Sliding walls: features of use

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

Sliding wall accordion
Sliding wall accordion

Sliding walls, partitions help to make any room more functional. The absence of capital partitions in the day rooms, adds the actual space to the room, creates the illusion of volume. At the same time, part of the area is made up by the partitions themselves.

As a result, a large united day zone is formed. What can be the sliding walls in the apartment, their features will tell the article.

Features of sliding walls

Sliding partitions divide large rooms and make spaces completely isolated. A screen only blocks part of the territory, hiding it from the eyes, it does not hold up sounds and smells. If necessary, the sliding partitions are made soundproof after filling them with fibrous plates or using sound absorbing pads.

As part of a sliding partition of several paintings moving along the guides. Such a partition cannot be moved to another place; it can isolate the kitchen from the living room, and separate another zone.

For sliding partitions, it is better to use the ceiling mount of the sashes when they slide on roller suspensions. This design is more convenient when folding the partition.

In groove tracks:

  • No dirt will accumulate.
  • They do not need to be constantly cleaned so that the leaves do not jam.

Shutters of movable partitions can be folded in two ways:

  • Accordion.
  • The package that is hiding in the wall.

For the manufacture of valves of movable partitions are used:

  • Drywall.
  • MDF.
  • Chipboard.
  • OSB
  • Glass is shockproof.
  • Wood.
  • Metal.

Tip: To facilitate the design, it should be in the form of a frame, which is sheathed with thin and light material.

Sliding doors differ:

  • According to the manufacturing method:
  1. paneled;
  2. shield.
  • According to the method of execution:
  1. deaf;
  2. with glazing.
  • According to the material:
  1. from wood-substituting materials;
  2. from solid wood.
  • By type of decorative coating:
  1. veneered with a thin layer of wood of various species;
  2. melamine;
  3. laminated.

Modern sliding systems are a combination of wood, metal and glass with beautiful fittings and convenient movement mechanisms. Sliding interior doors can be used in any interior: from classic to high-tech.

Sliding walls and partitions with a height of more than 2.5 meters are recommended to be made on a metal frame. The weight of the paintings will be quite large, especially when using glass filling.

After calculating the load on the movable partition, suitable roller suspensions are selected. Do not use structures of low cost - they can not withstand the weight of heavy partitions, you can not save in this case.

How to divide a living room into zones

When combining a living room with a dining room and a kitchen, you can create one spacious room from not very large three rooms. Moreover, such a solution will be still fashionable and modern.

At the same time, the kitchen can be separated by a sliding partition device, and in the living room and dining room, to organize the space, arrange mobile partitions, which are called screens.

Sliding wall in the living room
Sliding wall in the living room

When allocating different functional areas, it should be borne in mind:

  • For the kitchen, the placement and design of the sliding wall should be determined even at the stage of construction of the house or its overhaul.This will prevent the presence of specific kitchen odors in the living area. This problem can be solved using only a hood, but a powerful unit in the system often makes a lot of noise. When installing a sliding wall, to isolate the kitchen, you can:
  1. hide, if necessary, from the guests a mess in the room;
  2. to partially preserve the effect of a large space, make sliding glass walls transparent from a height of 1.5 meters. Glass insert allows you to see and contact people in the kitchen, hiding the kitchen surfaces;
  3. apply a combination of clear and frosted glass.

Tip: This function is freely performed by a movable screen or partial partition covering only part of the kitchen, leaving wide passages on both sides.

Sliding partition between living room and study
Sliding partition between living room and study
  • For the office there is not always a place in the house. Often this function is performed by the living room or bedroom, which is not very convenient. In the bedroom, you don’t talk to business partners, and in the unfit living room, homework will interfere. Sliding walls for apartments easily solve these problems, they allow you to achieve sound insulation.

It is convenient to place folding furniture in the working area and make a bedroom for guests. One partition solves two problems at once:

  1. device for a small office (see Cabinet finishing: a non-standard approach):
  2. organization of an extra bed for the night.
  • It is better to make the entrance area separate, and if that doesn’t work, then it’s detachable, which allows sliding walls for the house. As an economy option, you can arrange a special screen-screen.

Tip: When installing a sliding partition, you should consider how often it will be installed and removed. If this does not occur more than twice a week, this design should be preferred to a conventional screen device.

  • A children's area in the living room also needs a partition, especially for young children. At the same time, so that parents, doing their own business, can see the children. A transparent sliding partition up to 1.5 meters high will allow you to fence off a corner in the living room.

Sliding walls are useful in nurseries when two or more children live in them.

Tip: You should not put a screen, children can easily knock it over, while snapping fingers with sashes.

What are the ways to install sliding doors

Sliding doors can be installed in two ways:

  • Using two guide systems in which the movement of doors occurs on rails mounted:
  1. on the ceiling;
  2. On the floor.

This option is often used in wardrobes, it is not too convenient to arrange for interior doorsdue to obstruction of the lower guide when walking. However, the installation price is lower.

In this case, the lower rail can be "recessed" into the floor. But there will be great inconvenience associated with driving dust into the grooves of the guide, which will greatly complicate the cleaning of the room and the maintenance of the door.

Doors on special casters move along rails. Such sliding structures can be made by yourself. The main thing is to observe the absolute horizontalness of the floor and the wooden beam used to fasten the upper guide, which will protect the independent movement of the partition along the slope. This can be prevented by installing special metal locks that hold the door, but the aesthetically pleasing device does not look too beautiful.

  • On one guide, which is installed above the doorway. This is a more aesthetic version of the design, as seen in the photo.
Sash movement on top rails
Sash movement on top rails


  1. there are absolutely no obstacles when moving a person;
  2. no floor separation between adjacent rooms.

When moving the door to the side, one room smoothly passes into a common, creating one single space. The door leaf of the sliding door moves along the guide using rollers.Their number depends on the mass of the door leaf.

The device of mobile doors on the upper rails
The device of mobile doors on the upper rails

What systems can be used when installing sliding partitions

Several systems can be used to install sliding partitions:

  • Cassette With its help, canvases can be hidden in special niches, which allows the doors not to “eat up” the useful area of ​​the walls, but to arrange furniture along them.
  • At the same time, the invisible system for moving the leaves is completely hidden in the wall. This option is the most expensive and requires the installation of a niche for mounting a metal frame, in which it is necessary to destroy part of the existing wall and make a box of drywall.

Tip: When carrying out such repairs, BTI permission should be obtained, especially if the wall where the cassette unit is planned to be installed is a load-bearing one.

  • A cheaper option is the sliding wall-accordion. The interior is zoned with sliding walls, especially in a one-room apartment, in which the living room and bedroom are located in the same room.
  • The use of glass sliding walls fill the rooms with no windows. This will be a great solution for bathrooms and walk-in closets.

Flaps of sliding systems are:

  • Deaf
  • Glass, which can be supplemented by sketches of manufacturers or selected independently.
  • Mirrored.
  • Combine several materials, such as: wooden or aluminum frames filled with glass, laminated or veneered canvas.

Of particular interest are sliding radius systems. At the same time, the walls are moved apart along the radius, which allows you to radically change the space. Such designs are especially original in combination with curved forms of a suspended ceiling. The use of radius partitions is elegant, sophisticated, light.

How to mount sliding doors

Before mounting the sliding wall mechanisms, you must purchase:

  • Sashes are the main elements.
  • Wooden bars 40x40 millimeters. The length of the beam should be equal to the guide rail.
  • Set of rollers:
  1. outboard;
  2. supporting.
  • Aluminum profile, 2 meters long.
  • Special limiters.
  • Fasteners.
Scheme of nodes for moving sliding walls
Scheme of nodes for moving sliding walls

In addition, you will need tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric drill.
  • Level.
  • Quality roulette.
  • Chisel.
  • Bench hammer.

Instructions for the construction of the sliding mechanism of the walls:

  • A sliding sash is attached to the wall and its upper edge is marked on the wall.
  • The level of the upper edge for mounting the guide mechanism is noted.
  • A wooden block is attached to the wall. Its lower edge is very precisely located along the line. The middle of the bar should pass over the upper corner of the wall opening from the side, the movement of the wings.
  • From the bottom, to the end of the beam, the edge of the upper guide is applied.
  • The guide is fixed with screws.
  • For the sliding sash mechanism, support carriages are assembled.
  • The carriages assembly are inserted inside the upper guide.
  • The ease of movement of the mechanism is controlled.
  • Travel limiters with rubber shock absorbers are installed along the edges of the guide. Outside the profile, a plate without thread is placed, and a threaded element is located inside it.
  • A longitudinal groove is made inside the casement, the depth of which is from 15 to 18 millimeters, with a width of about two millimeters more than the lower guide flag.

Tip: This groove does not need to be lubricated.

  • End stops are inserted at the ends of the aluminum rail with rubber shock absorbers.

Tip: Round shock absorbers should be mounted without a retainer, a threaded metal plate is placed inside the profile, and a threaded plate is outside.

  • A longitudinal groove is made in the lower part of the sash. It can be lubricated with a suitable lubricant.
  • Departing from the edge of 2 centimeters, brackets for fasteners are mounted on the sash:
  1. in the middle of the sash thickness;
  2. on its upper end.

In this case, the semicircular cutouts of the elements must face the wall.

  • Sliding sashes are hung.
  • The lower guide rollers are installed, which can be knives or flags.
  • The sashes are adjusted vertically.
  • The operation of the entire system is monitored.

An interesting solution is the sliding walls of polycarbonate, and how to do this will tell the video in this article.

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