Rubber paint on wood

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Rubber paint for wood
Rubber paint for wood

What is rubber paint? And this is just one of the varieties of water dispersible compositions made on the basis of latex and silicone. It forms an incredibly elastic film on the surface to be painted, which, like rubber, can stretch significantly. This property was the reason for the name of this product.

Next, we will talk about the composition of rubber paints, applications, and the characteristics of the finished coating. But how to apply it to the surface with your own hands, you will learn from the video in this article.

Application of rubber paint

Polymer-based paints and varnishes, which include acrylate and silicone compounds, are universally applicable. Therefore, such a thing as rubber paint on wood, or, say, on a plastered surface, in general, does not exist. With equal success, it is possible to paint both a brick facade and a slate roof.

Rubber paint for wood is ideally suited for application on porous surfaces: asbestos cement boards, TsSP, chipboard, MDF (see How is MDF painted with your own hands?), concrete - including cellular, gypsum, and even asphalt. This coating is ideal for galvanized gutters, profiled sheets, metal supporting structures.

Gazebo painted with rubber paint
Gazebo painted with rubber paint

Note! For wood, it is used only for exterior works: painting wooden walls, elements of the roof truss system, fence posts or canopies, arbors, and other structures and products made of wood. Only, the manufacturer’s instructions prohibit using it for painting floors and other surfaces indoors (except for bathrooms) - and this is usually written on the label.

The price of rubber paint varies between 290-350 rubles per 1 kg. At first glance, this may seem expensive, but given that its consumption is not more than 200 g / m2, and for painting it is enough to apply only one layer, it turns out to be very profitable.


Since we are talking about water dispersion, it is clear that there is water in the composition of this paint. Here it is about 5% of the volume of the product, and the latex emulsion is dissolved in it.

  • Bonding of particles, and, accordingly, the formation of a film in such compositions, occurs due to coalescence additives. Their selection in the composition of the paint largely determines the quality of the finished coating.
Universal rubber paint
Universal rubber paint
  • Since rubber paints are more often used for outdoor applications, they must be resistant to low temperatures. This is provided by such an additive as the well-known antifreeze.
  • In the composition of rubber paints there are also fillers that give them the necessary plasticity; preservatives that block the growth of microorganisms; and pigments providing one color or another.
  • Why are rubber paints perfect for wood? But the fact is that the film formed after drying of this paint product is vapor-permeable. Wood painted with such paint breathes, but does not accumulate moisture in itself. Naturally, at the same time, the service life of structures and products from it increases significantly.
Painting a timber wall
Painting a timber wall
  • The positive properties of rubber-based paints include a very short drying period - at a temperature of +20 degrees, this is only one hour.

How to apply

Coating with rubber paint is carried out with any paint tool: both manual and pneumatic. On sale you can also see spray sprays in spray cans.Regardless of the method of application, the coating is wear-resistant and lasts at least 8 years.

  • Preparation of surfaces for the application of rubber paint is performed traditionally. Any spots and deposits, rust, dirt should be removed from it.
  • The surface, both plastered and wooden, must be primed (see Primer wood before painting - process features) and putty.
  • After the putty has dried, grind and remove the dust.
Painting the pool bowl with rubber paint
Painting the pool bowl with rubber paint

If the paint is applied to decorate and protect the surface from external influences, a single coat is sufficient.

But since it forms a moisture-tight coating, it is often used to waterproof structures, and up to three layers are applied. A similar method can be applied on strip foundations, the outer walls of basements, or as in the photo above, for internal insulation of the pool bowl.

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