surface preparation and marking

Pvc panels, wall cladding is done on the frame, which should be mounted on a properly prepared surface. We are not interested in the curvature of the plane, but certain work must be done before attaching.

  • We do an inspection of the plane and remove the old coating. If you are too lazy to do this, or you cannot for some reason, then you need to tap the surface and where peeling of the plaster is observed, it must be removed. This is done with a hammer and chisel;
  • After that, we need to apply a layer of antiseptic on the surface, it is on sale. We carry out the work with a brush or spray gun;

Caution: This must be done. After all, the bathroom is an increased humidity, and if the fungus begins to appear after the lining has been completed, then the problem will not be eliminated easily. Therefore, do it even for the sake of prevention.

  • We are waiting for complete drying and after that we need to apply a coat of primer. This is also done with a brush or spray gun;
  • The lining of the bath with pvc panels is done on the frame, which should be fixed in one plane. To do this, we markup. Take this with all responsibility. If the work is not performed correctly, the coating will repeat the frame and the geometric shape may not be correct;

Attention: When marking, immediately take into account the insulation layer. Remember, it should not be deformed by panels, otherwise it loses its properties. A gap of a couple should be provided. This will provide the necessary ventilation.

  • Put a mark on the wall with the desired size. Now we take oats and transfer this size to the lower part of the plane. We wish the same thing on the opposite wall;
  • Now we need to connect the lines. To do this, we use a simple kapron thread and we simply beat off the size. Now we have a frame installation line.

Make the frame

The lining of the walls in the bathroom with pvc panels is done completely by yourself and the instructions will help you do it right. The frame can be made of a metal profile or wooden beam.
Acceptable and the first and second option. Only in the first case will the design be more reliable and durable.

Making a frame from a wooden beam
Making a frame from a wooden beam

Attention: you will make a frame of wood, then it should be brought to the place of work in advance and made full treatment with antiseptics, this will significantly extend the life of the product.


  • We cut the slats to the desired size and fasten around the perimeter. To do this, use a punch, with which you need to make holes.
    After that, we make the connection using dowels. It is not necessary to use the dowels from the sets for this, they will not give the reliability and rigidity of the fasteners.
    We need to purchase separately plastic and to it screws with a diameter larger than the hole cross section by a couple of mm. It is such a connection that will be tough and reliable;
  • Now we need to fix the transverse rails. And they must be placed in one plane in height.
    To do this, pull the fishing line along the diagonals of the frame strapping. It is for them that it will be necessary to make adjustment for the height of the installation;
  • We cut the bar and fix it as described above;

Attention: Do not fasten the slats end to end. Make a gap of five mm. He will save you from trouble during the expansion of the material.
And correctly calculate the distance between the racks. Here we must remember that the connection of the panels cannot be carried out on weight, but can only occur on the rails of the frame.

  • We make the fastening of the transverse struts of the frame;
  • Now we need to put a layer of waterproofing on the plane. This can be done before installing the frame.
    But then it will not be so easy to fix the canvas. After installing the frame, the material should be cut to the desired size and fastened using a construction stapler;

Caution: Remember that waterproofing does not fit. It is necessary to make an overlap of 10 cm.When attaching to the rails, the material must first be tucked up a couple cm. Make sure that the fabric does not puff and lie evenly.

  • After applying a layer of waterproofing, you can mount the insulation. Its connection is made using building fungi, which should be installed by making holes with a perforator. The connection is made at least five points.

Make wiring

The wall lining of the bathroom with pvc panels is done after installing the wiring, this is if you have sockets in the bathroom or you want to use wall lamps as lighting. You can also make the backlight for the mirror.

  • First, we determine the connection location. Here you need to install the box for wiring.
    Also, if you use energy-saving lighting, then you need to install a step-down transformer here. There should be free access to this place, this is necessary in case of breakage;
  • Now connect the wires. All connections are made using terminal blocks.
    They will make the connection reliable. Do not use when attaching twisting. They simply will not provide reliability, because the bathroom has a humid environment;
  • We fix the wire to the installation site. We make the release of the cable of the desired length and cut it off.

Panel Installation

PVC panels cladding are attached to the frame, while following the following rules:

  • Installation starts from the corner of the room. First, the installation of the starting strip is done.
    After that, the first panel is installed. He is the most important.
    After all, she will already be facing the plane. It must be fixed with a plumb line, which will help determine the vertical position;
  • On the edge, the connection is made using self-tapping screws;
  • The second panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one and after that the fastening is also carried out using self-tapping screws;

Panel mounting is done only on a hard surface
Panel mounting is done only on a hard surface

Caution: Never make a snug fit to the ceiling and floor. When expanding the material, the panel will simply begin to warp.

  • You will need to cut the material. To do this, use a hacksaw with a small tooth. When applying a large material will tear and bite;
  • If you need to make a hole for a socket or lamp, then this is done as follows. First, the panel is tried on and the point of the hole is marked.
    We put it on a flat and hard surface and the hole is made using a drill with a crown. Which should be purchased in advance and choose the right size. After that, the panel is mounted on the frame;
Mounting is done using self-tapping screws photo
Mounting is done using self-tapping screws photo
  • The last panel does not always fit completely. It is also worth attaching and marking the cut points on both sides.
    After that, cut it in length and fix it. At the end, the finish bar is set.
  • We finish the facing with the installation of a ceiling plinth, which will hide the unevenness of the installation and the provided clearance.

As you can see, this is not such a difficult job, especially when there is an instruction. Everything is done completely by hand. The most important thing in this matter is not to rush and to do the markup correctly.

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