Drawings by stained-glass paints on stencils

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Stained glass painting
Stained glass painting

In our modern time, drawings are gaining great popularity. stained glass paints. But not everyone knows that such stained-glass windows can be easily made by yourself. A variety of stained glass paints, allows you to draw completely unusual stained glass paintings and paint any surface.

Paints for Stained Glass

Tiffany stained glass window
Tiffany stained glass window

Stained glass paints diverse not only in their colorful shades, they have different texture and density, they consist of different fillers and bases.

Most often they are divided into two main groups:

  • Acrylic
  • Alkyd.


  • Acrylic paints are also subdivided in their basis, more often it is water-based acrylic paints and ordinary acrylic. Unites them: lack of smell; bright and clear colors; easy washing off with water, if you suddenly got out of the paint over the edges of the picture; also brushes are well washed and stored in water; strong adhesion of paint to the surface; uniform coloring of any plane.
  • Water-based paints, all subject to the so-called “baking” in an oven or microwave. After the paint has completely dried on the surface of a product, it is placed in the oven or oven and “baked” for a certain time at the desired temperature. They can be found on the packaging.
  • Acrylic paints do not “bake”, they are easily washed off with water, but only until they are dry. After drying completely, acrylic cannot even be scraped off. After this, the product can be washed easily and even with cleaning products.
  • Alkyd paints are all based on organic solvents, most often they are lacquered. Because of this, such paints are quite thick and saturated. To obtain more delicate shades, they are diluted with a special thinner intended only for this particular paint.
  • Alkyd paints do not need to be “baked” since they are already very good at holding after drying and can even be rinsed with water. In order to make the coating more durable, the product is coated with acrylic varnish.
  • The negative qualities of alkyd paints include their strong and pungent smell. Paints based on organic thinners cannot be used by children and people prone to allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.

Important! When painting dishes for food products with stained glass paints, you need to know that you can cover it only from the outside.

Stained Glass Drawings

Gothic style stained glass window
Gothic style stained glass window

For the first time faced with painting stained glass, we, of course, will choose a simpler drawing. People who have gotten a hand on the painting take on more complicated drawing techniques.

Here are some painting techniques with which drawings for stained glass paints are painted:

  • Marble stains - usually drawn in two colors with the addition of transparent paint, for mixing.
  • Dot patterns - are drawn by applying paint with dots using a very thin brush.
  • Ombre pattern - is applied with a sponge and looks like plaster.
  • Two-color drawing - is performed using the double brushstroke technique, when dark and light paint is applied to the brush from both sides together, the strokes are made by turning and pressing the brush.
  • Tiffany style mural - the contour is applied using a felt-tip pen, then paints are poured carefully, without crawling out of the contour. The drawing is three-dimensional.
  • Gzhel style painting - It is done with a thin brush and white and blue colors are used.
  • Khokhloma style painting - on a yellow basis, draw floral and berry patterns using red and green colors.
  • Petrikov painted drawings - This is a black or gold background and bright colorful flowers and birds on it.
  • Gorodets painted drawings - This is village life and its attributes, circled in black or white.
  • Stained Glass Vanguard Style - these are messy shapes and lines, and even just blots.

Anyone can create such stained-glass windows with their own hands, you just need to practice and not be afraid to experiment.

Creating a stained glass window

Stained-glass window
Stained-glass window "Owl" made in dot technique

Going to create a stained-glass window, we must prepare all the necessary materials and tools so that nothing distracts us in the process. It is also worth choosing the place where we will draw, and drying our stained glass pattern, because some paints can dry for several days.

So what we need:

  • Paints for beginners are best acrylic, if we draw with children, then water-based.
  • Brushes, of course, are conical, it is easier to drip paint onto the surface. Several different sizes.
  • A palette, in case you need to mix or dilute the colors.
  • Water or a special solvent, depending on which paints we use.
  • Stencils for painting with stained-glass paints, with selected drawings or patterns.
  • Glass or other product on which we will apply stained glass.
  • Toothpicks or a needle, for the collapse of paint bubbles, sometimes appearing when diluted.
  • Cotton buds to remove excess contour or paint.
  • Marker to transfer the pattern from the stencil to the surface to be painted.
  • Contour, it is sold with paint, we choose the color ourselves.
  • Acrylic varnish, for better fixing the paint on the surface.

Having prepared everything you need, roll up your sleeves and proceed to create a masterpiece.

We draw ourselves

Drawing stained-glass paints in the style of Khokhloma
Drawing stained-glass paints in the style of Khokhloma

The following is a step-by-step instruction on how to draw with stained-glass paints:

  • It is good to put white paper under the glass, so the contours and colors will be better visible.
  • Glass or a product must be degreased, this can be done with alcohol or acetone, depending on what is at hand. It can also be done with ordinary detergent or detergent.
  • We put a stencil on the glass and fix it, you can use adhesive tape.
  • Using a marker, transfer the pattern from the stencil to the surface of the product. We give him time to dry.
  • We draw a contour along the lines of the marker, gently pressing on the tube and trying to make it uniform and continuous. We remove the excess with a needle and a cotton swab.
  • The circuit must be given time to dry properly; the drying time is usually indicated on the tube itself.
  • After the circuit is completely dry, we turn to the most interesting, the application of paints.
  • If we have paints without a nozzle, apply them with a brush, select the size for the picture element. We apply smaller brushes to small parts of the picture, and take larger ones to larger parts.
  • Water-based paints can be diluted with water to obtain more delicate shades, while acrylic is diluted with a special solvent.
  • If we need a shade that is not in the set, using the palette we can do it ourselves. Mix colors looking for the desired color.
  • Paint the picture, preferably starting from the center, gradually moving to the edges.
  • We take the desired color and colorize all the elements of the picture that require this particular color. Then move on to the next color.
  • Fill paints do not need to be smeared on the surface, it is enough just to drip the paint, as it spreads evenly to the edges of the contour.
  • Having fully painted our stained glass window, he needs to give time to dry. The drying time of each paint is also indicated on the packaging.
  • After the product has completely dried, you can apply acrylic varnish to better fix the paint and longer wear resistance of our stained-glass window.

The stained glass window is ready. Once the varnish has dried, the product can be used. It can even be washed with detergents and cleaners without fear of damaging the surface.

Important! For each paint, the manufacturer produces its own solvents, they are sold with the paint. Solvents from other companies can spoil other people's paints.


In the photo a stained-glass window made with acrylic stained-glass paints
In the photo a stained-glass window made with acrylic stained-glass paints

In this article we learned: how stained glass paints are divided, what stained-glass drawings can be created using, how to draw a stained-glass window ourselves. Having learned stained glass painting, you can proceed to more complex drawings.

Now we can not only decorate our home and create a special interior, now we can save on gifts for loved ones. After all, a gift with your own hands individually for everyone can only please and give joy and good mood.

Fortunately, the price of stained-glass paints is affordable for every creator, we can create for ourselves and teach children to art, doing both with them and giving them tasks that will be fulfilled with great desire and joy.

In the video in this article, you can see a master class on stained glass painting.

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