Slate ink: where to apply
A blackboard familiar to everyone since childhood is increasingly being used in residential buildings and apartments, and not only in children's rooms. Black or colored matte coating becomes not just a place for drawings and notes, but also an element of decor. And it allows you to create it with a special slate paint - with your own hands it is easily applied to any surface.
What is this material, what are its features and scope? If interested, read on.
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What is this paint
The composition is made on a latex basis and is water soluble. Of course, it is possible to dissolve, rinse or dilute the paint with water only in fresh form - when it dries, it creates an indelible coating on the surface that can be washed by erasing chalk as much as you like.
The paint for the slate board is safe, odorless, instantly dries, perfectly fits on any surface, including not only wood or plaster, but also plastic, glass, paper, etc. The coating is extremely wear-resistant, has a matte texture and can be used both as a normal decorative finish, and as a basis for drawing or writing.
Note. If you use the composition in combination with special magnetic soils, you can get a coating with magnetic properties and more effectively use it for creative or educational activities.
There are two modifications in which paint with a slate effect is produced - spray and the usual composition, which is applied with a brush or roller.
There are also slate colors of different colors and paints that can be tinted. That is, it does not have to be the black color of the blackboard - in accordance with the design idea, it can be done by anyone. Therefore, the use of the material is expanding significantly.
Where and how is it applied?
If you are not a supporter of the classical style in the interior with its strict and prim borders, if you want to make your home non-standard, modern and even daring, this paint will become one of the tools for the realization of what is desired.
Wall decoration
This is the first thing that comes to mind. Especially the parents of young artists, because of which they have to periodically re-glue wallpapers or repaint walls (see Painting walls in an apartment: how and how to perform).
Now for walls there is another solution. After all, it is not at all necessary, and useless, to put a small drawing board in the nursery. It’s better to single out one of the walls for creativity or a large piece of it: the child’s joy and your nerves are in order.
But why be limited only to a children's room? There are other options. Accent black (or any other) you can make a wall in any room.
- In the kitchen it will be possible to write menus or recipes on it (see How and what is the painting of walls in the kitchen);
- In the hall - leave messages for households;
- In the living room or dining room paint for a slate allows you to draw a “wallpaper”, changing their design at least every day in the mood. And you do not need to be a talented artist for this: the simplest stars, snowflakes, flowers or plain ornament can draw any. Or portray an open window with a path running into the distance;
- In the bedroom(cm. What color to paint the walls in the bedroom: make a choice) on a colored slate wall you can hang frames with photos, watches, other bright objects. Be sure to leave room for a morning greeting to each other;
- In the student’s room such a surface is simply necessary: it is convenient to make notes on it, solve examples, draw diagrams;
- And how convenient it is to have it in the working corner those who sew, knit or make something! You can think over a pattern, write down the sizes, draw a rough plan without any torn paper;
- There is a billiard room in your house. or do you often play poker with friends? On a wall painted with slate paint, you can record the score.
As you can see, in any room you can find the application of this paint.
Furniture decoration
You should not be limited to large forms: paint The slate board perfectly fits on wood, plastic, chipboard and even metal, so you can use it for painting:
- The doors of kitchen cabinets and wardrobes (see How to choose the right paint and paint the cabinet);
- Drawer drawers;
- Countertops;
- Fridge, especially if its appearance has long required updating;
Note. Paint will not affect the properties of metal walls and doors to adhere to the magnetic decor.
All of these surfaces, like walls, can be used for recordings. Imagine how convenient a table is in the kitchen where a child can do homework while you are preparing dinner: no need to run to his room to help you cope with a difficult task.
If you have free time, you can immediately play Sea Battle or Tic-Tac-Toe, and just wipe the countertop with a wet rag before dinner. You can go further and completely paint the wooden chair, whatnot, bookcase, and then paint them with crayons. Tired of the decor - erased and painted a new one.
Decoration of small items
The price of slate paint is quite high: about 1-1.5 thousand rubles per liter. Therefore, it will be a pity to just pick up and throw out unused balances. They too can go into business.
For instance:
- Make labels for cans with preservation and every year update the inscription about their contents;
- Labels for opaque kitchen containers for bulk products will also make life easier for the hostess;
- If you have boxes for storing all kinds of little things or materials for needlework, just paint one wall so that you can write on it what exactly is there;
- It will come in handy for various children's crafts.
In a word, due to its safe composition and ease of use, there is always where to apply it.
Technology for painting old surfaces
If you need to paint not a sanded board or a plastic surface, but, for example, a plastered wall with an old paintwork, then you must first prepare it.
The Tikkuril company has specially developed instructions on how to do this:
- Exfoliating coating should be removed using a spatula, grinder or any other tools, and then clean the surface of dust;
- All potholes and irregularities are sealed with a putty corresponding to the base material, after drying of which the surface is ground with the obligatory removal of dust from grinding;
- If the coating holds well, it is washed first with Maalipesu, then with clean water and dried;
- After completing the basic preparation, the base must be primed with Otex primer to improve its adhesion to the paint.
Tip. If the surface is highly absorbent, it is better to apply the primer in two layers.
When the primed surface dries, it can be coated with two layers of slate paint, thoroughly mixing it before use. During operation, the paint should also be mixed periodically. Experts say it’s better to work with a brush.
Tikkuril has special tools that can qualitatively wash the tools for reuse, but you can do it with simple soapy water to remove paint from brushes or white spirit to clean them from the primer.
Sometimes we just don’t think of some elementary things that would allow us to create a stylish, unique interior. The use of slate paint is just one of them. If you watch the video in this article, you can find some more interesting and creative ideas.